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Canadian TV show This Hour Has 22 Minutes, describing Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "He's like Mitt Romney, but without the charisma, money, or business experience."

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  On 11/7/2012 at 3:15 AM, gtagrl said:

Canadian TV show This Hour Has 22 Minutes, describing Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "He's like Mitt Romney, but without the charisma, money, or business experience."

A middle aged Mormon with a lot of kids, an ugly wife, a smirk that makes me smear shit on my tv screen to avoid looking at it, and really boring hair?

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Im not voting for biden in 2016.... Just going on record now, the guy is too hilarious.

Btw, my post right after obama won in 2008

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All governments are rigged to some extent, They're all fucked. There isn't room for new parties to introduce new ideas. It's always the tried and tested parties that stay on top, and they haven't proven they can do a good job for the country... There's no party in our country i can honestly say will fix any major problems within the next 4 years.

I find politics so fucking pretentious. So many promises, and so many let downs. Listening to a Prime Minister or a President talk about all the things they will do for the country, and expecting change whilst they're in term, is like sleeping with a prostitute without protection because she said she's clean... They just can't be trusted.

Even though that's my personal view, i think Obama is the right man for America at the moment. I fucking hate the Republicans as it is. Obama has promised some things and hasn't fixed them, but he's doing the best he can from a bad situation. The Republicans put their country into the mess they're in today, just like Labour did to our country - along with the bankers. I don't support the Torries btw, i actually have no desired party, they're all untrustworthy imo.

I've voted Labour in the past, but I've gone without voting a few times, because i don't agree with any of the parties...

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  On 11/7/2012 at 4:07 AM, Brian said:
  On 11/7/2012 at 3:15 AM, gtagrl said:

Canadian TV show This Hour Has 22 Minutes, describing Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "He's like Mitt Romney, but without the charisma, money, or business experience."

A middle aged Mormon with a lot of kids, an ugly wife, a smirk that makes me smear shit on my tv screen to avoid looking at it, and really boring hair?

Right wing conservative Christian...check. Ugly wife...check. Livery-lipped smirk...check. Odd helmet hair...check. He's only got two kids, probably didn't feel comfortable having sex more than twice. :sick:

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I honestly believe Jesse Ventura should run for Prez in 2016 for the Libertarians. Did some good things in Minnesota as governor, and he's already popular for other things, and what America needs is for a third party to gain a little power and recognition. Jesse is a guest fairly often on a radio show I listen to often ( Todd & Tyler out of Omaha, fucking hilarious) and he has a lot of good ideas.

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the press delegitimized itself when it went to a BREAKING NEWS 24/7 newscast with talking heads and opinion pieces.





Information Age


Breaking news 
happening overnight
murder by an illegal
searches on Google
stock's record profits
sent overseas
warfare in the Middle East
Coast prepares for Hurricanes
championship run
away killed by a drunk
pilot crashed at a Russian
president starts conflict
resolution this New Year's
holiday vacation home sales
training for a new career
politicians elected to represent
criminals vindicated by test-tube
babies born with the Zika virus
stole documents leaked to media
mistrust at record levels
new sanctions against Putin
says hacks were fake
news breaking. 

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  On 1/22/2017 at 11:59 PM, Jizzy said:

Is anybody else genuinely concerned about trump trying to delegitimize the press? That's real fascist shit.

I'm more concerned about how he delegitimized democracy. Ba-dum-tsh.


The real news has been exclusively on the internet for years. TV news is just people in shitty business attire reaching for ratings.

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I may have to stop using the internet. I'm not sure I can handle 4 years of people whining that Trump won, while others crow that he did win. The election is done, there is nothing you can do about it* so shut the fuck up and let me read news stories about dogs like I usually do. I used to discuss hockey with my friend in Geneva. Now all he does is bitch and moan about Trump and tell me which pointless rally he went Geneva. Genius. 


Also think for yourself. Don't just blindly follow some media shill as almost all of them have an agenda to push. 


*Well, there are a few things but if I mentioned them I'd be on a terror watch list. Assuming I'm not already. 

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I never said you watched Fox News. However, if Trump did shut it down I can't believe anyone with a brain would give a fuck. Also, just because Trump attacks Fox doesn't make it an illegitimate source. As QD said, they do a good enough job of that themselves, but even that is up to the individual to decide. 


As long as Fox Sports is left alone I couldn't care less either way. They're showing the Australian cricket tour of India so it must be untouchable. 



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Still, the point flies over your head.

The concern is his willingness to just shut down any news source that didn't kiss his ass. The guy thinks everything is fake news except fox and Breitbart. He won't accept anything that doesn't stroke his ego.

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Trump has signed several executive orders so far. Here is what will take place, and my opinion if anyone cares.


  • Withdrawing from the TPP & Renegotiating NAFTA - This is great. The TPP would have been detrimental for American workers and industry, and renegotiating NAFTA will allow terms that will benefit us more than before. 
  • A hiring freeze on federal agencies except for the military - This will help shrink the government be putting a hold on the creation of more jobs and useless positions which are a huge burden on the taxpayer. 
  • Reinstating of the Mexico City Policy - Ban on federal funds to international groups that preform abortions or lobby to legalize or promote it. While I feel abortion should not be illegal, I do agree with this as we should not be sending funds overseas for this. It will save roughly $600 million from my understanding. 
  • Reviving the Keystone Pipeline and Dakota Access Pipeline - Job creation, and orders to use materials only produced in the US. I am not educated enough on this however, but with the vast amount of pipes that already exist to transport oil through the US, I don't see how these two updated and new pipes could be any worse.
  • Executive Orders on Obamacare - ACA was a fucking mess, I see it right now with my mom as she battles cancer. Nothing affordable. There are good provisions of the ACA but premiums and copays have skyrocketed.


Today we are expecting executive orders on immigration. 


The wall will be built. There will be an imposed temporary travel ban on those who come from regions that pose a risk to national security, namely the middle east. Every President since Carter has enacted this, including Obama on various ethnic groups or regions. Trump is doing the right thing. There will also be more flexibility for deportations and change to the H1-B Visa program.


All in all, I'm pretty happy with Trump so far, and he's keeping many of his promises. I wish much success for him and our nation. 

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