Guest Marney1

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Good God. The spots on that cooler -- does it do double duty as a makeshift toilet or something?

It's a bait cooler for the boat, not ours, we were waiting for it to be filleted.

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I think that would be better in the spam fest, this is more of a photography thread, not graphics.

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Never step on a wolf spider carrying her young. You cannot kill them all like that, they'll scatter. Only fire solves that problem completely.

Also, every living thing looks hilarious when it's on fire.

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We took our new engine down to the Ohio river for drafting class.


This guy decided to eat the ass end of a tractor trailer, I believe it was the same night. The dashboard on the passenger side was where the passenger seat should have been. We didn't even have to use extraction tools.


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Walking home one night, saw this Wolf Spider carrying her infants on her back.

I'm Australian, that's nothing new to me. But, if that was in my bed, I would have burned the house down.

Oh yeah, I'm very aware that Australia is deadly when it comes to critters.

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It would have been so easy to rape you when I lived in Ohio. You were close.

Wait. If you don't live in Ohio, then who the fuck have I been stalking for the last 18 months? :/

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Walking home one night, saw this Wolf Spider carrying her infants on her back.

Why would you set fire to such a majestic creature?

Seriously, Spider‘s are probably some of the most docile and harmless animals on the planet, they don‘t deserve the hate they get :(

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