
If R* made a pirate game...

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They should pay attention to what AC3 has done with navel battles, that combined with an open world full of treasure hunting and GTA style missions would be great. Anyone else have any ideas for what you would want in this game if it ever gets made?

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Sounds like you could just play AC3 instead of waiting for Rockstar to make one...

Yeah that will do for now. Hopefully one day they do get to make one, until then I guess I have to imagine Connor is secretly a pirate captain.

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Bethesda made a Pirates of the Carribean RPG a while back that had very little to do with the films. Wouldn't mind seeing an update of that, as it was a fairly decent game, though it'll probably never happen.

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a big world, lots and lots of upgrades to your boat, have multiple boats, the ability to take your crew to snatch other's boats, lots of multiplayer options, and maybe some character custimization at least for multiplayer

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A pirate game would be good if done correctly. If they were to make one it would pretty much be a one-of-a-kind game due to the lack of pirate games out there.

However I tend to think that the lack of pirate games ALSO indicate a lack of market for games of such.

Who knows? I think it's highly unlikely Rockstar would ever go ahead with one, it just doesn't seem like a genre that they would even consider going in to.

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they said making a western game was a crazy idea due to the lack of a market... then R* released red dead redemption and blew everyone away... there's not a market for pirate games because no one has made a proper one... if 'sid meier's pirates!' is still considered to be the best game (released 25 years ago), then it's time for someone to do something about that...

@HBW - i have not tried that... i've picked it up a couple of times at the rental store but put it back down, and i did enjoy LEGO star wars... but that's not the kind of pirate game i am looking for... i want an open world RPG pirate game... i think this would be more suited for a company like bethesda, but i do know that if R* took a shot at it, it would be rich in pirate lore and detail... they always do their homework on any project...

the only games to get naval combat battle right was assassin's creed and sid meier's pirates... there's plenty of games that have the land stuff right... trading, markets, towns, atmosphere, sword play, crew management, and tomfoolery... but never has one game combined all of that...

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