
World Of Warcraft

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So, does/has anyone play/played World Of Warcraft?

I used to play from 08-11, then I realized it was a massive waste of time (fucking fun time) so I stopped, but still used some occasional "7 days free".

If anyone ever played you'll know what I'm talking about:

3 85s, 1 hunter, 1 death knight, 1 Druid.

Realm: Terenas

Faction: Horde

Timezone: EU

In my two year's of constant playing of the game, I built up roughly... 80 days of played time - Just under 2,000 hours. This is by far the longest I've ever played any game without getting bored. Although I must admit I preferred the game right when I got it, in the days of late Burning Crusade. Made me feel nostalgic today when I decided to reinstall the game to my new laptop. Also (like most games) it's becoming a lot easier and more noob friendly.

I remember one time when my account was frozen, I was gonna log on to the website when I realized my account had been hacked. Long story short, it got resolved. I got all the items the hacker had deleted back, some extra gold & leather that he had farmed, plus 30 days of free game time. So it didn't turn out that bad, actually.

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I play from time to time.

Alliance on Wyrmrest Accord, Horde on Moon Guard. Yes, RP realms.

Alliance - Mage, 85; Death Knight, 85; Rogue, 82, a few lower-levels.

Horde - Death Knight, 82; a few lower-levels. Would have more progress here, but the realm isn't all that good, and I haven't found another one that's decent.

Been playing for a little over two years.

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The only reason I'm on Terenas is because of all my friends at the time who played that pressured me into it. To be honest it's not such a great realm, it's PVE but I just stayed there because of my guild and friends.

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The only reason I'm on Terenas is because of all my friends at the time who played that pressured me into it. To be honest it's not such a great realm, it's PVE but I just stayed there because of my guild and friends.

I wound up on Cairne for the same reason. Finally gave up on it, moved my DK to Wyrmrest.

I may start playing after MoP has been out for a while.

It's always chaos post-expansion. My realms are going to have a wait time to log in. -_-

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I doubt I'll play at all this year. I'll probably start again next summer, when I have nothing to do.

I wonder if they'll keep releasing new expansions every two years. I mean, they are the reason the game stays fresh and fun most of the time, but I'm afraid soon they'll run out of levels and new stuff to add. There is tons and tons of lore to be explored, but I don't want to be leveling to level 125 in a few years. Wonder how they'll handle it.

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I haven't played for a few good months, but I was very much into WoW.

Started playing some time before TBC came out, but I had no clue back then, so nothing productive in my vanilla days... ended up getting into a very cool guild in the beginning of TBC and cleared pretty much all of the content with them... this was the golden days really. Halfway through Wotlk I gave it up, life was busy and the game was turning into shit really. Started playing again with Cata release, my old guild turned into a 10 man raiding guild and it was a positive change, we did pretty much everything on Heroic before major nerfs... I stopped playing when we killed that shit of a boss Deathwing (or is it Deadwing? shit) so yeah, I haven't touched the game since like March, I think.

Doubt I'll be taking on raiding in MoP, don't really have the time or patience, I'll eventually try it out though.

Oh, I've always played Resto Shaman, only class I actually enjoy.

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Have no desire to heal. Or tank, for that matter. As DPS, the only thing you can do to cause a wipe is pull from the tank, and I can clean up my own mess if that ever happens. Lack of responsibilities ftw.

When I first started playing, I played a warlock, and had no fucking clue what I was doing. Survived until I could roll a death knight, then things were... okay. My mage and rogue helped me get my shit together. Was quite proud to get a cloth-user to the level cap, which I was sure would never happen back when I gave up on my warlock. Currently working on an undead hunter.

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I've never touched WoW, all my friend's (that have played it) have warned me away from it, just because of the amount of grind required. I never have enough time to grind a game to this extent. My life's daily grind comes first.

Just out of curiosity though, what's more important in WoW, damage per second or resistance? I haven't played, but if it's anything like Blizzard's Diablo 3, then resistance is probably more favorable, and dps should come second.

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When I started playing, I was a completely oblivious tauren hunter. Did nothing productive, barley quested just ran through Mulgore. Eventually I got to level 55 when WOTLK came out; back then I was hyped up about death knights and they were fucking awesome because of how easy it was to get to Outland.

I got slightly bored grinding to 55 on my hunter, everything was the same. But then I got my DK in OL, and I leveled a lot because everything was new. My DK was my first 85, then my hunter, and finally my druid which I got to 85 in under a day played (scroll of resurrection, ftw).

All "roles" in wow are pretty much equally important, it's like a triangle made up of:

Tank - takes damage from the mobs

DPS - Inflicts damage on the mobs

Healer - Heals the group in the dungeon/raid/battle ground

But even when I got to 85, I never really had time to raid because of my location. Raids were usually at night, from 8pm+ and took a few hours. That's 10pm onwards here, and I had school the next day. And the weekends are different here (Fri/Sat) instead of Sat/Sun.

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Resistances play a very small part in WoW Dup, a few good years ago there were a few raid bosses that required a certain amount of resistance (be it shadow, fire, nature, etc), but these days it's irrelevant, WoW is totally based on the trinity system.

Leveling for me is unimportant and boring, the game really does only start at max level... couldn't care less about the journey to max level these days. Back in the day, before server transfers, leveling was alright, your server was truly your home, relationships were built while leveling, your reputation in the server was important, the people you grouped up with ended up being a reflection of what type of player you were.

These days the game is just horrific, server transfers, faction changes, it killed the whole community, I haven't met anyone in-game these past 4 years or so, all the people I've met via WoW were from my early days, now they launched that piece of shit LFR, so everyone has a chance to see content and whatnot, I don't have a problem with people seeing the game, but everyone feels entitled to something these days in WoW, and that's not what MMOs should be about.

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I've recently made some pandaren on my trial account (real one is not active atm), and they seem pretty cool. One thing to note though, at level 20: shamans suck.

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I made a pandaren hunter on my trail account again. What I didn't count on (but should have, it was pretty damn obvious) was that 4/5 in my dungeon group would be pandaren monks, practically meaning my chance at dungeon loot would rapidly decrease. However, the fact that 90% of alts these days have full heirloom gear granting 1000000% extra exp increases my chance slightly.

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Yep. I've got almost-full heirloom gear (they added leg pieces, but none of my guilds will have unlocked them by the time my monk hits 85) and 50% xp for an hour, thanks to my monk training dailies. Once I get my monk into a high-level guild, that'll be another 20%. That's 105% bonus xp. Fuck yeah.

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105%? damn, that's a lot. That must significantly cut down your /played to get to 90, even though it's already been cut down a lot thanks to dungeon finder.

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