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State of Decay

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...or, get blackout drunk with a friend in the woods. When you regain your senses, start attacking all the "zombies" around you and looting whatever you can. That way you save $20.

Sounds like a regular Monday afternoon to me..

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Massacre, you should check this game out. Its kinda like that zombie survival guide we were playing on a couple of month ago.

Definately worth 20 bucks... People die, and once they die, they die.

Just today I woke up, and was walking around just outside of camp. I got a call that one of our group member's brother needed help. Apparently he had fallen off a roof while scavaging supplies. I got in the sports car i had sitting out front and drove full speed towards the location.

Just ahead, there was a zombie hord walkin accross an intersection. I reved my engine and plowed into them at full speed. I hadnt realized, however, that that particular intersection was a T junction overlooking a ravine. Unable to stop my car tubbled into the ravine, flipped and finally came to a stop in the mud. I crawled out, stamina drained.

The comotion of the crash attracted several zombies. I initially chose to try to out run them. I hadnt realized how much the crash had taken out of me. One of them caught up with me, jumped on my back and began chomping me. I managed to throw him off and bash is head in with a rusty axe i had found on a construction site a few days earlier. Unfortunately, the fatal blow broke the axe and i was left weaponless as the rest of zombies circled around. I took off sprinting but it wasnt enough. One of them dragged me to the ground, as the other two began tearing my innards from my body with their claw like hands.

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Massacre, you should check this game out. Its kinda like that zombie survival guide we were playing on a couple of month ago.

It's been a definite purchase for me since I first heard about it, I'm just waiting for the PC release because I can't get online on my 360.

Rest assured, I'll be putting every one of my plans to the test, as closely as the game will allow.

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I've been playing through the trial. Very fun, very realistic. Also very buggy. Likely won't stop me from purchasing it soon.

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There's some lag to be sure, but it doesn't take away from the overall experience. After loading my saved game, I need to wait about 30 seconds until the world catches up with itself, and sometimes the same will happen when I plow through a horde. At this point, I just blame Xbox for it and move on.

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I've been forcing my non-tank computer to run Skyrim on max settings (with mods for hi-res textures and an ENB) for a year and a half, I'll be alright.

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This game is kinda hard, and when you've been with a character for a few hours and then he gets surrounded by a horde of shreekers and dies, it's dissapointing :(

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