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New here from Dayton, Ohio USA. I love video games but currently have no PS3 I'm getting a new one Friday so I'll be back online, might have to make a new PSN since I don't think I remember my password...

Games I own

Call Of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare

Call Of Duty : Black Ops


Uncharted 2

Unreal Tournament


Little Big Planet

Midnight Club Los Angeles

Burnout Paradise




Dead Rising 2

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Well unfortunately I have lost all my game saves :-( I had some really nice cars on there. My favorite was the Grand National that I customized to look like a Hurst Olds Cutlass with T-tops. Took me about 8 hours to finish it. 1984-Hurst-Olds-A085-005.jpg

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Thats a good idea. I've always liked the Grand Nationals look but wasn't quite sure what to do with it. So I made it into a race car. Although I turned the R/T Challenger into a T/A. That took me in total probably 4 hours

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I bet that looks good. I made the 69 Yenko Camaro off 2 Fast 2 Furious that was a pain in the ass and my game locked up as I was leaving the garage I was so pissed I never made it again.

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Hey Guys,

My name is James, I didnt realise I had to introduce myself so I kinda just posted a few times before doing this :S (sorry) I am a gaming nerd, and the type that gets overhyped on previews and trailers so forgive me if I turn into a babbling mess, my grammer is probably a little off so if I'm hard to understand just kick my in the nuts and I will write it again, Im from Telford England and I'm a Telford United fan all the way "up the bucks :D" and I'm representing the WEST SIDE....... of the midlands, and on that note testicles.

that is all.

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Hey man thats literally down the road good to see a couple people representing the midlands on this then, so tell my you a city fan or a villa fan?

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haha good lad, I literally just impulse bought San Andreas I hope it works on my Xbox 360 :S if not im gonna have to find good ol' dusty out the attic again to play it on.

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will do mate, im pretty excited I can't even remember the last time I played it, too long ago clearly, but it will keep me going until GTA V especially with Saints Row 3 and Skyrim thrown in for good measure

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Hey Guys,

My name is James, I didnt realise I had to introduce myself so I kinda just posted a few times before doing this :S (sorry) I am a gaming nerd, and the type that gets overhyped on previews and trailers so forgive me if I turn into a babbling mess, my grammer is probably a little off so if I'm hard to understand just kick my in the nuts and I will write it again, Im from Telford England and I'm a Telford United fan all the way "up the bucks :D" and I'm representing the WEST SIDE....... of the midlands, and on that note testicles.

that is all.

*looks at clipboard*

Hmm, humour, check. Nice firm anus, check. Random genitalia reference, check. Ok you're in.

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well I hope you pulled out man, I think its just rude to make a mess in another person's anus when you've only just met them, well thats my etiquette when I'm out for a one nighter ;):clap:

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Guest Birdie

well I hope you pulled out man, I think its just rude to make a mess in another person's anus when you've only just met them, well thats my etiquette when I'm out for a one nighter ;):clap:

I like this guy,.

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Hey everyone,

I was registered as -d-R-u- and Franchise on the old forums back in the day, I think it was on at the time. I was a mod on there for awhile too.

Anyways, figured I would come back around since the new GTA was announced. Psy always had the best GTA sites IMO.

Random names I remember off of the top of my head - Prime, skillz, QD, Damian, Dunpeal, I/O, mello.. can't think of many more. Any of you guys still around?!

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I only vaguely remember you from back in the day, but you don't remember me at all (don't worry no one ever does), so fuck it, welcome back.

QD is still around, Dunpeal drops in from time to time, and Mello has been back once or twice. Other than that, all our vets are either gone, or just not on your list...

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hey guys. used to be a semi-active gold back in the days of but not been about for few years for various reasons. thought it was about time to rejoin with the new game announced.

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Guest Marney1

If any new members have introduced themselves since the last time I said WELCOME then, WELCOME.

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