
Does anyone here actually remember life without the internet?

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I remember getting a pc when i was 8yo, along with aol internet... But i dont really remember what life was like without it.. Or the first webpages i visited, ect...

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Guest Marney-1

Yes I remember life without the internet, in fact I got by without the internet until the day I joined this place 3 years ago.

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i come from the time when webTV was kinda popular and a cheaper alternative to a computer... it was my first internet and it's also where i learned basic HTML, enough to build a bland website by today's standards... my first username was DDP007 :lol:... diamond dallas page and james bond all rolled into one... i was pimp...

here's one of the earliest websites i visited...


taught me how to recognize code to build my own webpage... seriously, who didn't have an angelfire webpage?!

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I was also quite young when the internet was getting big. I remember when my elementary school had one dialup connection in the computer lab. One random day we were all sitting around (computers around the walls with a couple in the center) playing with word games or this tessellation program that was pretty cool. Then this noise just started from the middle of the room where the teacher's computer was. Everyone stopped and turned around staring at the teacher. Eventually she noticed and told us it was the internet. None of us knew what the hell she was talking about and everyone ended up standing around her to see what it was.

Being so young (can't remember what age/grade but it had to be before 4th grade) we really couldn't comprehend what she was telling us about different websites and how it was all over the world. The websites she showed us were extremely basic looking by today's standards. I kind of remember blue and yellow boxes. Most of us lost interest in a few minutes and went back to our own computers. Internet useage for computer class really didn't start until about 7th grade I think. By then there were plenty more websites and things were much more advanced. Expage and candystand were the shit. Everyone I knew had an expage of some sort and candystand was the place to play games when the teacher wasn't looking.

I also had WebTV at home sometime during the elementary school era. Countless nights flying down that road waiting for it to load while listening to the dialup noise. I knew the tones for the "phone" number and kind of danced to the noise like that cliche car alarm with 10 different sirens. No idea what the first website I visited was. Probably whatever email service we were using (thank god not aol).

I guess shitty internet back then kept it as a novelty and not another life the way it is now. It's weird not checking up on here or email or anything for more than 24 hours. Kind of hard to really think about life before internet since I was a kid and most of that time is a blur. Probably too busy in the real world with school, sports, toys, and friends I was talking to face to face or on the phone. Internet was there but no way a part of my life yet. I guess I'm done rambling. o_o

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I first experienced the internet at a friends house. His dad worked for a computer firm, so he was online earlier than anyone else i knew. I played doom, and used the internet the first time i went round there. I remember looking at my first chat room at the age of 8, and first porn website at the age of 9, the images took a good 5 minutes to load on 56k. (this was pre-masturbation though, i wasn't doing that sort of thing until about 11)

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I remember when I was about 7 or 8 when I started using the internet in my school. Then my mom bought a PC for the both of us during Christmas. I lost my innocence then...

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I remember having a single rotary phone in the house. Our first family computer was a Commodore 64.

I don't really remember using the Internet for the first time, it might have been when I was at theatre school in university.

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I didn't really use the internet much until 2008. Honestly didn't know much about computers and haven't always been big on technology so I thought it would be complicated and I never understood how people could sit at a computer for hours. Most of my friends had Myspace and kept bothering me over the years to make one so I finally broke down and did it. Hated Myspace, it felt like I had no privacy and it made me lose respect for many of my friends and family because of all the dumb shit they would post. Have to say, the internet is a useful tool for a lot of things but social media is not one of them. Anyway, I'm glad the internet exist but I think life was way simpler for a lot of people before they used it.

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I do..

Imagine if on 12/21/12 the world dont end (what i expect), but the whole internet shuts down, so bad we cant get it back.

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I vaguely remember not having the internet, not really sure what I did to occupy myself during that time, played with Action Man most likely...and spent time actually playing video games rather than talking about them to strangers.

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I never really got into it untill the age of 8ish, guess dinosaurs, cars and pokemon were more appealing at the time. I don't remember the beginning days of Windows 98, but my parents did have a computer with that OS. I got XP at around the age of 7 and hat got me started at the age of 8 was my friend who introduced me to Runescape. From there I moved on to bigger and better things... of all kinds...

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We didn't have the internet until I was 15, my first experiance with the internet was IT class at school.

I think the first website I visited was gamerevolution.com (probably looking for GTA3 cheats).

The internet didn't change my life at all. Me and my friends still spent most of our time on the fields playing football.

Still I do remember a lot of the trends from 'back in the day'.

Tazoos, Pogs, Yo-Yos, Crazy Bones, Premier League sticker albums.


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Oooooooooh yeah, I got internet 4 years ago now I think, but I played GTA:SA, Medal Of Honor, Call of Duty, CS 1.6 with bots, Sims 2, True Crime:NY etc...hell, I even fucked around with MS Paint. Life is good with internet, all we need is online, problems, information, curiosity, fun, everything.

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Yeah actually.

I got my first taste of a PC when I was 3 and after that I never actually had regular internet access until I was 6 or so. The time without it was dire. Mainly subsided by mega drive (which was basically all I did). That was the family PC and it was very poor. Probably a low end pentium 2 with 64 mb's of ram IF that. We had 25.6kb dial up for 5 years, and we enjoyed it. BT Openworld, free after 6PM so we never used it before then (we were very poor). Getting 256/64 broadband in 2005 was a god send. Runescape stopped fucking sucking. I still have the keyboard we used with it laying around somewhere, Every key had the decal worn off because it was that old.

I remember the first website I ever used. Yahooligans, followed by Mamamedia - For the record that website hasn't changed a bit since 2002. There was a game on it (roblox) that I was obsessed with. Generally my first actually internet interest i'd say.

I also used a website named Alfy which had nice stories with music. - Basically led to my ridiculously high reading age as it got into me into reading. My first website was around 2002 - A geocities one I made myself in notepad with a little help from some people online. I made my first forum in 2005 when I got my own PC with invision which taught me about as much as a free forum could about forum administration. It was a very early pentium 4 with 256 mb's of ram and a 80gb hard drive. Quite sophisticated to say it was my own PC. I had a Piczo website which generally pissed me off. I hate this era of "grab a template and make your shit". Mine was always better than the other peoples at school because I added my own (and html I pikied from places)

I remember posting on forums right after 9/11 happened, very upsetting for me I'd say. I was very unsocialable as a child and many of my friends were online, and american so I kind of identified myself as one of them. Between 2002 and 2005 I seemed to backtrack.Up until then I'd tried to use good grammar as it was pretty important back then. In 2005 I did that horrible txt speak on MSN and forums. Partially the reason I got banned from the old forums in 2005. I remember my first hotmail account had 2005 in the name, despite being created in 2002.

Maybe I'll add some more about my early online exploits later.

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My first actual Internet experience at home (used to browse in school on friend's houses) was in 2004, back when I was 14. So I guess I was kinda late to the party...

I remember browsing the internet in those first days, I had no fucking idea what I was doing. This was back in gold years of MSN, so I remember downloading that and adding all the people from school and shit, I remember using the MSN search (google? what's that? my homepage was MSN, must be good enough), and yeah, I was just searching for random things a 14 year old would search:

- Video games

- Cars

- Wallpapers

- Porn

On the first week or so I finally decided to search for "New GTA game" or something and one of the first links was gta-sanandreas.com... first forum I ever joined.

So yeah, my days were spent in school, coming home to download music from Kazaa (mostly viruses) and posting in the gta-sa forums.

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