
should i try to connect with people?

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jizz just don't worry about it, you are young anyway. If someone is worth your time then you will know. Most people aren't.

as far as relationships go, if you want one work out why you keep fucking them up, ask exes what you did wrong or whatever.

Isn't he the one who made a thread about why he doesn't understand women?

Edit: he was

I think the relationship part goes back to the women thread. Where he'd probably need to re-read and refresh up on it.

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You say dildoes, I say dildos. Po-tay-to.

Found the picture, didn't notice the e. Looks freaking retarded now that you pointed it out.

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Wasn't the dildo factory a field of battle in the last FML?

And, I wonder if hordes of horny thieves have ever tried to break in and steal their inventory...

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Don't go out with idiots then, that's why you really want to get to know someone before you decide to start anything serious. I could never go up to a random girl and ask her out, it isn't my sty-lee.

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You've got all the time in the world, what are you, 15? at your age you seriously don't need to worry bout it. Now if you were Marney's age i'd start worrying.

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Just don't be afraid to get shot down. And just act confident, you don't actually have to be. Smoking areas in night clubs are a good place to get started... although, you may contract an STD by the end of it.

Agreed. Great place to chat woman up, It's better to establish a rapport before offering to buy a drink, some girls will take the drink and

disappear into the night, plus instant icebreaker "you want one?" or "got a light?". Have a quick 10-minute conversation (no need to linger) and arrange to meet up at the bar later on in the night, if she don't turn up fuck it, have another drink.

As to the STD problem..ermmm..Just double up.

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We're all a bunch of fine gentlemen in here. *wink*

Yes, take the knowledge that I gave you and use it. But don't make it too obvious, you don't need to italicise it for a start.

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That guy could be an animator, his screens look like he is working on something. He could be, if not for that creepy doll collection on his shelf.

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That guy could be an animator, his screens look like he is working on something. He could be, if not for that creepy doll collection on his shelf.

What you see is leaked footage of GTA V. Spread the word. First Youtube, then the world.

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That guy could be an animator, his screens look like he is working on something. He could be, if not for that creepy doll collection on his shelf.

What you see is leaked footage of GTA V. Spread the word. First Youtube, then the world.


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Honestly man if you're serious I can try to give you some feed back. I have alot of trouble telling when people are serious on this forum lol.

First I have to ask (rhetorrical question), have you had some sort of social trauma in your life like someone you had placed love or trust in hurting you (eg: abandoning you, lieing to you, going behind your back, physicall/emotionally abusing you)? Trauma, wether it be one serious incedent when you were young, or a pattern of smaller scale incedents throughout life can do alot to you whether you know it or not. If this is the case, your subconcious may have set up emotional walls to prevent further negetive impact to your ego. By doing this, you won't let others in. You stay emotionally callaced, quick to distrust, and will always be the first one to leave a relationship. No one will truley know you, no one will truely matter to you, therefor no one can hurt you and your ego may stay intact. This may apply to you, it may not. I'm just throwing it out there. I only have an associates degree in psychology, and I don't know you, so I can't really help you without knowing more. But if this is infringeing on your quality of life I recomend you talk to a professional.

What I will say is that going through life alone won't be fun. My advise for you is try to form relationships with people, but always be mindfull of your barriers. Don't put more trust in people than they deserve, and don't put out more love for people than they give to you. This way you can remain comfortable, be true to your feelings, yet you may also get into some really great friendships/relationships/situations that you would have missed out on. It's really odd, but you would be amazed at how much power you have over your reality. Simply smileing alittle while talking to people completely changes their mood and how they react to you. So play around with communication and relationships and see how it goes for you. You sculpt your own experience bro.

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Gnaw shit, who let the dog out...

Sculpt your own experience bro. Go ahead sculp it. Mmmhmm. Be true to your feelings u got power of thems realities baby..

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