
New cities in gta

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Are you ginger like me? That's why I don't get love....

And to stay on topic GTA: New Zealand - use the full country - it is small enough, has cities, small country towns, and a wide variety of landscapes

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And to stay on topic GTA: New Zealand - use the full country - it is small enough, has cities, small country towns, and a wide variety of landscapes............

...............with nothing to do in them.

I vote for a country that doesn't have sheep rapists, in favour of somewhere that is a little more dangerous. Like say Mexico City, a massive Metropolis full of Street Gangs and Drug Cartels. There are Desert areas, Mountainous regions, Beaches and Aztecan jungles all within driving distance of the City. Plus the gangs and cartels there are so numerous and well equiped that even the Mexican Army can't control the situation. So there would be plenty of interesting stories/ideas that could unfold in and around this crazy city.

Poor Shanty Towns ~


More Affluent Areas ~


Nearby Aztec Ruins could add some flavour ~


And this place is HUGE with 20.5 million people ( that's almost the entire population of Australia! ) ~


If not Mexico City, then maybe Rio Di Janeiro ( exploring the City, Favelas, Jungle and the Islands there as well ) ~

rio-de-janeiro.jpg Imagine mowing down all of these people in a Combine Harvester. :D


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And to stay on topic GTA: New Zealand - use the full country - it is small enough, has cities, small country towns, and a wide variety of landscapes............

...............with nothing to do in them.

I vote for a country that doesn't have sheep rapists, in favour of somewhere that is a little more dangerous. Like say Mexico City, a massive Metropolis full of Street Gangs and Drug Cartels. There are Desert areas, Mountainous regions, Beaches and Aztecan jungles all within driving distance of the City. Plus the gangs and cartels there are so numerous and well equiped that even the Mexican Army can't control the situation. So there would be plenty of interesting stories/ideas that could unfold in and around this crazy city.

Poor Shanty Towns ~


More Affluent Areas ~


Nearby Aztec Ruins could add some flavour ~


And this place is HUGE ~


If not Mexico City, then maybe Rio Di Janeiro ( exploring the City, Favelas, Jungle and the Islands there as well ) ~

rio-de-janeiro.jpg Imagine mowing down all of these people in a Combine Harvester. :D


I've had enough fun in the Favela's of Brazil from MP3, but it is a good idea.

Again i think Napoli, Italia would be a good place.

If you have about 30 mins, watch this...


Sure, it doesn't have a super high crime rate like Mexico City, Or Rio, but for a place like Naples which actually has police it can get messy. The Nigerian gangs would make for a good fued with the Camorra clans. Plus it would give everybody a different type of Mafia experiance rather then the "Family" type we are use to. The trash crisis, the drugs (naples is one of the biggest drug epicenters of the world), the killings, and the back drop... Naples is the on boot of Italy... water, ports, beaches, mountains, ghettos, vineyards, and the beautiful city... everything a gta game needs.

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And to stay on topic GTA: New Zealand - use the full country - it is small enough, has cities, small country towns, and a wide variety of landscapes............

...............with nothing to do in them.

I vote for a country that doesn't have sheep rapists, in favour of somewhere that is a little more dangerous. Like say Mexico City, a massive Metropolis full of Street Gangs and Drug Cartels. There are Desert areas, Mountainous regions, Beaches and Aztecan jungles all within driving distance of the City. Plus the gangs and cartels there are so numerous and well equiped that even the Mexican Army can't control the situation. So there would be plenty of interesting stories/ideas that could unfold in and around this crazy city.

Poor Shanty Towns ~

More Affluent Areas ~

Nearby Aztec Ruins could add some flavour ~

And this place is HUGE with 20.5 million people ( that's almost the entire population of Australia! ) ~

If not Mexico City, then maybe Rio Di Janeiro ( exploring the City, Favelas, Jungle and the Islands there as well ) ~

Imagine mowing down all of these people in a Combine Harvester :D

At least we haven't diseased our sheep and can still fuck 'em - unlike your syphilitic koala's!!

A South American city does have it's advantages but is there enough variety in terms of antagonists?? One street gang or drug cartel is essentially the same as the next and those areas aren't as multi-cultural as others..... And it is all about the scenario.

Consider this.... A couple of years into the future, North Korea triggers a nuclear war that ends up decimating most of the modern world. Due to it's isolation, New Zealand remains untouched and the target for the huge number of refugees escaping their radiated homelands. The military is weak after years of budget cuts and struggling to hold back the waves of incoming refugees while police struggle to control the enclaves of immigrant communities and the frustrated natives. Organised crime is taking over and you want a piece of the action.... which could ultimately lead you to taking over the whole country.

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At least we haven't diseased our sheep and can still fuck 'em - unlike your syphilitic koala's!!

A South American city does have it's advantages but is there enough variety in terms of antagonists?? One street gang or drug cartel is essentially the same as the next and those areas aren't as multi-cultural as others..... And it is all about the scenario.

Consider this.... A couple of years into the future, North Korea triggers a nuclear war that ends up decimating most of the modern world. Due to it's isolation, New Zealand remains untouched and the target for the huge number of refugees escaping their radiated homelands. The military is weak after years of budget cuts and struggling to hold back the waves of incoming refugees while police struggle to control the enclaves of immigrant communities and the frustrated natives. Organised crime is taking over and you want a piece of the action.... which could ultimately lead you to taking over the whole country.

This game you're describing doesn't really sound like GTA ( but never the less still some good ideas ).

And on the subject of non-variety of Antagonists, just because there are multiple Drug Cartels doesn't mean that they're all the same. There are plenty of different criminal organisations in Mexico with different strengths and weaknesses. And they're all divided into different alliances, fighting each other for control over the importation of Meth, Cocaine, Heroin and Amphetamines into their major market ( the USA ).

With new cartels being formed all the time, and sometimes coming from unlikely places. For instance Los Zetas which originated as the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel, and later broke away from their employer to form their own criminal organisation. This group was made up of Commandos from the Mexican Army's Elite forces, and is now considered ( by the US Government ) to be the most technologically advanced, sophisticated and dangerous cartel operating in Mexico. This new organisation ended up being even more brutal than the more traditional cartels, with Drug Trafficking only making up for about 50% of their profits, and the other 50% coming directly from other activities directed both against rival drug cartels and civilians. These tactics included systematic and often public displays of violence; such as beheadings, torture and indiscriminate slaughter of rivals and civilians. Showing that they prefer to use brutality over bribery.

Los Zetas are very well armed and equipped. And their soldiers have had much better training than that of the regular cartels ( this is oweing to most of the members having spent time in the Special Forces ). Plus they don't have to rely on local street gangs and mercenaries for muscle as some of the other Cartels do. Although recent reports say that Los Zetas are joining forces with the Street Gang known as Mara Salvatrucha ( or MS-13 ). Forming an alliance, where MS-13 benifits from military training, and Los Zetas has at least another 5000 soldiers to call on ( as well as intelligence on government anti-drug operations ). Los Zetas are already allied with the 18th St Gang.


One of the reasons for the massive murder spike in Mexico in recent years ~

And if you're 18+ and have a strong stomach take a look at some of the photos of the disgusting things these guys are willing to do ( this is definitely very far away from the fake shit you see in games and movies ). ~



All of this might be a little too real for a GTA game but.

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DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Mad Mex – Los Zetas Use Road Warrior-Style Vehicles to Battle Other Cartels, Military


For over a year, the criminal organization known as Los Zetas has moved in to the Falcon Lake area on the Texas-Mexico border, chasing out paramilitary groups from the Gulf Drug Cartel. As these two drug cartel organizations fought for this crucial smuggling route or ‘plaza,’ Los Zetas burned down the city of Mier and several big businesses in the town of Miguel Aleman, Mexico.

With the exception of the local news media on both sides of the border, the major news outlets in Mexico and the U.S. have been silent, as local residents have been forced out of their homes, creating a refugee crisis to the point in which the city of Roma, Texas has been involved in humanitarian tasks to assist the city government of Miguel Aleman, providing food and clothing to people in need.

The gun battles, ambushes, and tactics used by the drug cartels are becoming more sophisticated. Two weeks ago, the Gulf Drug Cartel decided to launch a massive counter attack against Los Zetas. Now with the assistance of the Sinaloa Drug Cartel and the criminal organization known as La Familia Michoacana (both west coast cartels), the Gulf Cartel has joined forces with what’s known as ‘the Federation.’ With the assistance of the Federation, the Gulf Cartel is still battling Los Zetas. In the counter-attack, the Gulf Cartel has moved in several hundred kilometers into Zeta territory in the state of Nuevo Leon, where on a daily basis, hundreds of dead mutilated bodies have been found.


In a recent gun battle near the Texas border, the Gulf Cartel chased Los Zetas out of the now-abandoned city of Mier, forcing them to run to the nearby village of ‘Los Aldamas.’ When the Mexican Military finally arrived, they found out that they were outgunned and outnumbered. There were over one hundred vehicles full of armed men battling each other. The gun battle lasted all night, and the gunmen demonstrated sophisticated night-ops skills. The military finally received re-enforcements and took control of the situation by dawn.

After Los Zetas were chased out and ran across the Nuevo Leon state line, the Mexican military discovered an abandoned Mad-Max-style vehicle, apparently made of cast-iron or a similar thick, bullet-proof metal. The vehicle was only known in ‘Mexican urban legends’ as ‘El Monstruo’ or the monster. It had a gun turret and portals so troops inside can shoot their full auto rifles at rival gangs. The vehicle was capable of transporting a dozen troops, perhaps more.


Until recently, these man-made, Mad-Max-style armored vehicles had only been seen speeding on the back roads, transporting paramilitary troops late at night. They had been seen by so few people that the majority of the local population did not know or did not believe they existed.

In the southern state of Jalisco, the military discovered an even bigger armored vehicle. As a result, the leadership of the Mexican military has decided to purchase armored vehicles from the military-industrial complex. The Mexican Navy has now launched their brand new Oshkosh ‘Sandcat’ vehicles, capable of withstanding IED or rocket attacks.

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I just really don't want to be a Mexican... all i see is they kill people. It's the same thing that happens in Chicago just reverse, instead of this honky shot that honky, it's this beaner cut up that beaner. Can you give me some revenue facts? i don't give two shit how many people they can kill, I need to see if these guys actually make any money instead of saying were 50% of their income is from... how many millions/billions a year?

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I just really don't want to be a Mexican... all i see is they kill people. It's the same thing that happens in Chicago just reverse, instead of this honky shot that honky, it's this beaner cut up that beaner. Can you give me some revenue facts? i don't give two shit how many people they can kill, I need to see if these guys actually make any money instead of saying were 50% of their income is from... how many millions/billions a year?

That's exactly the problem in Mexico. The Cartels and people in general ( including Politicians/ Law Inforcment ) are so greedy, that the money they make from your great country makes them do terrible things ( or in the case of the Mexican Authorities and Officials, take bribes ).

Drug importation into the US is a multi-billion dollar-a-year industry. And with the average Mexican non-professional worker making less than a 100 pesos a day ( $10 US ), making $100's or $1000's of US dollars a day working for a Cartel can be a very tantalizing prospect.

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The 'Ndrangheta Mafia works with these Los Zeta's you speak of...

i see, possibly a GTA game which could involve several cities around the word that have infamous underworlds (Southern Italy, Mexico City, Moscow, Sao Paulo etc..) Greed which turns into not only turf wars, but "gang" wars to take over cities in spite of more revenue. The drug trade and city take-over will be the main focus and will follow 5 different story lines based on the character you choose at first. So, 5 different characters, all from different parts of the world and a member of that city's respective "Gang". Each city or map will have it's share of 2-3 gangs fighting for control, you will be already be in one as listed before. So not only will you have to fight the gangs in your own city, but the gangs that are coming to take over your's from a far. you will have the option to choose of the criminal organizations you want to make alliances with, as each "gang" will have their on specialties and will help out with your profits in different ways... some will even back stab you, while others keep their word. It's a hard plot to follow... but when i thought about it, it really interested me. If not a gta game, then something i would like too see picked up

But with this idea, we will have plenty of cities to experience with each one having it's own feeling and look. Unlike Liberty City which all sort of felt the same.

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One of the Housers said that they intend to keep GTA in America, as there are a lot more targets for satire. This doesn't necessarily mean that we won't, somewhere down the line, get a different open-world title set internationally, though.

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Wouldn't work for a Grand Theft Auto game, Jizzin. If you mean absolute, totalitarian state, it wouldn't work well at all.

Also: Carcer City, if remade for this generation, could definitely be the HD Cleveland.

Plus, there's a ped in GTA IV that, upon witnessing carnage, yells "Aw, that's crazy, I'm movin' back to Cleveland!" :luis:

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I can imagine the communist one - should I steal the white Lada or the slightly off white Lada??..... oh hang on, there's a 1960's tractor over there.

You get caught by the cops, game over. Because they would make you disappear.....

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Tome GTA has to be set in America after all where do you have all the fun in your life, only in America everywhere else would be boring and look more as farcry than something real.

In America what we do in GTA has a sense and it is not that crazy even if we kill people, for example a lot of french wants a GTA in Paris or marseille, but it would definetly sucks, because there is not big thing there only little crimes and drug dealers.

In America you have all: crime, joy, cry, love, hate, and mostly fun etc. and all of that is coherent unlike anywhere else.

So that's why we will only have GTA in America and it is good, look GTA London it was not that fun game, if you compare to the new 3d GTA Version.

Now with 3D just stay in the greatest country, and plus it is easier for them to modelise what they can see everyday.

Oh and my US city i would like to see implemented Vice city back (Miami) and why not Chicago ? there is a lot of gang there and this is the most dangerous city in the world from what i heard. Could have some nice thing but it won't be as sunny as LA.

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My thoughts:

1) San Francisco, whilst not new to GTA, could include Oakland, San Jose, Napa Valley, Mount Diablo, Yosemite NP, and the Bay (Alcatraz!). It would look amazing in HD and would provide enough variety to keep gamers interested;

2) I think Chicago could work ;

3) I love the Mexico City idea. Aside from the potential of having it's own game, when R* does combine all of their cities in one game you could feasibly have a Mexico City mock-up thrown in with LS, LC, VC, SF, LV and whatever else R* comes up with between now and then.

4) As an Aussie I think Sydney has merit but I'd rather see European cities ripped off before us.

As a joke, I'd love to hear ideas elaborating on gtagirl's GTA: Canada idea.

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If they do a GTA outside of the US, in a non English speaking country, I better not hear any English unless it is a characters native language. .

It would be stupid to be in Colombia and everyone is speaking English to each other with Spanish accents. You want a game in a foreign land? You'll have to deal with subtitles.

That being said, it would be cool if, in the HD Vice City, you could fly to Cuba. I know VC isn't a new city, but the inclusion of Cuba would be interesting.

Kinda like in the Scarface game.

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GTA:USA. (just cut out all the shit parts)

It'll happen. . . . .one day. . . ^_^

They did that. They just divided it into III, Vice City, and San Andreas.

You heard me, rest of America. You suck.

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Ok reediting my posts is very profesional ? it is illegal as well...

Anyway one day you will have GTA:USA and this day would be the greatest day but it won't be a GTA-like anymore plus a MMORPG i guess.

Rockstar once said they wanted to make a MMORPG about GTA but the ressources consoles and PC can provide are not enough to run such a game for the moment but obviously they are open to this idea (famous GTA-WORLD).

Imagine thousands of player on the same map in a huge GTA making your gang, your missions together that would be great.

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GTA:USA. (just cut out all the shit parts)

It'll happen. . . . .one day. . . ^_^

They did that. They just divided it into III, Vice City, and San Andreas.

You heard me, rest of America. You suck.

Well lll represented most of the northeast urban cities, and Boston is one of those cities so I'll let that slide.

Also, I suddenly have the urge to like all of Craze's post for some odd reason...

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