
Metal Gear Solid 5

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It's been a while since i checked in on MGS, thanks to GTA V/O. To my surprise there's a gameplay video of Ground Zeros & it's being released in Spring 2014 on PS3 & PS4... (no date was given on the video for Xbox)

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looks awesome man

Heard they got kiefer sutherland to do the voice of big boss.

Havent been following this topic, most probably knew that. Crazy to have such a big name in it tho

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Pre-orders are now available for the Ground Zeros Prologue.

Here's the cheapest I've found it atm:

£22.99 on PS3

£30.00 on PS4 If you go by asda direct you can use coupon code 'Games5' to reduce it to £25... I'm tempted to pre-order it on PS4 and i don't even have one yet.

Playstation versions of the game get a free "Deju Vu" mission DLC staring "Classic Snake" (literally classic, pixels & all).

Xbox versions will get "Jamais Vu" Mission DLC Staring Raiden.

Here's how the game looks on PS3/360. Apart from the clear aliasing and lower resolution textures, the game looks pretty nice even for last gen.



And then the PS4/One version comparison:



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Kojima posted some interesting Remote play screenshots from PS4 to Vita via twitter today.






I ordered a PS4 online today, along with this game (was going to order a ps4 anyway), as my Birthday present from the wife. And I've already got a Vita gathering dust on my shelf. So i'm almost ready for this game and the new generation! Now i just need GTAO so i don't have to keep going between consoles...

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Game Informer is doing a huge MGS feature in this months magazine. Should be worth a read imo.



GI reported that the Prologue is very short, and only took them a couple of hours to complete. This has sent twitter crazy with people complaining about the price. So Kojima and another developer have jumped to its defense, saying that the quality of the game and the replay value makes up for the price...

...Judge that how you will.

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Considering Kojima says that TPP is hundreds time bigger than GZ, i don't see why they priced it the way they did. I love MGS, but paying 2/3 of the price of a full game, for what seems like a demo, doesn't do the franchise justice.


GZ = £29.99

TPP = £49.99

I was one of those people that played the MGS 1 demo and the MGS 2 tanker demo over and over again, because they had that element of infiltration, where you could find your own path through the missions. From what Hideo has said, GZ is much like this, with a few side ops chucked in. But again, that's relating it to that of a demo of a game, so this isn't going down well with the fanbase.

I've already pre-ordered it, and it only cost me £20 for PS4 using discount codes. But that's still fairly steep for a two hour story.

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DuP, could you please explain why the game is split into modules or parts? Why don't they release the full game with the entire story right away?

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The MGS series is part of a pre-written timeline. Hideo has already planned out the lives of Snake/Big Boss and all the characters around him, and released a timeline with all the events within it. (You can find a brief description of this timeline here)

With MGSV, there's only two parts, and from what i understand, the parts are very lopsided [GZ: 5% / 95% :TPP]. Ground Zeroes takes place right after the events of Peace Walker. So you have to Save Paz, and watch motherbase get destroyed. This is pretty much what GZ is, the end of PW.

The Phantom Pain is then set 9 years after the events of GZ, because Snake goes into a coma, and awakens 9 years later. It's a new open world style game, and Hideo Kojima is using Ground Zeroes as a bridge to adjust the players into the new style of gameplay.

The problem is, Ground Zeroes is very short, and is more like a demo than a game, and doesn't justify value for money, it's actually the opposite. Where-as TPP is the full game, which hasn't even got a release date yet. If they decided to released GZ for £10 then i'd find that fair. But to sell it at £30 RRP, is a rip off.

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Honestly though, they have done something pretty similar with the grand turismo franchise. Releasing a prologue to the game which is basically a long demo. Financially, it has worked for them. Why shouldn't they try it if it works

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I'm in the same boat as you. I played that freighter demo for 2 to death. I guess time will tell. I will probably wait a while. If it is received in a similar fashion to gt prologues it will drop in price pretty fast.

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I saw this PS4/XOne comparison and had to post it, as it amused me.


And some real comparisons:

PS3: 720p/30fps

PS4: 1080p/60fps

360: 720p/30fps

One: 720p/60fps









There were more, but i cba to post them all, you get the idea.

The One version clearly looks like shit, if you can buy almost identical fidelity on 360 for cheaper.

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This half hour demo was shown off at E3 to the gaming press. It was shown behind closed doors but Konami released the gameplay earlier today.

I have to admit this looks amazing! I'm excited about base building, and free base infiltration. Feels like Far Cry meets Red Dead.

Also you'll find Kojima's reaction to the announcement of GTA V on next gen here.

This isn't the first time Kojima talks about GTA, he said how great he thought GTA IV was and how he was nervous that it was coming out around the same time as Metal Gear Solid IV back in 2008. He also talked about how impressed he was with GTA V when it was first announced and it made him depressed that they had a long way to go with Metal Gear Solid V.

I love it when developers of games I've enjoyed pay homage to one another. That kind of adoration says something about their mutual respect and humility.

Got the video embedded thanks to Brian Edited by DozyGamer
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