Guest Marney1

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"That's a serious amount of money right there."

Life long musician! (and producer)

Here is a little clip of me playing some leads on the tobacco colored strat. (its a 1999 usa standard model)

Wow. That's a great clip. I wish I could play like that...I require more of your music.

I think you're my new favorite noob to these forums. :D

Haha thanks man! hardly a noob tho. I used to post on other GTA forums a while back, but just got really busy opening up a small record label/publishing company soooo have been super busy until about a month ago.

River can shred.

Thank you, I do appreciate it much. Guitar and music is definitely my life.

Arizona Burrito, 2012.

Taken in Phoenix, AZ, 2012, on vacation.

Twice the size of a Connecticut Burrito. Those bastards.....

About half the size of a normal California Burrito.

I hate the east coast.


Some of my geeetars.

*puts on ski mask and rounds up the crew for a heist*

LOL, be careful tho, I heard the owner (me!) might be armed :o


That is the shadow masters deck from Bicycle playing cards, I enjoy shuffling and cutting cards.

I wouldn't call myself a collector...yet.


Dude, that was awesome. Top song as well.

After seven balling me mate B)

The stains are his tears of failure.

Thank you kind sir! I do appreciate you guys listening even. I have tons of new projects in the works. I have 14 new songs being recorded (mostly done except vocals) 6 with Morgan Rose from Sevendust on drums, 4 with Frank Fontsere of Fozzy/Stuck Mojo on drums, and the other 4 are with 3 different drummers. (Morgan and Frank are old buddies of mine!) I'm really looking forward to getting done with it, and putting it out there for the masses to either spit out or consumeeee.

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God, it's the worst table I've ever played on.

It's lit by a dim chandelier, a fucking CHANDELIER!

On the right side there is a wall, you have to take your shots at a 80 degree angle.

On the left side there is a raised marble fireplace, I've lost count of the times I've tripped up it.

Never spilt beer on it, though. I never spill beer.

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Sum pix from the big snowstorm that hit us Canadians last week. Managed to get my car stuck for 10 minutes thanks to some prick who decided to back out in front of me.

Took these after I got unstuck and managed to get my car halfway up my driveway.... These were taken in the middle of the street, about halfway through the storm, snow was easily a foot deep.


To give you a better idea, here's one I took after a pass with the snowblower. And then my car, after we managed to clear a 1/4 of it off.


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Perhaps something more like this?

Canadian Wilderness Homestead Off-Grid Home and Land with River

You should be a travel agent, for fuck sake you nearly had Mass convinced to come to Canada.

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Yeah its got a lefty neck on it from an old 80s Fender Stagemaster. That guitar has a great sound/tone though, I've used it to record much more than the other "pretty" one. lol. I used that same guitar in the pic for the weird sounding clean parts of this song idea.

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Before I had even seen the text, I was going to say it looked like Pripyat. Always weird as shit when the sky turns yellow before or after raining. We got a bit of that where I live.

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God, how that used to scare me when I was little( r ).

Fun Fact: Enclosing an 'r' in parentheses gives you the ®. :mellow:





Anyway the yellowing of the sky doesn't phase me, a good thunderstorm easily puts me to sleep.

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I've always wanted to try white water rafting/kayaking or any fast flowing water activities for that matter. Looks like fun. Nice picture btw those currents look strong.

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