
How do you play GTA?

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How DO you guys play GTA games? Do you adopt a different style for each game?

I know half the responses will just be "i jus drive fast and shoot peeps bro and maybe play misshons" or "i play the missions once then only play multiplayer uuugh the games are so boring once you finish dem once bro", but I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for crazy obbessive habits people pick up.

As I have OCD, I play every game a certain way...

In GTA3, LCS, Chinatown Wars, Vice City and GTA IV: most of the time I'll start the game, change clothes, explore/shop until about 10am (in game) then play a mission, eat (in game) play another mission, then when it gets dark I'll go home and save. If it's before 1am, I'll either watch TV (In GTAIV series) or stroll around the neighbourhood until it gets late enough. I'll only differ if something happens contextually in the game to change the characters "lifestyle". I will NOT attack any peds unless seriously provoked.

In TLAD and San Andreas: I pay less attention to the time and save after two missions or so, doing whatever I please before, in between and after. I will attack (but not kill) peds if slightly provoked. I also hang out with gang members/friends more.

In TBOGT I go about the day much the same as the first explaination, except I hang out in the clubs on Friday and Saturday night until 4am. I also do the "Club management" side missions most nights as a "job".

So essentially I live out a mini "life" as the character in the game, as I find this most comforting/rewarding. Weirdly enough, my real life is way more interesting and varied...

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I ShOOt pEds A cErtAIn nUmbEr Of tImEs In A sEqUEncE. SO thE fIrst pEd I kIll I shOOt 9 tImEs, sEcOnd pEd 17, thEn 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 65, 73, 81, 89, 97, 105 And sO On. OncE I rAn OUt Of bUllEts And hAd to rUn AwAy tO fInd mOrE And whEn I cAmE bAck thE gUy hAd gOnE And It tOtAlly mEssEd my gAmE Up sO I hAd tO quIt And stArt thE gAmE AgAIn bEcAUsE I fElt dIrty. AlsO I lIkE tO cApItAlIsE thE vOwEls whEn I typE bEcAUsE It mAkEs mE fEEl sAfE At nIght.

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  On 10/19/2012 at 6:35 PM, Jizzin4Marney said:

dude, if you actually play like that, go see a therapist.

What part of "I have OCD" don't you understand?

The O

The C


The D.

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I'm a little deflated that only one person commented on topic, and I'm guilty of playing the same way he does too.

And yes, I have been diagnosed with mild OCD (otherwise I wouldn't have said it. Imagine if someone lied on the internet!).

But this isn't about me, I'm just curious as to how other people go about playing the games, or am I the only one who still starts a new game after finishing for the first time?

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I play similarly. I do most missions at night, unless I feel that a certain mission would make more sense to do during the day. I head back to my safehouse to 'sleep' between 2 and 3 am, save until the time is between 10am and 1pm, repeat. I also try to use the same car as often as possible.

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i jus drive fast and shoot peeps bro and maybe play misshons and i play the missions once then only play multiplayer uuugh the games are so boring once you finish dem once bro

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^ Well done, but I have a few notes.

Your post should have been longer and more nonsensical. Also, while I realize that you used no punctuation, the noobs somehow manage to use less, so, get on that.

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When I had GTA III I use to play it as a driving simulator. I had gotten one of those GameStop steering wheels and eventually found out that it worked with GTA III. I would drive my Cheeta over to the bus station by Joey's and then follow a specific route bus stops and all. Speed limits, red lights the whole shabam. Had a station on North Staunton Island, I parked there for about 10 minutes every round.

Yup, GTA III + Steering wheel = Ku Zi Mu insanity.

But I was younger then sooo yeh. :ermm:

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  On 10/20/2012 at 7:14 PM, Marney-789 said:

When I had GTA III I use to play it as a driving simulator. I had gotten one of those GameStop steering wheels and eventually found out that it worked with GTA III. I would drive my Cheeta over to the bus station by Joey's and then follow a specific route bus stops and all. Speed limits, red lights the whole shabam. Had a station on North Staunton Island, I parked there for about 10 minutes every round.

Yup, GTA III + Steering wheel = Ku Zi Mu insanity.

But I was younger then sooo yeh. :ermm:

Like GTA bus simulator then?

I personally used to get a tank and blow shit up.

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  On 10/20/2012 at 4:47 PM, Massacre said:

^ Well done, but I have a few notes.

Your post should have been longer and more nonsensical. Also, while I realize that you used no punctuation, the noobs somehow manage to use less, so, get on that.

You give me too much credit. Dont forget Im the "*doesn't watch" or "*doesn't read" posting fucking guy. A pretty lazy forum member that rarely adds any valuable insight to any kind of topic.

I copied and pasted that post from the OP.

  On 10/19/2012 at 2:20 AM, Pothatuu said:

I know half the responses will just be "i jus drive fast and shoot peeps bro and maybe play misshons" or "i play the missions once then only play multiplayer uuugh the games are so boring once you finish dem once bro", but I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for crazy obbessive habits people pick up.

There is a joke in itself posting the exact words from his own example of what he wasn't looking for. But it still only took 5 seconds to post.

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I try my best to follow the sequence of the missions. If I get stuck on a mission, I'll fuck about in the city until I get up the nerve to try again. I'm not too cautious about using cheats before I finish the storyline, I love manipulating the game. Whether or not I attain an unfair advantage in doing so, I don't mind.

  On 10/20/2012 at 7:14 PM, Marney-789 said:

When I had GTA III I use to play it as a driving simulator. I had gotten one of those GameStop steering wheels and eventually found out that it worked with GTA III.

Oh my God...If the steering wheel I have works with IV, I NEED to try that.

EDIT: It does. It's a shame you can't walk to a parked Lamborghini with a steering wheel. Too bad I'm so used to controller driving, or that would have been a blast.

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