
World Of Warcraft

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A friend tried to get me to play prior to Burning Crusade's release. Unfortunately, I was on dial-up until 2009.

what the fuck? we lived in fucking poverty and we had broadband in 2004(albeit 256kbps down and shite up). I even played RS on a POS 1995 era computer and dial up

I dislike how mmorpgs in general have gotten too easy and certain gear is suddenly getting nerfed for being "too overpowered for its price wah" dharoks on RS just got nerfed.

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I still can't get broadband in my area. I'm using a 4G wifi box. America is really shit about making broadband widely available. And by that, I mean they're not making any effort whatsoever.

Also, I'm just waiting for Blizzard to fuck up monks. The tank spec is way overpowered (in Northrend and Cata zones, I ran around pulling as many mobs as I could, just because I could survive it), and I just know they're going to fuck it up soon.

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OK, where to start? I have been playing WoW for a long ass time now, the first contact I had with the game was actually because of these forums back in 2005. We used to have this guy posting called Gnarkill, he convinced me to give WoW a try. I leveled on Gnar's server but I believe he quit WoW shortly after I started, so there I was, on my first ever MMO, in one of my first online gaming experiences... I remember pressing escape and thinking the game was paused lol.

I spent most of my vanilla days leveling, for a new player - leveling was harsh as fuck, and this was supposedly the MMO that made things simpler. It took me quite a few months to get to 60, once there I slowly made my way into dungeons, gearing up was a MUCH bigger deal, there was clearly a rope to climb from once you dinged 60, gathered dungeon gear, and actually raiding - it was a slow process, level 60 dungeons were long and the loot tables were gigantic, time+luck was the ingredients to success in WoW. So I raided for a bit with this one guild, I didn't have a microphone so my times in vent were spent just listening to the raid leader calling us names (with reason), we didn't really get too far, but I still saw some nice content - first time raiding in WoW was a great feeling, really good times.

TBC was announced and I was pumped, the expansion was a new beginning for me, the small experience I collected in Vanilla gave me the chance to start on an even ground with others, I convinced 2 of my high school buddies to join me in WoW too, we started from 0 on one of the new servers and leveled and dungeon'd our way to 70, great GREAT times, no shame in admitting WoW helped us forge a true brotherhood! We met a few guys that lived close to us on our way up, some of them are my best buddies today! Right in the beginning we met a lot of people and decided to make a late night raiding guild, things went very smooth for us, we got to 70 and slow and steady cleared all of the content (including Sunwell, pre M'uru nerf bitches). Content in TBC was just beautiful, Kara started out as a FANTASTIC 10 man, Grull was hard as hell in the start, T5 was the best content ever fucking made - killing that whore Vashj and Kael were feelings that matched losing your virginity, T6 had amazing fights and diversity, and to top it all, Sunwell was HARD AS A MOTHERFUCKER.

Roll in Wotlk, fuck. Me, my friends, my guild, we were all extremely excited about this... first game I actually waited in line to buy, and the lines were unreal, even in Portugal... lines to stores went all the way around the malls, I preordered a copy but quickly noticed that the store would run out of copies before I had mine... luckily we found a guy I know in the front of the line and we just skipped past everyone - that's right bitches, cutting line, what are you gonna do 'bout it?.

Wotlk,simply put, was depressing. Leveling had literally nothing to it, quest quest quest, group quest, quest. It just went too fast and with no difficulty. We got to 80 and IMMEDIATELY jumped to Naxx... I kid you not, we cleared FULL Naxx with full t6, FULL FUCKING T6. Only our tanks geared a bit in dungeons. T7 was just garbage, only Malygos had a fun moment here and there.

T8, fucking Ulduar. Ulduar broke my guild, people were quitting left and right, Hardmodes/Heroic modes are shit. I wanted new bosses, not the same shit with a slightly different mechanic and more damage. Unlike most people in WoW, I hated Ulduar, worst time for us as a guild. Meanwhile, Blizzard decided that everyone should have access to epics and loot, all of a sudden my beautiful game was riddled with mouth breathers who felt entitled to everything. Server transfers, faction changes, all of these things killed my perfectly tailored community... your reputation on the server used to mean things, the people you grouped with and raided was all defined by your rep. With these changes people were free to just jump server whenever they please, fuck around in dungeon finder, mess up BGs (back in the day, you used to only PvP with people from your own server, BGs included - awesome community feel and you actually knew the players).

I went very casual after Ulduar and just did normal modes on weekend alt runs, rest of the content was still garbage, Blizzard kept implementing 'casual' features, and we had to wait a whole fucking year between content at one point... fuck it. Called it quits till Cata came out.

Cata was slightly better, much more focus on PvE focus in the beginning, but it was ultimately another shit ass expansion... last tier was just a bad joke really.

Reasons as to why WoW turned to shit (and infected many other games):

  • It went from being a revolutionary MMO to some sort of Facebook game where 'everybody wins'.
  • No more attunements after TBC, attunements were amazing.
  • Heroic modes in raids - lazy development, Tier 5 did content beautifully: easy bosses, hard bosses, SUPER hard bosses in the end. This is good, this is how raiding should be like, enough of this bullshit on 'I pay the same as you, I should see the same bosses', fuck you.
  • Server transfers, PvE to PvP transfers (and vice versa) faction changes and name changes - fuck all of this garbage, I liked knowing everyone on the server, I liked the concept behind having a reputation on the server (blacklisting and whitelisting players).
  • Wotlk and Cata battlegrounds, holy shit, all of the new battlegrounds suck ass... Isle of Conquest ... no words to describe this shit.
  • 25 and 10 man raids sharing the same loot - thanks for killing 25 man raiding.
  • Dungeon Finder and LFR - more ways to kill the server community.
  • No more Heroic dungeon keys - You do normals, you farm rep, you get an heroic key, linear progress is good progress. The day they removed Heroic keys was the day all the shitty groups started popping up and wiping to everything. I don't care about people failing in WoW, but this was the beginning of the big cries in the forum. Result: everything was nerfed.
  • PvE content over the years - more and more simplified, nerfed too fast, access to content with no effort put on characters, etc.
  • 2vs2 having no rewards anymore, 2vs2 was great, there should have been a bigger effort on class balance. Make stats/buffs/skills/talents different in PvP or whatever, don't just fix things by removing them.
  • Talents and skills WAY too much simplified nowadays, I want to build my own spec, none of this cookie cutter bullshit with no options.
  • The players these days - cry babies who just want things served to them on a silver platter, can't grasp the concept of difficulty on a video game, see the MMO genre as some sort of stress release instead of facing it as a challenge.

I'll come up with more reasons. I should be working.

edit: that is one long ass POAST.

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OK, where to start? I have been playing WoW for a long ass time now, the first contact I had with the game was actually because of these forums back in 2005. We used to have this guy posting called Gnarkill, he convinced me to give WoW a try. I leveled on Gnar's server but I believe he quit WoW shortly after I started, so there I was, on my first ever MMO, in one of my first online gaming experiences... I remember pressing escape and thinking the game was paused lol.

I spent most of my vanilla days leveling, for a new player - leveling was harsh as fuck, and this was supposedly the MMO that made things simpler. It took me quite a few months to get to 60, once there I slowly made my way into dungeons, gearing up was a MUCH bigger deal, there was clearly a rope to climb from once you dinged 60, gathered dungeon gear, and actually raiding - it was a slow process, level 60 dungeons were long and the loot tables were gigantic, time+luck was the ingredients to success in WoW. So I raided for a bit with this one guild, I didn't have a microphone so my times in vent were spent just listening to the raid leader calling us names (with reason), we didn't really get too far, but I still saw some nice content - first time raiding in WoW was a great feeling, really good times.

TBC was announced and I was pumped, the expansion was a new beginning for me, the small experience I collected in Vanilla gave me the chance to start on an even ground with others, I convinced 2 of my high school buddies to join me in WoW too, we started from 0 on one of the new servers and leveled and dungeon'd our way to 70, great GREAT times, no shame in admitting WoW helped us forge a true brotherhood! We met a few guys that lived close to us on our way up, some of them are my best buddies today! Right in the beginning we met a lot of people and decided to make a late night raiding guild, things went very smooth for us, we got to 70 and slow and steady cleared all of the content (including Sunwell, pre M'uru nerf bitches). Content in TBC was just beautiful, Kara started out as a FANTASTIC 10 man, Grull was hard as hell in the start, T5 was the best content ever fucking made - killing that whore Vashj and Kael were feelings that matched losing your virginity, T6 had amazing fights and diversity, and to top it all, Sunwell was HARD AS A MOTHERFUCKER.

Roll in Wotlk, fuck. Me, my friends, my guild, we were all extremely excited about this... first game I actually waited in line to buy, and the lines were unreal, even in Portugal... lines to stores went all the way around the malls, I preordered a copy but quickly noticed that the store would run out of copies before I had mine... luckily we found a guy I know in the front of the line and we just skipped past everyone - that's right bitches, cutting line, what are you gonna do 'bout it?.

Wotlk,simply put, was depressing. Leveling had literally nothing to it, quest quest quest, group quest, quest. It just went too fast and with no difficulty. We got to 80 and IMMEDIATELY jumped to Naxx... I kid you not, we cleared FULL Naxx with full t6, FULL FUCKING T6. Only our tanks geared a bit in dungeons. T7 was just garbage, only Malygos had a fun moment here and there.

T8, fucking Ulduar. Ulduar broke my guild, people were quitting left and right, Hardmodes/Heroic modes is shit. I wanted new bosses, not the same shit with a slightly different mechanic and more damage. Unlike most people in WoW, I hated Ulduar, worst time for us as a guild. Meanwhile, Blizzard decided that everyone should access to epics and loot, all of a sudden my beautiful game was riddled with mouth breathers who felt entitled to everything. Server transfers, faction changes, all of these things killed my perfectly tailored community... your reputation on the server used to mean things, the people you grouped with and raided was all defined by your rep. With these changes people were free to just jump server whenever they please, fuck around in dungeon finder, mess up BGs (back in the day, you used to only PvP with people from your own server, BGs included - awesome community feel and you actually knew the players).

I went very casual after Ulduar and just did normal modes on weekend alt runs, rest of the content was still garbage, Blizzard kept implementing 'casual' features, and we had to wait a whole fucking year between content at one point... fuck it. Called it quits till Cata came out.

Cata was slightly better, much more focus on PvE focus in the beginning, but it was ultimately another shit ass expansion... last tier was just a bad joke really.

Reasons as to why WoW turned to shit (and infected many other games):

  • It went from being a revolutionary MMO to some sort of Facebook game where 'everybody wins'.
  • No more attunements after TBC, attunements were amazing.
  • Heroic modes in raids - lazy development, Tier 5 did content beautifully: easy bosses, hard bosses, SUPER hard bosses in the end. This is good, this is how raiding should be like, enough of this bullshit on 'I pay the same as you, I should see the same bosses', fuck you.
  • Server transfers, PvE to PvP transfers (and vice versa) faction changes and name changes - fuck all of this garbage, I liked knowing everyone on the server, I liked the concept behind having a reputation on the server (blacklisting and whitelisting players).
  • Wotlk and Cata battlegrounds, holy shit, all of the new battlegrounds suck ass... Isle of Conquest ... no words to describe this shit.
  • 25 and 10 man raids sharing the same loot - thanks for killing 25 man raiding.
  • Dungeon Finder and LFR - more ways to kill the server community.
  • No more Heroic dungeon keys - You do normals, you farm rep, you get an heroic key, linear progress is good progress. The day they removed Heroic keys was the day all the shitty groups started popping up and wiping to everything. I don't care about people failing in WoW, but this was the beginning of the big cries in the forum. Result: everything was nerfed.
  • PvE content over the years - more and more simplified, nerfed too fast, access to content with no effort put on characters, etc.
  • 2vs2 having no rewards anymore, 2vs2 was great, there should have been a bigger effort on class balance. Make stats/buffs/skills/talents different in PvP or whatever, don't just fix things by removing them.
  • Talents and skills WAY too much simplified nowadays, I want to build my own spec, none of this cookie cutter bullshit with no options.
  • The players these days - cry babies who just want things served to them on a silver platter, can't grasp the concept of difficulty on a video game, see the MMO genre as some sort of stress release instead of facing it as a challenge.

I'll come up with more reasons. I should be working.

edit: that is one long ass POAST.

yeah that's why i don't play it. *wink, wink...nudge nudge* I just don't have time for this shit. Barely have time for normal games let alone ones that seem to take over your life.

but yeah, I'm sure cuda is right. I also didn't read his post. Meh.

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You wouldn't understand half of it anyway, too much WoW lingo.

It's far too addicting, or at least it used to be. My girlfriend from a few years ago never played a video game in her life and all off a sudden she's doing all of the grind work on my WoW character with a smile in her face, I almost proposed during those days.

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the first contact I had with the game was actually because of these forums back in 2005. We used to have this guy posting called Gnarkill, he convinced me to give WoW a try. I leveled on Gnar's server but I believe he quit WoW shortly after I started,

I spent most of my vanilla days leveling, for a new player - leveling was harsh as fuck, and this was supposedly the MMO that made things simpler.

Gnar played WoW? He was a chav wasn't he?

Oh and yeah, that is no lie. Levelling on Everquest was tough as fuck in the pre-WoW days.

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I don't really play that much for fun anymore, especially raiding since I don't have a lot of time. Spend most of my time earning gold and leveling characters up, just got my DK to 90, making him my 5th character at 90.

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Maybe I'm just an elitist bastard, but what is the fun in playing WoW besides raiding/competitive PVP? I mean, just leveling characters and having gold... sup blud?

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Maybe I'm just an elitist bastard, but what is the fun in playing WoW besides raiding/competitive PVP? I mean, just leveling characters and having gold... sup blud?

Waiting for holiday where I can actually play, and in the mean time I might as well use my subscription

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Well now it's summer, and I have shitloads of time. Unfortunately I cancelled my subscription at the moment because I find WoW to be pretty boring now, and not worth it. Hopefully I'll get back into it at 6.0 with the new expansion, since MoP doesn't seem too interesting to me anymore. Expansions have gone downhill since Wotlk, in my opinion.

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Apparently they're extending MoP to 5.7. The Garrosh raid was supposed to be the end, but I guess they're extending things and setting up the next expansion. Now that Garrosh has gotten his hands on an Old God heart, I'm anticipating an Emerald Nightmare/Old God expansion. Looking forward to Old Gods, not looking forward to primordial Azeroth.

Another MoP-style 'the world isn't ending this time' expansion could be the Lost Isles with Kul Tiras, Tel Abim, a retuning Kezan (with access to the Undermine) etc. The Tomb of Sargeras is somewhere around there, which would set up the inevitable Argus/Burning Legion/Sargeras expansion.

I don't know why I bothered mentioning all this, I'm the only here who knows the lore this well.

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An Emerald Dream expansion has been anticipated for a long time I think. I would prefer a Burning Legion expansion like you said with Argus as the new zone since Outland is already a 60-70 zone.

There is shitloads of lore for them to make expansions out of.

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Sargeras is the big bad of the Warcraft universe. If they're ever going to stop making expansions and do WoW 2, he'd be the final boss of the whole thing, which could be quite a wait. The problem is, there are at least seven Old Gods or something. Unless there's a WoW 2 in the works, they're going to keep making expansions until they run out of subscribers, so if they're not planning on doing three expansions of tentacles, they're going to have to make something up soon.

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Time to come back to WoW, guys.


Yeah, I'm definitely restarting once it comes out. The Garrison concept looks really interesting.

What free-90 are you guys planning on getting? I'll probably create a warlock, since out of my 5 level 90s, none are casters.

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Warrior. I already have a warlock and hunter in their 60's, a druid at 78, and a mage at 86, so I might as well level those properly.

Hand-leveling a Draenei monk for the Alliance side of things.They're easy leveling, and the only full set of heirlooms I have. Fuck knows what transmog set will fit a Draenei monk on Draenor, though. The Auchindoun monks wear cloth with no spaulders, so I have no point of reference. Outland's leather sets are utter nonsense.

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Thoughts on Ghostcrawler leaving Blizzard? I've stopped playing WoW for over a year now, but still keep myself updated.

I think he did some good things, some great things, and some horrible things. Ultimately, the horrible things made me want to quit. I believe he was the one responsible for the direction the game took after TBC, at one point after WOTLK he acknowledged he fucked up, but it was too late.

I wrote a massive post in this topic about the state of the game, if any of you shits cares to search,

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