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In the UK, only EE (T-mobile and Orange) have 4G currently. The iPhone 5 IS compatible with them. However, the 4G spectrum that Vodafone and O2 plan to purchase is NOT compatible with the current model of iPhone 5, because they are different frequencies. So in other words, the current iPhone 5 will only work on EE and maybe Three (depending on which they buy). But the spectrum that Vodafone is planning on buying is better for the future because it will work better indoors. Anyway, I don't think 4G is worth it... yet. Wait for companies to drive prices down, EE can extort at the moment because they have exclusivity for 6 months (or w/e it is).

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purdy nice...

i've used it all day, AND i have a signal at home (without the airwave) and at work for once... i really think there was something wrong with my last phone's antenna, because this iphone 5 works like a champ... haven't had a dropped call... yet...

everything runs at least 3x the speed of my ipod, the camera can actually take pictures for a change, and all the space on the desktop and in the HDD make for a nice pocket computer... the ipod was king for me... i proudly told people i used one because of the free apple experience... i am not ashamed to say that for $10 more a month, i can also make calls with that apple experience...

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this phone is faster than me, i sometimes find myself tapping the same link twice... then realizing i clicked on the next link on the next page...

going from a pod to a phone is gonna take getting used to... and this IPB app still sucks... which one are you using, QD? i still cant view comments on the feed... i DL'd a different one this time, "buddy" i think... it's still the same :(...

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i put dis bitch in an otterbox today... i didn't get the extremely expensive insurance so i want to make sure it's got the best chance to make it 2 years, when i can sell it on ebay to buy my next phone :lol:... i love how that works...

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In puerto rico it costs $700 with contract or something and 4s is 500 its fucked up

South America does get really fucked over when it comes to electronics. over $1000 (USD) for a console on release. Games are regularly over $100 (USD). No wonder the pirate consoles do well in Brazil. Choice of a newer machine that might be plagued by issues (and warranty wouldn't be cheap considering you'd probably have to ship it) or a Sega Master System with 300 games built in for $25.

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^but That dosent han en in PR becuz we are a commonwealth And the video games are the same becuz of gamestop and the phone is about the fucked up retailers

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Iv'e just got a black one, and here are my complaints:

The aluminium strip that goes around the iPhone is a fucking joke. It's weak as fuck, and the paint gets chipped off really easily. I noticed a tiny silver spec just as I took it out of the box, and now I've got a few more.

Luckily I've got a case, though. It's too bad the case basically kills both my WiFi and mobile connection. It's not just the case, I've tested it by placing my hand on the left side of the phone, covering it completely. This caused my WiFi bars to drop from 3 to 1. I'm not sure if this was a problem with the previous versions, since I never had an iPhone prior to this.

And finally, it makes a tiny clicking noise whenever I click the home button, and it's been doing so straight out of the box. Doesn't really affect me, but it would be nice if it wasn't there.

On the other hand, I really like the other features, such as the camera and UI as to me it's familiar from my iPod Touch. And Now I can have my iPod+phone in one device, which is nice.

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Iv'e just got a black one, and here are my complaints:

The aluminium strip that goes around the iPhone is a fucking joke. It's weak as fuck, and the paint gets chipped off really easily. I noticed a tiny silver spec just as I took it out of the box, and now I've got a few more.

Luckily I've got a case, though. It's too bad the case basically kills both my WiFi and mobile connection. It's not just the case, I've tested it by placing my hand on the left side of the phone, covering it completely. This caused my WiFi bars to drop from 3 to 1. I'm not sure if this was a problem with the previous versions, since I never had an iPhone prior to this.

And finally, it makes a tiny clicking noise whenever I click the home button, and it's been doing so straight out of the box. Doesn't really affect me, but it would be nice if it wasn't there.

On the other hand, I really like the other features, such as the camera and UI as to me it's familiar from my iPod Touch. And Now I can have my iPod+phone in one device, which is nice.

The signal was always a bit of an issue with iPhones, they got really bad from the 4 onwards and king of damage control, Jobs suggested people were holding it wrong. And the clicking get develop into a full blown rattling.

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i don't have an issue with wifi or signal issues when holding mine... and i've heard about the chipping paint on the black phones, it's why i bought a white one... i think the home button is suppose to make a quiet click sound, but i got my in an otterbox and the click is much louder since i am pushing a rubber button... i will always buy otterbox for my cases though, i've always been impressed...

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I have a black iphone five and i dont have any of those issues, but i always put mine in a case.

I would swap the iphone for a new one if it is clicking, it shouldnt click.

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I have a black iphone five and i dont have any of those issues, but i always put mine in a case.

I would swap the iphone for a new one if it is clicking, it shouldnt click.

I try to keep mine in a case but then the WiFi signal goes down really low and sometimes I can't detect it. So when I'm using connection I have the case off, and then leave it on for the rest of the time. I might get a new case though, and test the interference.

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It's only in America where you get it replaced for free (maybe Canada as well, i don't know). Here I have to pay. I might do it if it interferes though.

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You just bought a 699.00 phone eith no warantee?

Actually my dad got it in Hong Kong for me, so I don't think the warranty applies here.

Is it genuine?

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You just bought a 699.00 phone eith no warantee?

Actually my dad got it in Hong Kong for me, so I don't think the warranty applies here.

Is it genuine?

Yes, it's just cheaper to get a genuine one from Asia than where I live.

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I dunno dude, maybe you got some stock that was rejected by apple quality assurance.... China is full of scammers.

Dude, it was from the apple store itself. He didn't buy it from some guy in an alley offering to sell one cheap. He's a pilot, so he was in Hong Kong at the time, and decided that was the best time to buy it.

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