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I could have sworn i saw a thread for this a while back...? Maybe i saw some images/footage in the Fallout or Skyrim thread.


This is a great little interactive trailer, i guess you'd call it. It shows off the gameplay in first person, giving you choices in which to make. Meh, just watch it!

I saw this game at Eurogamer, but didn't have the time to play it. I watched people playing it as i walked by, and it looked pretty decent from what i saw.

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Very cool trailer but i don't think I will be picking this up until the price drops. With AC3, Hitman, Farcry 3 and maybe a Hitman HD trilogy coming I am already spending way too much money this holiday season.

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Yah Im liking 3rd person.

the only thing id say is it makes it harder in 1st cause you cant see around corners so easily. I really like how they've incorporated lean to poke your head around corners.

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I heard this only has a five hour campain. I would just rent it.

Dam that is lame

a game shouldnt even be allowed to have a campaign shorter than 8 hours

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I played Thief back in the day, this is like Thief on crack. But perhaps I was on crack, I am in for ACIII.

I think Dishonored has multiple playthrough possibilities, as stealth, no-kill, all kill, etc. I love a good stealth game. I'll wait until it's under $30 and I can spend some time with it after the holiday game rush. I think my NEW gaming schedule will be ACIII, Far Cry 3 and then Dishonored.

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I heard this only has a five hour campain. I would just rent it.

Everything I've read suggests 10 - 12 hours at a rush, but there is supposed to be a lot of detail in the game world so it should be quite easy to at least double that. There is also the possibility of replaying the game to explore different choices, as Stoic said.

*Edit* Just got this on Steam, loving it so far. The controls are fairly intuitive and the combat feels nice and fluid, and while not strictly open world, it is open enough to provide multiple pathways to objectives. The environments are beautifully drawn, it feels kind of like playing in the concept art on the loading screens on GTA. So far, I have seen lots of notes, books etc. lying around, so it would seem there is a fair bit of lore to be had for those that are interested in that sort of thing. I think there is definately more than five hours in this game, it's not like you're on rails and being propelled to the end of the level all the time like CoD. I spent an hour getting through the intro and first mission.

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first impressions are exactly what Fave said, i can foresee lots of repetitiveness... we'll see what happens once i get a little further and can choose different ways of approaching the target... but right now, i am killing everyone in my path... atmosphere seems bland and empty, not sure where all the praise is coming from when i read reviews... then again, i've only seen the prison and sewers :P...

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i haven't played this since the 1st night... i'm taking it back today, i doubt it would be my kind of game anyways... when you sit on it for 5 nights and only play it once, yea, i'm thinking i wasn't interested in playing it at all... i'll see if far cry 3 is there, if not, then i am done renting for a few months...

i liked the idea of this game, but the first couple of missions were really crappy, and i just didn't want to play more of that for the next 10 hours... i didn't even unlock any powers, but i don't think i would of used many of them anyways, i probably would of been hacking and slashing my way through the game...

EDIT: far cry 3 wasn't available to rent, so it's back to hitman and VC10... dishonored just never grabbed my attention...

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I started the first couple missions; on my way to kill the main overseer but stopped off at the doctor's office to poison him for Granny Raggs. I've unlocked some powers and I like the Bioshock vibe; plus the city and level design are incredible. I haven't really gotten a hang of open combat, but the stealth element is fantastic. The kill animations are fantastic as well, I LOVE a good decapitation and the Springrazor is an incredible piece of weaponry.

Bones, how far did you get? Did you unlock BLINK? Did you escape the sewers and get to the Pub?

I don't know, I feel like there is a lot to this game and I am just scratching the surface. I'm hooked.

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i didn't unlock any powers... i really didn't get very far, i am pretty sure i made it past the sewers but i didn't start the next mission, which was probably the pub... i thought the world had a unique look to it, and yea, i was carrying around a head for a while, using it as a distraction tool... but usually got spotted anyways and had to hack them to death...

something about it didn't grab my attention... perhaps i'll give it another go in the future, but it wasn't pulling me in...

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