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- I hate Microsoft and the way they keep buying exclusivity for DLC's and their cheap tactics to try and sway the weaker playstation players to their cause. Their Jedi Mind Tricks won't work on me.

Are you trying to imply they're trying to create a monopoly?

Definately, especially with cross-platform marketing.

I mean every time you see an add for Call of Duty on TV, which console do you see advertised at the end. It sure isn't the PS3.

I think this is just another factor in Microsoft's conerstone of the Casual Gaming market.

Sony have done so much anti competitive (and downright shitty to consumers) shit it's unreal.

Lik Sang, Removal of Other OS, Geohot etc. The list goes on. They are NOT saints, and paying for your users to get DLC early or to have your brand advertised is hardly monopolistic. Monopolistic is when you use your power to force others out of business (Sony suing a fucking IMPORT business is a pretty damn big example of this) and don't mention the 1998 anti trust-microsoft trial. Its ridiculous that was ruled against Microsoft considering they bailed out Apple who were on the brink of bankruptcy.

I'm not saying Sony is a saint ( which it isn't ) and that Microsoft has a monopoly on the gaming market in general. Which it couldn't because Sony is a great competitior, and the PS3 is a great alternative to the Xbox.

But I would say Sony cares more about their customers ( especially in regards to technical support ). And that they focus more on devoloping better 1st and 3rd party gaming titles than Micosoft does.

I think even though both Sony and Microsoft are Businesses, Sony actually cares about having quality games, and being a true gaming system. Where as Microsoft seems more focused on the casual maintream market ( as does Nintendo ), and about making profits over catering to Core Gamers.

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- I hate Microsoft and the way they keep buying exclusivity for DLC's and their cheap tactics to try and sway the weaker playstation players to their cause. Their Jedi Mind Tricks won't work on me.

Are you trying to imply they're trying to create a monopoly?

Definately, especially with cross-platform marketing.

I mean every time you see an add for Call of Duty on TV, which console do you see advertised at the end. It sure isn't the PS3.

I think this is just another factor in Microsoft's conerstone of the Casual Gaming market.

Sony have done so much anti competitive (and downright shitty to consumers) shit it's unreal.

Lik Sang, Removal of Other OS, Geohot etc. The list goes on. They are NOT saints, and paying for your users to get DLC early or to have your brand advertised is hardly monopolistic. Monopolistic is when you use your power to force others out of business (Sony suing a fucking IMPORT business is a pretty damn big example of this) and don't mention the 1998 anti trust-microsoft trial. Its ridiculous that was ruled against Microsoft considering they bailed out Apple who were on the brink of bankruptcy.

I'm not saying Sony is a saint ( which it isn't ) and that Microsoft has a monopoly on the gaming market in general. Which it couldn't because Sony is a great competitior, and the PS3 is a great alternative to the Xbox.

But I would say Sony cares more about their customers ( especially in regards to technical support ). And that they focus more on devoloping better 1st and 3rd party gaming titles than Micosoft does.

I think even though both Sony and Microsoft are Businesses, Sony actually cares about having quality games, and being a true gaming system. Where as Microsoft seems more focused on the casual maintream market ( as does Nintendo ), and about making profits over catering to Core Gamers.

It's a business. Sony don't care about core gamers or casual gamers they just own(see: OWN, monopolistic at all?) a lot of developers that produce casual and hardcore games, they even released the Move which tanked pretty damn fast for casual gamers. They work on whatever brings them money, it's just casual gaming failed for them.

Honestly if Sony cared about "core" gamers they wouldn't go after import businesses, remove other OS, or the other stuff that shits all over them.

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To be fair though Dup's, inFamous, 1 and 2 were shit, so xbox didn't really miss out.

*runs away*

Infamous 1 was a great original game, and 2 was pretty solid but really didn't change anything from 1.

Hopefully with Infamous 3 they actually do something radically different. Like more enviromental destruction to make you feel more powerful.

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Can i join in? :D


Last of Us


Heavy Rain




Gears Of War



That is all.

inFamous and Fable are the only ones on the list worth a second play, with Heavy Rain being a possible exception because I know fuck all about it.

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Hold the fuck on. People actually liked InFamous? :o It was the same repetitive crap over and over again, just getting slightly harder in every stage you advanced.

Last of us? Never heard of it, guessing it a "to be release" game same as MGS5? Only game that was ever worth playing in that list from the PS3 side was Heavy Rain, and i'm not to bothered i've never played Halo, Fable or Forza. Gears of War is the only game i'd be interested in getting if it somehow got put into a PS version.

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Heavy rain was over hyped, more of an advanced point and click adventure....

Heavy Rain was a great game with a great story. What set's it apart from other games is the freedom the player has in the protaganist(s) actions. And the way the storyline is shaped to fit the player's choices. There are tonnes of different outcomes to your many actions and multiple endings to the story aswell.

Quantic Dream and David Cage are very creative and original in their approach to their games. They also made a game called Fahrenheit which was on the PS2, and had a similar layout to Heavy Rain and was a great game aswell.

Lookout for Beyond: Two Souls next year, it should be great ( only on the PS3 though ).

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infamous was lots of fun... and 2 made better use of the fun, plus it had boss battles, something the first one severely lacked outside the final battle... of course it felt the same as the first, it was a winning formula... what series ever really deviates from their own formula, unless they're looking to re-invent the series from the ground up...

gears of war is no different...

also, heavy rain was an emotional rollercoaster... i 100%'d that game and saw all the endings... it was impressive to see your actions have consequences... get in a fight, and your character shows cuts or physical abuse in later levels... the poor protagonist went through a lot too, and to watch the character progression for all 4 playable characters is truly one of the best gaming experiences out there...

alan wake, metro 2033 and fable are pretty much the only things interesting to me on xbox... the playstation lineup has given me so much... games like uncharted, infamous, and little big planet... and future games like beyond and last of us... the exclusives are what sell a system, even if 75% of the games i play are multiplat...

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Xbox or PS3? Well I bought my xbox simply because more of my friends owned that one! I've played on the PS3 before, and while I don't like the controller, every time they get an exclusive out, I say I will buy the PS3. Never do! If GTA or Watch Dogs were PS3 exclusive, then, then I would of been swayed.

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Xbox or PS3? Well I bought my xbox simply because more of my friends owned that one! I've played on the PS3 before, and while I don't like the controller, every time they get an exclusive out, I say I will buy the PS3. Never do! If GTA or Watch Dogs were PS3 exclusive, then, then I would of been swayed.

Dear The Awesome One:

I don't think you're that Awesome! :whistle:

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Xbox or PS3? Well I bought my xbox simply because more of my friends owned that one! I've played on the PS3 before, and while I don't like the controller, every time they get an exclusive out, I say I will buy the PS3. Never do! If GTA or Watch Dogs were PS3 exclusive, then, then I would of been swayed.

Dear The Awesome One:

I don't think you're that Awesome! :whistle:

Well he's clearly awesome... it says it in his name...

But i have both a ps3 and 360, gotta say the ps3 is everything i need and more. Internet, free online, great graphics, an easy-to-use "menu" screen, oh and did i mention free online? While the 360 is good... for some reason its less attractive to me and just sits there collecting dust sadly.. hmmmmmm, fuck it, VIVA PS3!!!!!

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Xbox or PS3? Well I bought my xbox simply because more of my friends owned that one! I've played on the PS3 before, and while I don't like the controller, every time they get an exclusive out, I say I will buy the PS3. Never do! If GTA or Watch Dogs were PS3 exclusive, then, then I would of been swayed.

Dear The Awesome One:

I don't think you're that Awesome! :whistle:

Well he's clearly awesome... it says it in his name...

But i have both a ps3 and 360, gotta say the ps3 is everything i need and more. Internet, free online, great graphics, an easy-to-use "menu" screen, oh and did i mention free online? While the 360 is good... for some reason its less attractive to me and just sits there collecting dust sadly.. hmmmmmm, fuck it, VIVA PS3!!!!!

What exactly is difficult to use about the 360's GUI? It's even easier now it's metro

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Xbox or PS3? Well I bought my xbox simply because more of my friends owned that one! I've played on the PS3 before, and while I don't like the controller, every time they get an exclusive out, I say I will buy the PS3. Never do! If GTA or Watch Dogs were PS3 exclusive, then, then I would of been swayed.

Dear The Awesome One:

I don't think you're that Awesome! :whistle:

Well he's clearly awesome... it says it in his name...

But i have both a ps3 and 360, gotta say the ps3 is everything i need and more. Internet, free online, great graphics, an easy-to-use "menu" screen, oh and did i mention free online? While the 360 is good... for some reason its less attractive to me and just sits there collecting dust sadly.. hmmmmmm, fuck it, VIVA PS3!!!!!

What exactly is difficult to use about the 360's GUI? It's even easier now it's metro

And surrounded by all that bullshit advertising ( so I've heard ). :P

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Xbox or PS3? Well I bought my xbox simply because more of my friends owned that one! I've played on the PS3 before, and while I don't like the controller, every time they get an exclusive out, I say I will buy the PS3. Never do! If GTA or Watch Dogs were PS3 exclusive, then, then I would of been swayed.

Dear The Awesome One:

I don't think you're that Awesome! :whistle:

Well he's clearly awesome... it says it in his name...

But i have both a ps3 and 360, gotta say the ps3 is everything i need and more. Internet, free online, great graphics, an easy-to-use "menu" screen, oh and did i mention free online? While the 360 is good... for some reason its less attractive to me and just sits there collecting dust sadly.. hmmmmmm, fuck it, VIVA PS3!!!!!

What exactly is difficult to use about the 360's GUI? It's even easier now it's metro

And surrounded by all that bullshit advertising ( so I've heard ). :P


It's not even that bad. I'd be annoyed if it was really invasive but it's a single image and doesn't make it difficult to navigate

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Xbox or PS3? Well I bought my xbox simply because more of my friends owned that one! I've played on the PS3 before, and while I don't like the controller, every time they get an exclusive out, I say I will buy the PS3. Never do! If GTA or Watch Dogs were PS3 exclusive, then, then I would of been swayed.

Dear The Awesome One:

I don't think you're that Awesome! :whistle:

Well he's clearly awesome... it says it in his name...

But i have both a ps3 and 360, gotta say the ps3 is everything i need and more. Internet, free online, great graphics, an easy-to-use "menu" screen, oh and did i mention free online? While the 360 is good... for some reason its less attractive to me and just sits there collecting dust sadly.. hmmmmmm, fuck it, VIVA PS3!!!!!

What exactly is difficult to use about the 360's GUI? It's even easier now it's metro

And surrounded by all that bullshit advertising ( so I've heard ). :P


It's not even that bad. I'd be annoyed if it was really invasive but it's a single image and doesn't make it difficult to navigate

This interface actually looks a lot better than the old one.

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I've got to agree on the advertising on the 360 dash. It's getting pretty horrendous now:

There are three times as many menus as there needs to be, simply because there are so many adverts on show all the time. If you're not convinced, try disconnecting from Live and see how much of a difference there is.

It's especially irritating when you're paying £40 a year for a supposedly 'premium' subscription. I wouldn't mind quite so much if they were actually targeted, as Microsoft claims they are, but I keep getting adverts for DLC packs for games I've never played or even viewed in the Marketplace. I don't care about the latest map pack for MW3, I don't own a Kinect so I don't care about games that support it, and I really don't care about downloading music through my Xbox. It's just messy and encourages you to ignore all the ads, and makes basic tasks like watching trailers you've downloaded or even just getting to the right section of the Marketplace an unnecessarily convoluted process.

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It really isn't that annoying. there are only sounds if you highlight that window and only two make sounds. its actually convenient thanks to the deals they advertise.

and blacksox9. Enough with the fan boy shit OK. This thread is for discussion and comparison.

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Forza is a lot of fun. Gears of war is cool. Halo used to be the shit then odst and reach came out which I never bought. I wouldn't really care which console I have. I would love to play the last of us and uncharted 3. Gran Turismo doesn't look as good as forza though.

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