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Probably should. I need my phone for work now. It's their sim card so I don't pay for calls etc. Gotta find out if I can claim the handset on tax. That would be nice.

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Probably should. I need my phone for work now. It's their sim card so I don't pay for calls etc. Gotta find out if I can claim the handset on tax. That would be nice.

Do you mean on your tax return? If so you can claim a percentage - the percentage that you use the phone for work. 50% might be a good amount but dependant on how much you use it. Otherwise you're talking about something else and I probably can't help lol

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Yeah I meant on my tax return. I need to speak to my accountant. I need the phone for work for the gps as well as calls so I'd be pretty happy with even getting half back.

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I'm not sure if you work from home but if you do you claim for the a percentage of the rooms in your house used for your business. There are many ways to make sure your tax return bill is low or non existent :)

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Nope. I'm a sales rep. They have offered me a phone but it was a 10 year old nokia. I need a gps to do my job. Which at this point I'm providing through the handset I paid for. Surely I can claim something on tax as far as paying for a new phone.

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My contract is done in a month and I need a new phone. Is the Galaxy S4 the best choice like EVERYBODY says it is?

No, that's the S5.


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Touchscreen and Proximity Sensor and out of the box operating system are all way better on the iPhone.

My wife has an iPhone, and i have a Galaxy.

Yes iOS is a more solid OS. But what good is a decent OS when Apple lock the shit out of it, and only release apps they want you to use. At least with Android, you have the ability to mod your OS extensively, third party and no-party apps are easier to get in abundance. And Android allows you to play any music, film, tv series, comic, magazine. Whether you ripped it off the net or not.

plus iTunes... So outdated man.

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I personally don't like android, all the phones I've had wort android have ran slow and I've blamed that because my Nokia window phone was great - just barely any apps on there and this one is great too but it could have just been the phones tbh.

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Touchscreen and Proximity Sensor and out of the box operating system are all way better on the iPhone.

My wife has an iPhone, and i have a Galaxy.

Yes iOS is a more solid OS. But what good is a decent OS when Apple lock the shit out of it, and only release apps they want you to use. At least with Android, you have the ability to mod your OS extensively

tell me, what crazy things do you do with your phone. I could jail break my phone if if wanted, also.. but that experience was crap, too much like android where only half the stuff works...

plus iTunes... So outdated man.


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Me and my wife debate about it all the time. And Android is just more user friendly, open source. I guess it's preference though. Some people like to mod their systems and use torrent apps to download stuff. And others like the boundaries that apple have applied to their system.

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I didn't dodge your question, Massacre responded to that. I didn't say I could do anything crazy with my phone either. Just that I could do more with Android than with iOS. Open-source being the key feature I speak of.

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What specifically do you do that you couldn't do on iOS?

Everone talks about the super uber things they are doing on androids, but there's never any specifics... Maybe I'm missing out on something..

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Why I prefer Apple:

Consistent updates not only on their hardware, but their software. Bug fixes happen very quickly. Hardware and software are built to work flawlessly together, as they're made by the same company. People can say that iOS is limited, but with iOS 8 we're now seeing a lot of extensions, such as keyboards, notification widgets, etc.

The only thing I needed to use jailbreaking for was to get adblock for YouTube and Safari and one where I can play YouTube in the background, so I could exit the app or lock my phone and still have music play (if the song wasn't on Spotify).

iPhones hold their value too. You can sell a year old phone for over $400, and most people don't spend nearly that much with contract upgrade prices. I sold a 4s for $280 after three years, and spent $299 on the phone.

In the end though, it comes down to personal choice.

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Well, my One SV finally died, so I'm using an iPhone 4 until the One M7 turns up. God, I hate having only one physical button. On the plus side it is quite a bit more solid than the SV, so I can club someone with it quite effectively.

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