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I spotted this majestic bird of prey on the way home from work. It's a Peregrine Falcon, which are pretty rare these days, so i had to stop and take some snaps. I got pretty close and it didn't budge, too busy eating i guess.




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I hope to one day delete something without the resulting chaos being more extensive than what I deleted.

To be honest massacre, I would have thought you would have deleted my last comment, since you were in the topic...

I meant for you to read it, the delete it.

But, this is cool aswell!

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Yes, i saw it catch the pigeon in flight and land with it. I took the picture when i got close enough. I only had my phone on me so i couldn't get any decent shots of it in the air unfortunately.

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I can attest to that, on a couple of occasions we've seen hawks hunting the smaller birds in our backyard, we have lots of feeders and flowers in the yard, so songbirds are plentiful. You just have to be lucky enough to be at the right place and time, the speed is insane, something close to the peripheries of human perception. Somewhere I have shots of a sharp-shinned hawk feasting on something unidentifiable, sitting in a tree branch in my backyard, can't remember if I posted them here or not. It would be much smaller than Dup's falcon, though. Dup's photos are amazing, really a unique moment to have been able to capture. (Y) 


It reminds me of this one time I left my work building and started walking, looked down...and there was a pigeon head. Nothing else. Just the head, sitting there on the sidewalk. :mellow:

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Hey, shabba or Brian, I'm told there's a lot of "chromatic aberration" in my macros. I'm using a cheapo macro adapter. Other than upgrading, there's not much I can do to fix that, eh? :(


It usually happens when certain wavelengths can't reach through to the sensor or are focused at different angles.


How to prevent it via camera:


  • Try not to put yourself into high contrast situations (objects against a bright background).
  • Tone down your aperture.
  • Don't use your lens or adapter to the max it can go, most photos are said to be best in the middle. If you have a 70-200mm lens, 135mm will give better results than 200mm.
  • Super zoom lenses aren't the greatest of lenses, go for a prime lens.


You can also find tutorials for fixing it via photoshop or other software online.

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Fantastic pics of the peregrine falcon.  There's a few nesting in one of the church spires in the city where I live - haven't been lucky enough to see them devouring a pigeon though!


This is the nearest I've got to a bird of prey (in the wild).  Not the best of pics admittedly - taking pics of birds in flight isn't quite my forté! (taken 2 years ago at Lizard Point in Cornwall).


9300630689_d4d33d5b50_c.jpgWaiting to swoop.... by Shabbagaz, on Flickr

Edited by shabbagaz
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Still looks way clearer than my pixely, grainy smartphone. I was more humbled it let me watch it eat than anything though. I half expected it to fly off with its catch. I do wish I had my camera with me!

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So many tiny-ass things live in and under the Queen Anne's Lace umbels, it's ridiculous. Here's an unoccupied dwelling:



*slurp slurp*







Madonna, my-a Roma are alookin'-a so nize. The bush (wider than me) is full of fruits and buds and showing no sign of slowing down. Probably never going to use all of 'em up. :(






Sauce for daaaaaays...

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Some I've taken over the past month...


19891466445_e8f3448d59_c.jpgLiverpool Metropolitan Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


19865392056_2cb8faa444_c.jpgLiverpool Metropolitan Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


19703703250_a61bc4fc15_c.jpgLiverpool Metropolitan Cathedral by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


This pub is fantastic - all split up into rooms and absolutely full of character.  Ale was pretty decent too:


19891879535_3dfe31994b_c.jpgThe Philharmonic Dining Rooms by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


19891904725_a491573315_c.jpgSt Luke's bombed out Church by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


19799029115_52eac9018d_c.jpgNorth End Soul by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


19611015358_14195f02bc_c.jpg'Be Happy' by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


Another fantastic pub with great ale...


19803966481_0f8c2d1859_c.jpgPeveril of the Peak by Shabbagaz, on Flickr


Yes I know, another bridge but I couldn't help myself!


20385605808_e83b5ba16b_c.jpgWest Coast Main Line by Gary Bond, on Flickr


20573645575_942a8bd995_c.jpgRiver Ribble by Shabbagaz, on Flickr



Also had my recent pics featured on a local news website.  Wouldn't mean much to a lot of people but means a lot to me!

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Birthday love from work. The bag contains alcohol. Which I'll be drinking throughout the shift.


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Your co-workers know you well.

I'm going to keep the monkey one. I'll use it as some sort of flash card. Anybody asks me to do something I don't want to do. Well, they're getting the monkey finger....
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