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I've been following all the news about GTA V for a while now and decided to join this forum, after all its a good place to get news.

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NM here looking to start off SEP 17 the right way with all my fellow GTA players. Haven't really played GTA for some years, but I am looking forward to make up lost time by playing GTA V. I like what I see so far. No here for a bunch of forum drama. Feel free to insult me if that makes you feel better about yourself. You won't really peeve me off, unless it's an arguement about sports. Then we're gonna have problems.


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Haii im Ross (:

Psn; Rozzacki

Umm, Don't know what to say xD

Love shooting games, adventure & RPG games.

Fave games; GTA San Andreas, Fallout 3, Mass Effect (trilogy) The last of us.

Pretty much always online. Did have GTA IV But got rid of it.. Not really a huge fan.. Think they let them selves down (story wise) from San Andreas to that.. But cant wait for GTA V :')

Anything i missed out.. just ask :L

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No New Vegas, Ross?

New vegas was a great game, but it's not in my top faves. There was so many glitches and errors & the amount of times it crashed on it me was nobodies business. But yeah, i do love that game :') But Fallout 3 was far better! :)

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hey all. been lurkin on the site for a while now, just officially joined today tho. good site here, feeds my fix for info on gta v, which, after seein the online vid today, am beyond psyched for.

I'm an easy goin 420 gamer, not into trollin other ppl's fun. looks like i may need some more friends to game with online to avoid the trolls ya know. i mainly use xbox but will be playin on both consoles. just have my brother as a friend on ps3, so if yer groovy, add me. same with xbox, looks to me like having a huge diversity of friends will be a huge benifit, so please add me up.

i'm a major co-op player, not much for deathmatch anymore. i've found as i got older, i straight up suck at any deathmatch. have bursts of awesome rounds here and there, but nuthin like when team fortress first hit the pc.....yeah see i'm old. lol

i'm soon to be 38 so i prefer playin with ppl 25 and up, not a huge thing if yer below that age, just prefer my peer age is all.

also, if ya know where this name first came from, what game is what i mean, make damn sure u add me! lol was such a fun game.

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hey all. been lurkin on the site for a while now, just officially joined today tho. good site here, feeds my fix for info on gta v, which, after seein the online vid today, am beyond psyched for.

I'm an easy goin 420 gamer, not into trollin other ppl's fun. looks like i may need some more friends to game with online to avoid the trolls ya know. i mainly use xbox but will be playin on both consoles. just have my brother as a friend on ps3, so if yer groovy, add me. same with xbox, looks to me like having a huge diversity of friends will be a huge benifit, so please add me up.

i'm a major co-op player, not much for deathmatch anymore. i've found as i got older, i straight up suck at any deathmatch. have bursts of awesome rounds here and there, but nuthin like when team fortress first hit the pc.....yeah see i'm old. lol

i'm soon to be 38 so i prefer playin with ppl 25 and up, not a huge thing if yer below that age, just prefer my peer age is all.

also, if ya know where this name first came from, what game is what i mean, make damn sure u add me! lol was such a fun game.

Yes it was - I'll keep an eye out for your Caddy Fat Cat while driving around Los Santos

And welcome

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also, if ya know where this name first came from, what game is what i mean, make damn sure u add me! lol was such a fun game.

Yes it was - I'll keep an eye out for your Caddy Fat Cat while driving around Los Santos

And welcome

lol, ohh yer old too! (Y) atta be brother!

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I'm Smee, but my Mum calls me Rob.

I don't get much time to game anymore but I have a lot of time to kill at work. You lot are keeping me entertained.

Keep it up.

Came here looking for info on the map. there is some absolute crap out there on the topic.

but you lot seem to know what you're talking about so a hung around.

If you're on PS3 hit me up.

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