
Metal Gear Solid 5

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Metal Gear Online 3 trailer with English narration.

I remember trying to organise a crew with DiO, Kuz and Craze on MGO 2 but it turned out that the game was region locked. They better have learnt from that.

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So all the game journalists got hands-on with MGS V, and you'll find plenty of meaty previews out there.

Here's one from GamesRader:

I still can't get over how damn photoreal some of the environments look in MGS V, especially airshots from the chopper... incredible work!

Some new screenshots:







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Yeah, it was good for what is was. Phantom Pain is meant to be 200 times bigger then GZ. Which makes sense, concidering there's plenty of bases similar to GZ scattered across each map.

To be honest, Ground Zeroes was really short. Felt like the tanker demo, or the darpa cheif demo, in terms of length.

At least you can keep playing for speed-run s-ranks, and records, as well as side missions.

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So anyone else notice the two boys at the end? Eli we already know is liquid, Kiefer Sutherland's (Snake) voiceover at the end saying "Les enfant terribles, Zero called it." pretty much confirms that. Could the second boy be Solid? Seems legit.



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So the embargo is lifted. MGS V: The Phantom Pain has been reviewed and rated. Here's the verdict:


Respawn Ninja - 10/10
GameTrailers - 9.5/10
IGN - 10/10
Destructoid - 9/10
Daily Dot - 5/5
GameSpot - 10/10
EGM - 9.5/10
God is Geek - 10/10
Telegraph - 5/5
3DJuegos - 10/10
Vandal Online - 9.8/10
Power Unlimited - 9.7/10
Hobby Consolas - 9.7/10
Game Informer - 9.25/10
Lazygamer - 9.2/10
Mind Blown, wow...
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Worth a shot because it's open-world. I don't expect much.


MGS is one of those series that doesn't really have a good reason for being so popular, but the fanbase is so loyal that it's still successful, no matter what.

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I've been a fan since PS1 era MGS. I didn't play the original Metal Gear 1 & 2 on NES and MSX until a later date. MGS 1 was such an innovative game for me, back in the day, that i instantly became a follower, just like GTA in some ways.



The final launch trailer, Hideo's final goodbye, since he's now detached from Konami.


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I've seen people from here playing it all day (Yes, Dozy, Craze, Ast, i'm talking to you?!), so if you ever decide to post, discuss what you've experienced so far!

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This game seems to be scoring perfect scores all over the internet. I wasn't really a big fan of Ground Zero. So I honestly don't know if I will enjoy this game, which is sad because it seems brilliant. I might pick it up next year sometime for cheap.


Initial impressions?

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My initial thoughts:

The prologue is like that of an interactive movie. Interesting plot, and some bizzare events which leave you pretty mindfucked.

Once the prologue is over, you get dumped in the middle of a giant Afghan desert to roam on horseback (very RDR'esc), to find someone who's whereabouts is sketchy, no specifics are given. You have to go by sight, and intel drip fed to you as you get closer to the hot zone. The game maps look and feel almost endless, especially on foot.

This game couldn't be any further from Ground Zeroes. GZ feels like a bird cage, Phantom Pain feels like a living breathing world.

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Of course. You can tackle every mission your own way, apart from certain boss fights, which require a little working out how to kill. Everything else though, is treated like a special ops, and you can go in with whatever weapons you have at your disposal.

You might want to pick everyone off with a sniper from a distance before an infiltration.

You may want to sneak in, get to your objective, and exfiltrate by murdering your way out like a trojan horse, with a heavy machine gun, ir a trail of c4 you left before-hand.

It's up to you mate.

Either way, there's tons of main story missions, and hundreds of side-ops.

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You can call a support chopper, but it isn't OP against decent enemies with anti aircraft weapons.

There's a lot of simple shack style interiors, and some slightly more interesting later in the story missions. But it is Afghanistan and Angola, so you wouldn't expect much from war torn environments. But like i said, there's some surpising interiors.

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This guy pretty much summed up my experience with The Witcher 3, Skyrim and Far Cry, as well as my fear of MGS5.


I think as an OCD, perfectionist, completionist etc., these massive open world games can become seriously overwhelming and repetitive as my play style is quite meticulous, methodical and structured. I like to 'complete' areas before moving on. It's hard to explain, but I get bored of games quickly as a result.

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