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Dead Island

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At last they've released some proper gameplay footage of this game, which I've been waiting for since i saw their awesome backward trailer.

Incase you havent seen that teaser trailer, here it is to refresh your memory.

And here is the new gameplay trailer:

I love that guys voice^ "At first she will be afraid, but later once she's killed a hundred zombies, she'll be way toughened up and she'll be way cooler" xD

My initial thoughts are Farcry 2 with zombies on an island! Which would be pretty fun i guess. I enjoyed Farcry 2 and this game looks a lot like that with all its exotic trees and stuff.

I always enjoy zombie games, they always drag me in, so hopefully this will be the same.

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watched the preview on QORE a few days ago... meh, seems like a new approach to the genre, but it's just more zombies, and i've had my fair share of zombie games lately... i don't really wanna play another...

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Anyone played this yet? I'm thinking of getting it but the reviews are mixed. Some like it, some think it's dodgy... Plus with FIFA 12 coming out in like 3 weeks I'm gonna be playing that above anything else...

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  On 9/10/2011 at 9:59 AM, Psy said:

Anyone played this yet? I'm thinking of getting it but the reviews are mixed. Some like it, some think it's dodgy... Plus with FIFA 12 coming out in like 3 weeks I'm gonna be playing that above anything else...

I picked it up yesterday. I heard the steam version had some dodgy glitch so a day one patch was required. The PS3 version seems to be running fine for me. I think it's a pretty fun game. The only thing i think is bad is the voice acting lol. But that can be said for Farcry 2, Oblivion or Fallout, and they were all good games.

The atmosphere of the island is spot on. Zombies wondering the island with different groups of survivors holding up in different parts, with variations of side mission for you to complete as well as the main story missions.

Plenty of weapons to find and upgrade as well as repair/mod/create from blueprints. Especially melee weapons.

Some cars can be repaired and driven. There is nothing better than driving into a group of zombies at full speed and watching them slam through the windscreen!

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@ Psy - Yeah I'd say controller would be better for this game. I'd be up for some co-op if you do get it.

@ Dooby - A load of my mates went to buy it yesterday and it was sold out in all the high-street shops.

For those of you that are considering buying it, but don't know what it's like. I'd compare the mechanics to Fallout survivalist style. You collect objects to build better weapons or trade with caravan traders. You come across random people in the deserted resort who trigger side missions etc, like you would in fallout.

The first map you start on is fairly big, not too big that you wont explore it all before you move on to the next. the second map is pretty big too, but I'm still to explore it.

The story missions do well at utilizing all parts of the map, so you get to see it in all its glory even if you don't go exploring for loot.

I'm rating this game a 8/10. I only give truly amazing games a 9. And i never give a 10, because I don't believe a game can be perfect. This would've been a 9 if voice acting was great, because it would have been all that more immersive. But this game is worth while.

Some screens:







In-game Maps:

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It looks great, but, first person? Fuck. If I ever buy this, it probably won't be until long after the rest of the world's forgotten it, I don't see myself spending $60 on this and being cool with it.

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$60? I only paid £32 for it from my local Asda- Walmart. Games R.R.P at £50 in this country but never really cost much more than £45 anywhere. And supermarkets always sell games almost at a loss.

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When converted - currency wise, games normally cost more in the UK though...

Dead Island just took the top spot in the games charts today here in the UK btw. Resistance 3 is only in fourth for some reason... I expected more people to buy this. Maybe everyone had the same indecisive thoughts i did when i went to buy one or the other, and eventually chose Dead Island.

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Does sound good. You may have convinced me, although I do want resistance 3 as well as FIFA 12. Don't think I can buy them all cos I won't have time to play them all. Might have to rent one or something just to finish single player.

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I only ever saw one commercial for dead island. I honestly didnt know about it till the other day. So I don't think as many people will buy it because they don't know. But still, for the co-op career? Can't go wrong. Good game

Now only if the next Fallout had online co-op... :ike::fap:

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  On 9/13/2011 at 4:56 AM, The Mad Dooby said:

Now only if the next Fallout had online co-op... :ike::fap:

Yeah that would be awesome. I think i'd play it a lot more if it did. The more i play this game the more it's reminding me of fallout for some reason. I think it's the way that the maps are set out. Without spoiling anything you can go through sewers that connect you to different parts of the map. And it feels so much like fallout going though looting every last box; bag, cabinet, fridge, locker, etc, that you can find on your journey! The more i play this game, the more impressed i'm becoming. :)

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  On 9/15/2011 at 12:38 AM, The Mad Dooby said:

What are some of the extra stuff you can find? like is there unnesesary things to find? Chems? Food? etc

Mostly materials for modding weapons; glue, blades, lighter fluid, nails, weighting plate, and many more. There's money for buying from traders and repairing weapons. And then health items, like cans of fizzy drink, fruit, energy bars, medikits etc.

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  On 9/15/2011 at 10:28 PM, The Mad Dooby said:

it looks like all the weapons are mostly melee, not to many guns

Yeah that's true, but guns aren't really that effective on zombies. They're mainly used for humans/rebels.

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