Guest Marney1

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Do you plant a bunch of flowers around your place so you have things to take pictures of, or is gardening your true calling?

I do love gardening! It is true. I even built (and hand dug) a stone retaining wall. It keeps me in shape lol. Sometimes my friends give me shit about it because I do all of my own yard work and my gfs and my moms. Its pretty crazy but someone has to do it and it's better than jogging :D

I love the beetle on the red petal. I have some awesome hummingbird photos too.

Nice! Your feeder is much cooler than mine too. (mines very generic)

Hahah, I love gardening too! I grow mint leaves, cabbage, peas, potatoes and spinach (I actually have my own ploughing machine!). I'm not much of a flower person, but that is definitely something I want to get into. I can't be bothered to post any pictures, maybe later.

I garden too. I grow plants. Special. Medicinal Plants.

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Nottingham's Horn in Hand. Disgusting food, watered down lager, empty cocaine packets in the urinals, a toilet stall door that won't lock, stained pool table, awesome jukebox. Great staff: tattooed women and beardy men. This is 'ome.

No arrows board, though <_<

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you guys shoot arrows over there?! we throw darts in our bars...

Only in Nottingham....


It's a green thing...

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Nottingham's Horn in Hand. Disgusting food, watered down lager, empty cocaine packets in the urinals, a toilet stall door that won't lock, stained pool table, awesome jukebox. Great staff: tattooed women and beardy men. This is 'ome.

No arrows board, though <_<

Well, with watered down lager and cocain floating about, sounds reasonable.

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