
Metal Gear Solid 5

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Hmmm, I have no interest in a vita. Bought psp when if first came out....I still use it....for music.

had an ipod but lost that so went back to the the fuckin psp. So annoying cause its big and shit

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Lol, it is big, there's no doubt, but it's almost indestructible. I still have the original PSP and it has never broke down on me. Apart from a few scratches, i can see it lasting for many more years. The Vita is even bigger, but the screen is most of the coverage, and i like that. Why not go all out if you're going to play games on the go? Uncharted was the most amazing thing to play whilst i got my trains and buses to Uni each day. So much better than the crappy phone games i had at the time.

The Phantom Pain looks like a sort of Psycho/Screaming Mantis hallucination. Maybe this is where it all started in the MGS universe. Bio-warfare towards the end of the cold war. I still think this is a Metal Gear Solid game, from all the evidence brought from the trailer. And i also still believe this is Ground Zeros.

Looks like Snake...


Man in fire looks like, and is wearing the same outfit as Volgin.







MobyDick Game Studios

And would that make sense since Madnar was the guy that repaired Big Boss?

(That was Madnar right?)

Myth. A Snatcher in joke that many have taken slightly too literally.

But Dr. Madnar in MGS5! Who'd have thought it?

Also the end isn't "He has come to" it's "V has come to", or "V has come too", as in MGS5 has come as well as Ground Zeroes ;)

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The Vita is even bigger, but the screen is most of the coverage, and i like that. Why not go all out if you're going to play games on the go? Uncharted was the most amazing thing to play whilst i got my trains and buses to Uni each day. So much better than the crappy phone games i had at the time.

My main point was not that I still have a working psp, is that I never really used it for games lol.

I spend a lot of times traveling but I never played games. Found it too hard to see the screen with glare even on full brightness. And I also use that time to listen to my freshly pirated music that I haven't heard yet so I can really focus on the songs.

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Fair enough. You didn't get the most out of it. I used my PSP for everything, music, movies, games. GTA and MGS being the highlight of the PSP era.

The Vita is something else though. It's like an upgraded version of the PS3's tired PSN, with resonable gameplay and graphics. My point here is i'd probably have invested in a Vita just for an MGS (possibly Phantom Pain) game, if i didn't buy it for Uncharted and LBP anyway. But, i would prefer a full new Metal Gear Solid on console with a decent new MGO adaptation.

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I know it's already been mentioned from the day the trailer was released. But i decided to get some screencaps from both trailers in full HD and try to get clear images of Snake and the Phantom Man. It's pretty clear it can't be anyone other than Snake (or clone). These images say it all. The face shape, the lip shape, the nose shape, the facial hair and the bandage where the eyepatch is meant to be... All looks exactly the same.


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I just came across a strange but interesting fact...

2001 - Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty / Grand Theft Auto III

2004 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater / Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

2008 - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots / Grand Theft Auto IV

2013 - Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes / Grand Theft Auto V

They also brought out portable games between.

Well aleast - in my opinion - There is a common ground in my two favourite game developers... They both take their time telling there story rather than rushing them out half finished every year. *cough* call of duty *cough* Assassin's Creed *cough*

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Alternative First Trailer.

The audio sounds a little different but apart from that there don't seem anything new.

I'll put it on the 1st post in the thread. See if any of you's can notice anything new, cos i can't.

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Alternative First Trailer.

The audio sounds a little different but apart from that there don't seem anything new.

I'll put it on the 1st post in the thread. See if any of you's can notice anything new, cos i can't.

I noticed something. Right at the start just after the doc talks. There is a new hymn chant sound. That sounds just like the start of Psycho fucking Mantis' theme tune from shadow Moses! Could that floating boy in this trailer be a young Mantis? That would make complete sense to the trailer if it's MGS, as Snake could be in some sort of Mantis mind control. If it's Ground Zeroes, then it's set some time In the late 70's early 80's. Mantis would have been a young boy then according to wiki!

I know it's a different tone/pitch, but listen to the first bit, compare and tell me what you think?

I may be wrong, but it's the first thing i thought when i heard the change of audio.

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Meh, could be. I'm not great on audio comparison like that, It sounds similar but nothing spot on matches.

Just had another look at the Ground Zeroes trailer since I haven't looked at it since it's release.

Which after looking through and reminding myself of the MG universe again has completely and utterly confused the fuck out of me. It appears as if Big Boss is the one climbing up the cliff, but the ugly guy (lets say it's Volgin) looks to be in-charge of what looks to be the makings of the Outer Heaven Militia.

Anyway after trying to get my head round it and failing amazingly all i can think of is that they're two separate games that secede each other.

And the only possible character it could be in the Phantom trailer is Solidus as the background on him is fuzzy at best. Unless the Phantom Pain is a huge DLC or mini game within GZ.

Also (more hoping) that the two phantoms from "FOX" turn out to be two playable characters, maybe Grey Fox before he got all Cyborged.

Either way both games seem to surround the period when Zero creates the 3 Clones of Big Boss, maybe while Big Boss was rescuing other Zero experiments and putting them together as FOXHOUND.

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Big Boss never lost an arm. But he's the only one it could be, Solid, Liquid, and Solidus weren't born when GZ and MGS5 take place.

It's not Ground Zeroes Kuz, it's MGS5. With GZ being a prologue to MGS5. (which I've only just realized) Link of prologue proof

The name Les Enfants Terribles was earlier used for a minor French terrorist group, mentioned in the MSX2 version of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, of which the mercenary Running Man had originally been a member. The group is not mentioned by name in the PlayStation 2 version included in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, most likely to avoid any confusion. The Metal Gear Solid 4 Database, implies that the name of both the project and the terrorist group were inspired by Jean Cocteau's Les Enfants Terribles. In the English versions of both Metal Gear Solid and The Twin Snakes, it was stated that Big Boss was in a coma when they commenced the project. However, the Japanese version of the former game only mentioned that he ended up sterile.

It now makes more sense for it to be Big Boss, I just don't get the whole one arm thing, (though Ocelot got a new arm so why couldn't Big Boss), Only thing is GZ and MGS5/PP seem to be set around 30 years before the events of MGS1/Shadow Moses, so was the tech there at that time?

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Big Boss never lost an arm. But he's the only one it could be, Solid, Liquid, and Solidus weren't born when GZ and MGS5 take place.

It's not Ground Zeroes Kuz, it's MGS5. With GZ being a prologue to MGS5. (which I've only just realized) Link of prologue proof

The name Les Enfants Terribles was earlier used for a minor French terrorist group, mentioned in the MSX2 version of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, of which the mercenary Running Man had originally been a member. The group is not mentioned by name in the PlayStation 2 version included in Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, most likely to avoid any confusion. The Metal Gear Solid 4 Database, implies that the name of both the project and the terrorist group were inspired by Jean Cocteau's Les Enfants Terribles. In the English versions of both Metal Gear Solid and The Twin Snakes, it was stated that Big Boss was in a coma when they commenced the project. However, the Japanese version of the former game only mentioned that he ended up sterile.

It now makes more sense for it to be Big Boss, I just don't get the whole one arm thing, (though Ocelot got a new arm so why couldn't Big Boss), Only thing is GZ and MGS5/PP seem to be set around 30 years before the events of MGS1/Shadow Moses, so was the tech there at that time?

Like I said above. If this is a hallucination/Dream caused by little mantis' s mjnd control, then the arm wouldnt have to make sense. The trailer to me, looks like one big messed up dream. The whale of fire.... that shit cant be real lol.

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Well if the part where everyone is getting shot up is gameplay im buying. Also if stuff like that happens consistently in the game to make me fear for my characters life.

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< Uploaded by ‘Joakim Mogren’ the lead developer on the Phantom Pain.



Omega could be a reference to “Camp Omega”, the base Metal Gear Solid’s Big Boss infiltrates in the debut Ground Zeros trailer. VR Programs/Missions have always been relevant to Metal Gear games.


And one last thing to note. If you play the soundtrack backwards, the music playing during the sequence is actually the La La La sounds from the AI pods in MGS Peace Walker.


Original sound:

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The new Fox Engine is pretty impressive. I sat and watched the Developer conference for two hours lol. As an aspiring game artists, it was worth the watch. They're using a technique called linear light workflow, which means all the game textures are created and stored in the correct gamma range, meaning the textures will still look amazing under any lighting, and will never degrade. They also have a decent technique for capturing 3D assets for the environment, which takes photos of items from every angle, and is then pieced together by the artist. This means textured models should never have any stretching, and look high quality from every angle.


Badass screencap!

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Guessing this will be next gen then, with Ground Zeros coming out before the end of the year as a "prologue" to PP. As long as i'm not paying £40 for half a game i won't mind.

Also looks like there's no David Hayter voice acting in V either, but maybe Kiefer Sutherland playing as someone.

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Yeah i was a little disappointed in hearing Hayter isn't Snake this time around. His voice has become as iconic as Snake himself. But i remember hearing that whilst recording for Old Snake in MGS4, Hayter said that was really hard on his voicebox, and he struggled to do old characters. Maybe that's the reason Kojima didn't approach him this time.

About the new trailer: it's now clear that the trailer takes place directly after Peace Walker. The 'Militaires Sans Frontières' Mother Base Oil rigs are destroyed before the coma part of the trailer. Question i have though is: Is this the coma the part in the MGS database, where Big Boss was cloned (Les Enfants Terrible) because they feared his death? and so, Liquid, Solid and the mysterious Solidus were born? If they cloned him at the start of his coma, could 9 years of rapid growth genomes mean Solid Snake could still make an appearance in the game as a young man? Maybe Hayter is secretly still on-board voicing Solid Snake rather than Big Boss. In Kojima's crazy world, i would expect some madness like this. Just a theory.

Also, Ground Zeros and Phantom Pain are one and the same game if i'm not mistaken. Why is everyone saying it's two games?

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