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E3 2011

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The demo I saw for Mass Effect 3 made my E3. Everything else, I've seen already. And fuck, Twisted Metal doesn't look any farther along than it was at last year's E3. The big games for 2011 were announced early this year or late last year, it's mostly just demos at this point.

No more new IP's, just sequels until we all die.

GTA V in 2076.

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Considering that the exclusive DLC the 360 got for SR2 sucked undead donkey cock, there's a decent chance I'll pick up SR3 for PS3. Here's hoping I actually remember to do it.

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  On 6/9/2011 at 4:02 AM, Massacre said:

Considering that the exclusive DLC the 360 got for SR2 sucked undead donkey cock, there's a decent chance I'll pick up SR3 for PS3. Here's hoping I actually remember to do it.

Your PSN ID never-ever worked for me. Do you intend on playing SR3 online? Would be nice to actually play this one online. I never got into SR2 enough to want to play it online really...GTAIV just stole the lime-light.

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SR2 was a fun co-op game, me and a friend played a ton of hours online... it would be sweet to get a group together with SR3 to spray feces on buildings with... or throw celebrity stalkers off of buildings...

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It's a shame the co-op is just two-person, a mob of people would be epic.

  On 6/9/2011 at 10:36 AM, DuPz0r said:

Your PSN ID never-ever worked for me.

What's all this, then?

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  On 6/9/2011 at 6:00 PM, Massacre said:

It's a shame the co-op is just two-person, a mob of people would be epic.

  On 6/9/2011 at 10:36 AM, DuPz0r said:

Your PSN ID never-ever worked for me.

What's all this, then?

ok never mind, i just tried it just now and it worked. I tried it before and it said it didn't exist.

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Cool. I've had my PS3 idling for a while, charging my controller (I get more battery life out of a pair of AA's, btw. How about a controller like that, Sony?), so I'll start sending you violent sexual messages right away.

And yeah, if I end up getting SR3 for PS3, I intend on playing online. I don't think any of my Xbox brethren had SR2, so I never got to play online. I mean, I'm not going to play with strangers, strangers are douchebags. Fuck those guys.

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PS Vita is the PSP2. The one that was codenamed NGP (Next Gen Portable) it's almost as powerful as the PS3 in terms of specs. It does everything except phone. The Xperia Play is the PSP Phone.

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that was suweet... can't wait to play uncharted 3, however, i think it has officially turned into a rental for me... i only care about the story and i've only beaten both games once so i don't feel the need to waste my money on another game when it could easily be beaten as a rental... can't wait to play it though, it's my most anticipated game of the year...

@ massacre... yea, it's funny how many times you play online and get a friend request from a guy you probably spent a minute teaming up with, with any game... i ignore all requests... i only play with people i know...

that would be cool if you did get SR3 for the PS3 though... i might not buy uncharted 3, but i know i'll buy SR3 because open world games give me a lot of bang for my buck... plus, i need a new GTA fix right now... it's funny that there will be two saint's row releases in between GTA's, and possibly a third too, never know...

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  On 6/9/2011 at 10:05 PM, bOnEs said:

that would be cool if you did get SR3 for the PS3 though... i might not buy uncharted 3, but i know i'll buy SR3 because open world games give me a lot of bang for my buck... plus, i need a new GTA fix right now... it's funny that there will be two saint's row releases in between GTA's, and possibly a third too, never know...

I feel exactly the same right now. I know we're way off a GTA release but i need something to make up for it in the mean time.

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Between New Vegas, inFamous 2, Skyrim, and Saints Row 3 (No, I'm not fucking calling it "The Third." What the fuck is that?), I think I'll be good until the next GTA. And that's just the open-world games.

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