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how long did you use the iPhone for?

a phone is a lot like a work of art. it feels. it looks. it's composed. Subjectiveness is all that matters in a phone.

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Nothing subjective can ever be accompanied by a definitive statement declaring something the absolute best and discounting all competition without being entirely unreliable. By definition, the subjective can only be an opinion.

The main thing to note here is that, for all we know, cuda still uses an old flip phone, and smartphone superiority is a subject that has never crossed his mind. He leads a rather minimalistic life when it comes to the material, after all.

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I could buy an iPhone and see the point in those, I just can't bring myself to buy something like that when there is an alternative for £300 pounds less.

The watch though... I've watched the reviews and just don't see any use for it whatsoever.

Ps, I've had an S4 since those were released. It was my first smartphone and I have no complaints besides the battery life going down over time. I got this phone as it became a nuisance for an emigrant not to be easily reached via the Internet by his family :).

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Nothing subjective can ever be accompanied by a definitive statement declaring something the absolute best and discounting all competition without being entirely unreliable. By definition, the subjective can only be an opinion.

The main thing to note here is that, for all we know, cuda still uses an old flip phone, and smartphone superiority is a subject that has never crossed his mind. He leads a rather minimalistic life when it comes to the material, after all.

Bro, dude, dawg, mah main niggah.

You can definitely declare something the best based on subjectivity, as, sometimes, that's the only measure you have. e.g. Art.

And if you want to get really spacy, any objective measurement of what is best is actually based on subjective assumptions about what the objective measurements should be, and how to measure them.

in truth, objectiveness is a farce.

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There are no subjective assumptions involved in quantifiable data. Everything about a phone is quantifiable. How it feels in your hand? Basic ergonomics. How videos look? Screen resolution. Number of apps and overall quality and functionality of those apps? OS, OS owners' willingness to allow their users a wide array of options, and level of app devs' competence. It's all just a bunch of numbers.

Objectivity is the only unbiased truth. It was illogical feelings and opinions that derailed a discussion about electronics into a philosophical debate, after all.

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one phone has battery battery life, better sound clarity, and only costs 1 dollar.

another phone has a battery that lasts one hour, sounds like an airplane engine, and sells for $699.

which one is best?

based on objective measurement, the first phone is better. But, I subjectively decided that how it feels in your hand wasn't an important objective measurement, The first phone's battery gets so hot it burns your hand.

now which one is the better phone?


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I don't understand why you would think that makes any kind of point, especially in the case of Apple vs. Android, in which Apple has the iPhone and a slightly larger iPhone, while Android has dozens of different phones in wildly varying prices and options. Your example is limited to two options, which is relatively implausible.

To provide my own example, it's not apples and oranges, it's two polished but bland apples, and every fruit known to man. If we want to include Windows phones in the mix, then there's also a pile of cucumbers in the corner that some aging drag queen pleasured himself with.

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one phone has battery battery life, better sound clarity, and only costs 1 dollar.

another phone has a battery that lasts one hour, sounds like an airplane engine, and sells for $699.

which one is best?

based on objective measurement, the first phone is better. But, I subjectively decided that how it feels in your hand wasn't an important objective measurement, The first phone's battery gets so hot it burns your hand.

now which one is the better phone?



I can almost guarantee you that getting that phone on a 2yr contract for $1 is going to be a mistake. Depending on your cellular provider your bill will increase $25.

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Not going through with the Apple watch because I don't feel like waiting until the end of June and I prefer putting money into a MacBook Pro (15" Retina Pro's are expected to be updated very soon) over it.


Now the big decision, cancel it now, or take it because I still have an earlier ship date than most and sell it unopened on ebay for $100-$200 or more in profit?

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Sell it

I'd just use Craigslist though... After eBay and PayPal take there cut, and after you pay for shipping, what ever you'd end up getting would be less that what you can get locally, especially in Chicago...

Also, eBay holds payments for a while and will take money right out of your bank account if the buyer has any issues...

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Having some problems with my Samsung s4... The power button somehow got jammed, and I cant boot my phone back up without it. Hopefully getting a new one today, but will they be able to get all of my pictures/music/contacts from my device storage as well?

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Returned the Apple Watch. I liked it, kinda miss it, but the cash is so much better. Plus, Gen 1 isn't my thing.

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I dunno, doesn't seem much greater than my Sony Xperia Z3, and that's almost 9 months old. I find that the camera quality is not really much of an issue, the software the phone uses normally makes the greatest difference. And it's also water/dust proof, and you can play your PS4 on it.

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The first phone making me want to switch away from Apple...

meh, it still runs on android. Pass.

the phone isn't innovative. A lot of storage and a large camera.... yay

show me a bendy phone. then I'll be impressed.

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The first phone making me want to switch away from Apple...

meh, it still runs on android. Pass.

the phone isn't innovative. A lot of storage and a large camera.... yay

show me a bendy phone. then I'll be impressed.


If you're going to sit and wait for a company to come up with a phone with a different OS, you might as well just quit.


Unless of course you'd prefer some unknown piece of software with 0% market share and 0 apps. And it's not like Apple is ever going to open source (in any way shape or form) their latest OS.

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Cuda, just saw your reply... Maybe, but I do not like android OS, at least the way it is presented on the note4.. It's clunky and cluttered.

Newho, I had an opportunity to test out an iWatch for a few days. It is a very nice product, and it is easy to use... But, I was using the stainless steel version and that watch weighs at least a pound... It was like dragging an anchor around...

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