Guest Marney-1


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Guest Marney-1

I want to play against gtagrl..l is the best chess site... is the only chess site I've ever been on, why it took me this long to actually google it is beyond me. Anyway, your move.

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Guest Marney-1

Just accepted your friends request Brian, anyone know who mikemcg412 is?

I'm playing 4 games at once here which makes it difficult to figure out how individual people are playing. :huh:

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I have no strategy or gameplan, I just try to think ahead and keep my pieces covered (like you do) by other pieces.

Some of the terminology makes me laugh; mating with a queen, explore an opening...

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Guest Marney-1

I have no strategy or gameplan, I just try to think ahead and keep my pieces covered (like you do) by other pieces.

Some of the terminology makes me laugh; mating with a queen, explore an opening...

Just don't bash my bishop.

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Guest Marney-1

I'll bash yer queen instead, oh too late.

Fuck you, you did that when I wasn't looking.

Tell you what though, I'm glad I joined this chess site because not only is chess a great game but it helps take my mind off this godforsaken place.

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Guest Marney-1

I'll happily have a rematch.

Any time bitch.

Anyway, for some reason I thought you won but it seems I managed to drag you round the board until we ended in a stalemate. So it was a draw.

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Did you have that note in there the whole game? :D

If i'd have known about the stalemate thing i'd have been a bit more aggressive towards the end.

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Guest Marney-1

Did you have that note in there the whole game? :D

If i'd have known about the stalemate thing i'd have been a bit more aggressive towards the end.

I'm a bit rusty (never been well oiled tbh) so this first lot of games are about getting used to it all again which is why I initially thought you had me in check. I was going to hand you the game earlier but it seems my pissing around earned me that draw.

Why would that note need to be private? That's always the strategy around here.

Yeah, didn't work for me in that game though. Do you play Massacre?

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Guest Marney-1

Don't all crazed sociopaths play chess?

You'd think so, surely every murderer who's never been caught has a chess board at home.

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Guest Marney-1

Don't tell JT or he'll start a crusade trying to ban it.

Well it can get quite violent at times, dunno how many times I've kicked and shot my chess board when things weren't going my way.

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Guest Marney-1

I have never in my life played chess, or even had access to a chessboard.

Someone like you who's gotten away with so many murders would be good at it.

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Just accepted your friends request Brian, anyone know who mikemcg412 is?

I'm playing 4 games at once here which makes it difficult to figure out how individual people are playing. :huh:

That would be me. Illmatic username was taken.

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