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I have a couple of days off work coming up - the mrs is away and the kids will be at school so I'ms thinking of sitting back and spending some time on the Xbox but I don't have any idea about what games might be good to waste the days away with. I am a very casual gamer and only really hang out for the latest GTA's. RDR was superb too and I have just finished Sleeping Dogs (GTA-lite)

So, does anyone have any suggestions for a quick and easy game to pick up that I could basically complete the main story missions in a day or two??

I am thinking something like Max Payne but really can't be arsed trawling the internet for suggestions, reviews and the like.... You guys seem like pretty clued up dudes and dudesses so thought I would look to access your superior knowledge

Any help would be appreciated.....


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Thats not very honest that game sucks.

Depends on your play style really. Some good games that came out recently are Assassins Creed III, Borderlands 2, Halo 4 (Good Campaign), Call of Duty Black Ops II (Decent Campaign, Multiplayer is pretty solid).

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hitman seems to be more for hardcore gamers that want to play out the missions over and over and borderlands 2 is an RPG that probably takes roughly a week to truly see it all as i am told... max payne is an excellent choice, and AC3 if you played any of the other ones...

if you haven't played crysis 2 yet, it's worth a look if you want to play a slightly different FPS... mafia 2 was decent, and has that open world feel, despite the story being quite linear... these are older games, but i tend to play older titles when i got time to burn and i am not already playing something new...

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Thanks everyone - not really into FPS games although I will play a really good easy one . I will be getting Halo 4 for my son's Christmas present and reading some of the comments on the Hitman: Absolution thread, I might grab that one later - I am a cheap ass, I won't usually buy a game unless it has been drastically reduced in price (GTA not included).

I am still thinking Max Payne, basically because it is R*....

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I had rented Max Payne and can recommend it as something you can finish in a couple of days, is fun and challenging, and has a great story. ACIII is great, like bOnEsy said, esp if you've played the previous titles. I'd also recommend Uncharted 3, it feels like playing through an epic action movie, with some funny wiseass dialogue and dizzyingly beautiful scenery.

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I've been playing a lot of Portal 2 recently. It's old, but there's no better way to burn your time off if you like a challenging puzzle game.

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Halo 4 (cos apparently this one isn't a pile of wank)

Dishonored (cos it's short and sweet)

Max Payne 3 (like everyone else has said)

Xcom:Enemy Unknown (Cos it's different)

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if anyone knows me recently they know what im going to suggest

Fallout 3 or New vegas. They aren't casual games but talk about bang for your buck. they are a bit older so you can find them cheaper. and you can easily sink over 100 hours into one character. But its good to just pick up, roam around and kill enemies and mosnters. Or do small quests. But you can also get really into it.

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