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Hey im julian.i like koalas and gta from puerto rico but have lived in florida for 4 years and now just recently moved back to yea.......gta huh?

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Hello my name is mottern I live in Tennessee and I came here for GTA5 news and I liked the look of the this place so I signed up. I'm 31 so I've been playing video games for a long time and hope I'm still playing when I'm 60.

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Are you offended by jokes about blacks, Jews, gays, women, and pretty much any group other than middle class white males?

I assume not, otherwise you wouldn't have liked the looks of this place.

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Hello my name is mottern I live in Tennessee and I came here for GTA5 news and I liked the look of the this place so I signed up. I'm 31 so I've been playing video games for a long time and hope I'm still playing when I'm 60.

I like you :wub:, but that's only because you're not a child and don't seem retarded.

Are you offended by jokes about blacks, Jews, gays, women, and pretty much any group other than middle class white males?

I assume not, otherwise you wouldn't have liked the looks of this place.

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Are you offended by jokes about blacks, Jews, gays, women, and pretty much any group other than middle class white males?

I assume not, otherwise you wouldn't have liked the looks of this place.

Did you not see that I live in Tennessee?

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Are you offended by jokes about blacks, Jews, gays, women, and pretty much any group other than middle class white males?

I assume not, otherwise you wouldn't have liked the looks of this place.

Did you not see that I live in Tennessee?

haha, now THAT'S funny :lol:... sounds like you'll fit in just fine around here... welcome to the forums!!

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You need a beware of admin sign.

also welcome. Feel loved, we will make you feel like shit soon enough


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are you named after... a camera??

you'll soon realize this is the only GTA forum to be at... we talk shit, make fun of each other, and generally have fun around here... we also weed out a lot of the pieces of shit you find on most forums... so, if you're one of those, then...

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I'm Linx.

I came here because GTAForums is down haha.

GTAForums is my home on the Internet, I'm kown there by the name of lzw3 and currently have almost 6,000 posts.

Can't wait til it comes back up. I'll probably stay here though as well, seems like a pretty cool website and all.

Other than that I am pretty much a regular Australian.

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GTAForums is my home on the Internet

That's like living in a group home for the mentally disabled.

Meh, I find it to be a rather kind community. That's why I've stayed there for so long, I be been stuck on that website for 12 months straight no joke haha.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. Not telling anyone to sign up :)

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