
Did I do the right thing?

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Vicey, you possess both the wisdom and bitter personality of a gent thrice your age. You sir, can be trusted.

People often comment that I am a grumpy old bastard and indeed I do feel a lot more mature than my age. I've always said I was born in the wrong era, I should have been born in the 50's or 60s'. Everything about today's society pisses me off.

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here's some great words of wisdom for those of you who think no one talks about you... if someone you know is always talking about other people, don't think they aren't talking about you when you're not around...

i am that friend that people tell shit to and say, "don't tell anyone i said that" because they trust me that i won't... i built that reputation up over the years as the one guy you can talk to who doesn't go tell his buddy... people can say what they want about me, but they know i am not one to fuck them over... it takes years and years and years to establish that, and unfortunately, i am one of the rare few that don't spill the big secrets, except to those i have instilled the same trust in to not say a word too...

sounds like there's a few of you here who are the same... we got a nice community of people here, and despite what i read in all the posts, i know a lot of you are trustworthy friends, and people i know i would be good friends with if y'all lived nearby :D...

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Well... Im gangsta gangsta at the top of list so no one gonna be talking bout me.

Btw, you are all wrong.

You can get people not to talk about you behind your back pretty easily.

All you have to do is give them someone to hate even more than they hate you. If they hate someone else so universally, together, they will consume so much time talking about that person they have no time for you.

People got a lot of hate to give, the trick is to direct it on a particular subject.

Back in the day, people were more agreeable with one another in a general sense because they had someone specific to hate. They weren't as angry, bitchy, rude, ect becuse they directed there angst about the dissapointment of life towards a relatively small amount of people.

The key to being a successful cult of personality is giving your people someone to hate.

Crusaders, Muslims, honkys, Jews, proud americans, Communists..

But now thats all gone and done, you gotta be nice to everyone. Same quantity of hate is now spread about and undirected.

Control hate and you'll control the world. People arent evil they just like to hate things.

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As Vice said I wouldn't trust anyone who was on drugs and would not date someone on them. But conceding to the fact that this dude had no idea she was an adict he did the right thing.

You obviously cared about her and that's why you told her mum so she could get sorted. Just forget her, whatever you thought yoy knew about her was most likely false.

My view on people... I barely trust anyone. People screw you over and I have a very few people in my life I legitimately trust.

people are manipulative and look out for number one.

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Agree with most of what was said in this thread. You can really only count your true friends on one hand, most people who you think are your friends will talk bad about you and would stab you in the back if given the chance. I don't hate people, I just know that there is a minority of trustworthy ones.

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As Vice said I wouldn't trust anyone who was on drugs and would not date someone on them. But conceding to the fact that this dude had no idea she was an adict he did the right thing.

Funnily enough my most trusted friends are all drug users. Go figure.

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Luckily all of my school friends never smoked or did drugs so I never felt compelled to join in. As I said I am good at avoiding shitty people.

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The majority of the people in this world are scum, watch them carefully. Eventually, you'll find a handful of people you can trust.

I'm saving this. I'd put it in my sig, but it'd break the table and then look gay.

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