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Vice City 10th Anniversary October 29th

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New screenshots.




That's weird, anyone notice the wanted level stars? the top screenshots they're not aligned th same as the others... customizable hud? I know you fan adjust the position of buttons.

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Game is out now, at least on the UK app store, it gets released at midnight in whatever time zone you're in. Downloading it now, download is taking ages! If you can't find it on the IOS app store, search google on safari for "Vice City iTunes" and click the first link, should take you to the app in the app store. Not sure how to do it on android.

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is this a midnight release across all available countries?? plenty of folks reported having this, so i assume it will be available in the states in 30 minutes??

Nope, It's not yet available for the Android Market.

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^this, i see it naow!!

how's the android market handling this?? i am expecting feedback as soon as i post this..

I'm not sure it's up to Rockstar to upload it to Android market but it's not yet uploaded as I post this,+Inc.

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i am downloading it right now on IOS, but it's gonna take a while... it's just over 1GB, by far the biggest app i've downloaded so far... but yea, i warned people that android doesn't have it yet...

i bet this DL will take forever... a bunch of people are trying to download it right now :P...

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The game is still MiA on the Google play store -_- Been waiting all morning!


Screenshots :D





I was playing Vice City - PC on full settings this morning. The Anniversary Edition looks SO much better!

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I heard about a validation error if you download from there though.

We’re aware that some users have attempted to download Vice City: 10th Anniversary Edition from the Google Play Store and have experienced validation errors. Just to be clear: the game is not available for Android devices just yet, and if you’re seeing it listed on the Store then this is an error, and you shouldn’t attempt to download it. We’ll keep you up to date and let you know as soon as the game is live and available to purchase.


/edit the link no longer works fitty.

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How's the game bOnEs? Nostalgic enough?

I just realised. This game is going to be the patched version, after they took the Haitian cutscenes out lol. I hope the story still makes proper sense.

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total nostalgia :D... i haven't played since late last night, and i gotta go to work too... but i'll be checking it out on my breaks and shit... controls will take a little getting used to, it's hard to apply the handbrake properly at the moment...

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Sweet jebus, I can't recall the faggio being this hard to handle. I wish R* would have implemented the on-foot dpad for driving. I keep hitting both directions at the same time.

Edit: I didn't realise you can resize the buttons.

Also, I'm happy about being able to add a custom playlist

Edit2: OMG OMG OMG I just picked up a hooker. Could never do that in the original Oz version. All my teenage dreams are coming true.

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thanks!! made a few adjustments, like moving the enter/exit icon up... i kept bailing out of a car when i tried doing handbrake turns :lol:... there's still more adjusting to do, but i've had fun dicking around in the few minutes i've had to play the game...

:bones: <{iphucked this post!! }

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Well that sucks....

R* Q1 hour, 25 minutes ago

Hey guys, due to unforeseen technical issues, the Android release of Vice City will be slightly delayed. Our goal is to get this out for Android by the end of next week. Our apologies for the delay to all our fans on Android devices and please stay tuned for updates.


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Probably the technical issues deal with the numerous different os on numerous different devices with numerous different screens...

Ios is more standardized...

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