
Money (and things to buy with it)

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you would think that people would get that... its kinda the batman way lol but anyway i think the bigger points are being missed, renting ATV'S for dunes, buying lifts for trucks for mudding, renting race cars for circuits and might be able to take the car for a winning prize. i mean you can lie taking a race car for a 2 person hiest would be badass as hell not to mention a epic police chase. Also buying beer at bars, placing wagers at darts or poker or something, im not a big fan of quiet cars, i like loud muscle cars so maybe a sound chip customization in with car mods would be cool, and as for the arcade game room idea, everyone likes pinball lol or pac-man or something of the sort =D. i like the creativity of the ideas here, but i guess not many people see the backround in the videos. im not sure about anyone else but i saw a carnival!!! NOW THINK!!! MONEY

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I'd like to be able to upgrade our houses like add a pool table or new furniture n electronics. Customise our vehicles and weapons. Walk into a bar and be able to play pool,poker,texas hold em or one of those electronic slot machines. Tons of mini games like mini golf,pool,bowling,water skiing,carnival,arcade,go cart tracks,destruction derby and ALL playable co-op with your friends in free roam.

Hopefully there's tons of stores to be able to go into like a mall,gun shops,car shops,furniture stores,sports stores to buy different golf clubs,shoes,gloves,skii's,etc.... The more the do, the better. I'd even add some in with the dlc.

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I think there should be some sort of gambling like a casino, or organised high-stake poker games at rich people's mansions etc. something like that can use up a lot of money but also earn you a lot of money.... The thing is, what are you gonna do if you earn big time money.... Maybe buy exotic yatchs or something?

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  On 11/26/2012 at 2:10 PM, DuPz0r said:

I think there should be some sort of gambling like a casino, or organised high-stake poker games at rich people's mansions etc. something like that can use up a lot of money but also earn you a lot of money.... The thing is, what are you gonna do if you earn big time money.... Maybe buy exotic yatchs or something?

Only problem with that is the save game cheat thing, like in TBoGT where you could bet massive amounts of money. If you lost, you just loaded up a previous save and tried again, and if you won... You won big time.

Not really a problem I guess, but could still happen, not that it would really affect anything.

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  On 11/26/2012 at 3:57 PM, Marcus said:
  On 11/26/2012 at 2:10 PM, DuPz0r said:

I think there should be some sort of gambling like a casino, or organised high-stake poker games at rich people's mansions etc. something like that can use up a lot of money but also earn you a lot of money.... The thing is, what are you gonna do if you earn big time money.... Maybe buy exotic yatchs or something?

Only problem with that is the save game cheat thing, like in TBoGT where you could bet massive amounts of money. If you lost, you just loaded up a previous save and tried again, and if you won... You won big time.

Not really a problem I guess, but could still happen, not that it would really affect anything.

I remember doing the same thing in SA. You do the horse betting and put all of your money on the worse bet (best return). It takes a couple tries but when you win you win big. I think I ended up with the max amount of possible cash that way.

I do not know if that is so much of a problem. You have to make an effort to do it. Yes it is cheating, but sense its single player it only effects that person. Anyways I don’t think it is enough of a problem to not include gambling.

I would like to see bribery become a bigger thing in this game. You could bribe crime bosses, government officials, business... if you don’t then you will have extra heat from that group or they won’t help you. So say you have a police chief in your pocket all the police in his area will wait a lot longer before they go after you. I guess it is sort of like the first Godfather game, as you progressed in the game you had to pay off Captains, the police chief, and eventually the FBI. At the same time I do not think it should be mandatory, you could play the whole game and not HAVE to bribe anyone, and it will just be more difficult.

Oh and creed2005569, those ideas sound great. I think it would be great if you had the same amount of detail in home customization that you have with cars. I mean floor/carpet, furniture... all that stuff. Maybe it is a little too off theme for a GTA, but I think it would be fun to see all of the different ways people could customize their pads.

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I just think with a world as big as GTA 5 and for them to say they are having a full economy to spend your money on, then they need to include alot of these things to make it feel like a real world and even add more things as DLC later on to expand it. Its gonna be 5 yrs prob until the next GTA games comes out, so the more u give the players to do, the more they will come back. When we talk about economy in this game, we should have these.

1.Multiple dealerships for cars,trucks,ATV's,dirtbikes,etc... with a autoshop so if it gets damaged, u take it there to get fixed or if u want to detail/customise it.

2.Places to upgrade our homes

3.Gun shops to buy and customise our weapons

4.Variety of clothing stores with options to buy jewelery and other accessories

5.Carnival with all rides working and ticket booths to buy tickets or wristbands

6.Tattoo shops

7.Variety of different types of food to eat. Pizza,hot dogs,hamburgers,fries,fish,rice,etc...

8.How about a place to go and buy new combat moves to learn.

9.Pet shop since animals are in the game

10.Full casino

There is so much they can do to this game to make it great in so many ways. I'm hoping we hear soon what ideas they have for this economy so we get an idea of the direction they are going with it.

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  On 11/27/2012 at 11:37 PM, creed200569 said:

I just think with a world as big as GTA 5 and for them to say they are having a full economy to spend your money on, then they need to include alot of these things to make it feel like a real world and even add more things as DLC later on to expand it. Its gonna be 5 yrs prob until the next GTA games comes out, so the more u give the players to do, the more they will come back. When we talk about economy in this game, we should have these.

1.Multiple dealerships for cars,trucks,ATV's,dirtbikes,etc... with a autoshop so if it gets damaged, u take it there to get fixed or if u want to detail/customise it.

2.Places to upgrade our homes

3.Gun shops to buy and customise our weapons

4.Variety of clothing stores with options to buy jewelery and other accessories

5.Carnival with all rides working and ticket booths to buy tickets or wristbands

6.Tattoo shops

7.Variety of different types of food to eat. Pizza,hot dogs,hamburgers,fries,fish,rice,etc...

8.How about a place to go and buy new combat moves to learn.

9.Pet shop since animals are in the game

10.Full casino

There is so much they can do to this game to make it great in so many ways. I'm hoping we hear soon what ideas they have for this economy so we get an idea of the direction they are going with it.

that would be so freakin amazing to have all of that, i just hope they are reading things and taking notes, it would suck to waste these awsome ideas! and add a boat dealerships or rentals i saw in the trailer that the trailer park had a flood and it would be awsome to own a place by the ocean and to drive a truck with a boat trailer to the docks and put it in yourself. ENDLESS AWESOMENESS and people dont be haters on the ideas sayin its too realistic for you because if its the truth for you then i recommend frogger

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  On 11/22/2012 at 4:24 AM, calimann83 said:
  On 11/22/2012 at 3:28 AM, ConQueSteD said:

Let's be honest here.

The money is going towards hookers and hookers only for a lot of us.

I think you are confusing GTA for our normal lives. I never actually pay for a hooker in GTA, I always get my money back.

Yea amen to dat!! :clap:

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How about movie theaters, concerts or other stuff like that? I mean, we already are getting more show on the tv, what's to say that there isn't theaters? Also, with the concerts, we have already seen the Hollywood Bowl in the game. I would also like to view sporting events. Golf, I can see easily

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Theaters? I can't imagine them going through all of the trouble to create even one, let alone multiple, full-length movies to watch in V. But that does sound like it would be pretty cool.

As for things to do with our money...

I'd like to see aircraft customization. A shark mouth and flames on a Buzzard...priceless.

Oh, and slaves.

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  On 1/2/2013 at 1:33 AM, NeelReel said:

Not like full length, obviously. No one would sit through that. I mean like how they had it in RDR. If you've played it, you would have definately see the on in Armadillo or the one in Mexico

I see what you're saying. Those would definitely be welcome. Now that you mentioned it, I'll be disappointed if those aren't in V. :(

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  On 1/2/2013 at 5:11 AM, Massacre said:

If they added a theatre, it could be used to replay cutscenes from completed missions.

VCS had something like that.

I imagine the cutscenes in V will be something to see. Between laughs, action, and cinematics, we're in for a treat (that is, if the trailers are anything to estimate by).

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I think buying cars would be awesome and having the ability to customize them. Though, I do wish they had two different saving modes. When you save the game it saves what ever is in your garage. They should have a save for the game and a save for the garage. With this, you can save the game without losing your car if it's not in the garage. I think you should only be able to change the cars in the garage by saving them separately This would be great because you could use your car for missions and game play and when you save the game you know they will still be there for you.

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