
Metal Gear Solid 5

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New Metal Gear Solid? Main character looks alot like Solid Snake. Edit: Or Big Boss :P


I'll update this post when i find new stuff.


Moby Dick Studio CEO Joakim Mogren's first name is in fact an acronym from Kojima.

C&P from Wiki about phantom pain syndrome: Link

The term "phantom limb" was first coined by American neurologist Silas Weir Mitchell in 1871. Mitchell described that "thousands of spirit limbs were haunting as many good soldiers, every now and then tormenting them"

Moby Dick Studio

MGS: Ground Zeroes wiki link.






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whatever it is, it looks amazing... i was never a big metal gear fan though... i played and beat the first two, but barely played the 3rd one, and didn't get far in the 4th one... it's a series that's worn thin on me... too much dialog, not enough action... i hated sneaking around for 5 minutes, then watching a 20 minute cutscene, sneak around a little more, then watch a 15 minute cutscene...

kinda got tired of it... it looks interesting, but it's not something i am gonna play if it is indeed metal gear solid 5... perhaps if it's a spin off type of game and keeps the phantom pain name, then maybe...


this is the most convincing evidence i've found... phantom pain must be a project name, not the actual game name... meh, another metal gear...

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Well this has me excited. I've always been a huge MGS fan, but the lengthy narrative is what hooks me in with the MGS series. I guess it's one of those devides people either love or hate.

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Hmmm.... Kojima you secretive fuck. Also, the giant, flaming sperm whale?

lol, thats the only thing i can't get my head around as well. Moby Dick Studios. Trying to catch the big ass whale, maybe the ultimate power or something

I'm guessin it'll be Snake or Big Boss fighting some of his past enemies cos of the name, having pain sensations where things aren't anymore, plus he wakes up from a coma so it could be a head fuck thing, it's fucking weird but remember when big boss fort Sorrow, now that was weird as fuck, so i wouldn't be surprised what Kojima does, the Metal Gear universe is pretty weird anyway ain't it.

Wiki link to MGS:

(obviously you can't trust everything put on Wiki)
The game was announced at a private function celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Metal Gear series, and made its public debut two days later at the 2012 Penny Arcade Expo. Director Hideo Kojima confirmed that Big Boss will return as the game's protagonist, and that the story will serve as a prologue to another game in the series. It will be the first game to utilise the Fox game engine developed by Kojima Productions.

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1. Just another trailer for Ground Zeros

2. Not MG.

I don't understand what you just said.


How could it be Ground Zereos and not Metal Gear?

And Mass, why so glum? Not a MGS fan?

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Metal Gear Solid was the only one I felt I really enjoyed, besideds maybe some parts of 4. 2 was just stupid, and 3 just had something about it that wasn't for me.

But plot wise I think they all are awesome.

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It's either..

1. Just another trailer for Ground Zeros


2. Not MG.

I don't understand what you just said.


How could it be Ground Zereos and not Metal Gear?

Better? :v

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It has a chance to be something interesting and original. MGS bores me. Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow are the only parts of the whole series I enjoyed.

Well at least this one is open world apparently. Link.

I'd bet my right arm on this being the new Metal Gear after seeing this website. Link.

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Isn't metal gear exclusive to playstation? On there website it has Xbox and playstation on it.

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Isn't metal gear exclusive to playstation? On there website it has Xbox and playstation on it.

Nope. MGS 4 was exclusive. MG:R is multiplatform, and there's nothing saying 'Ground Zeros' or any other future MGS is exclusive.

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Yah M$ threw their money around again for that one.

Dont bother me none. What DOES bother me is exclusives that aren't first party titles. Even worse, timed exclusives. That just fucking bragging rights for fanboys. M$ does it so often too haah cocksuckers. Sony never does. But I guess that's why they lost pretty much all their "exclusives"

*hopes for universal console platform

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Yah M$ threw their money around again for that one.

Dont bother me none. What DOES bother me is exclusives that aren't first party titles. Even worse, timed exclusives. That just fucking bragging rights for fanboys. M$ does it so often too haah cocksuckers. Sony never does. But I guess that's why they lost pretty much all their "exclusives"

*hopes for universal console platform

Yeah it's true that Sony did lose a hell of a lot of exclusives. I don't understand how though, as usually an exclusive is contract binding. There will never be a universal console, those days are pretty much over. Sony had that in the PSone & PS2 era, as nothing could touch them. There will never be that sort of single platform leadership ever again i think. It'll always be divided. Apple are starting to take a major cut in the gaming pie, even if it's only social gaming. I just hope there will always be triple-A hardcore game titles around.

Phantom Pain is rumored to be a Vita MGS title, but that's all it is, rumors. I guess there could be a chance of PS3 to Vita gameplay, like what they're doing with the Wii U, but that's all peripheral nonsense and will die out quicker than the Wii.

I don't mind a Vita MGS at all, but i'm hoping they're focusing on the one MGS title atm, and make that damn good.

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