
How big is your TV that you play your games on? (inches)

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I play on a 67 inch Sony Bravia. Haha I love it. I've always played on small monitors and now I have the experience of the big one, and I will never go back. Haha

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i got a gay lil box tv. the color is fucked and turns the screen purple or green when the video doesnt change. it happened from the map of gta san andreas. id pause it and leave when i left the house.

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Drive 50 miles, walk into a Walmart, grab a manageable sized tv walk confidently towards registers, then dart out the front door and head home.

Protip: stay under 32" and park your car near the exit. Drive slowly away and do it mid morning.


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Drive 50 miles, walk into a Walmart, grab a manageable sized tv walk confidently towards registers, then dart out the front door and head home.

Protip: stay under 32" and park your car near the exit. Drive slowly away and do it mid morning.


Dude. I worked at walmart for 3 years. You can literally load a 50 inch flatscreen onto a trolley, walk out the front door and fucking nobody will try to stop you. I saw it happen multiple times a WEEK.

EDIT: Mid morning is probably the best though 10am-11am get in before the greeters and security are in, but it's just busy enough that you can blend in with a crowd.

Seriously, I've seen people make a living by stealing from Wal-Marts.

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Don't dart out the front door, that draws attention. Walk calmly and ignore the alarm - everyone else does, anyway.

Listen to him, he would know.

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Drive 50 miles, walk into a Walmart, grab a manageable sized tv walk confidently towards registers, then dart out the front door and head home.

Protip: stay under 32" and park your car near the exit. Drive slowly away and do it mid morning.


Dude. I worked at walmart for 3 years. You can literally load a 50 inch flatscreen onto a trolley, walk out the front door and fucking nobody will try to stop you. I saw it happen multiple times a WEEK.

EDIT: Mid morning is probably the best though 10am-11am get in before the greeters and security are in, but it's just busy enough that you can blend in with a crowd.

Seriously, I've seen people make a living by stealing from Wal-Marts.

Just walk up to an employee near the exits and ask them to fetch you a pump truck or large-object trolly, and get them to wheel it to your car. If it doesn't work, try again later in the day or at a different wal-mart...

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Drive 50 miles, walk into a Walmart, grab a manageable sized tv walk confidently towards registers, then dart out the front door and head home.

Protip: stay under 32" and park your car near the exit. Drive slowly away and do it mid morning.


Dude. I worked at walmart for 3 years. You can literally load a 50 inch flatscreen onto a trolley, walk out the front door and fucking nobody will try to stop you. I saw it happen multiple times a WEEK.

EDIT: Mid morning is probably the best though 10am-11am get in before the greeters and security are in, but it's just busy enough that you can blend in with a crowd.

Seriously, I've seen people make a living by stealing from Wal-Marts.

I know, but im recommending he start small...

A 50 inch tv is a lot of packing it into your car

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ahh ill wait till im drunk and go to lowes, which is beside walmart and hire a few mexicans to do it...... if they get caught theyre fucked and i can drive 250 feet and hire more.

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If a group of Mexican day workers roll up on walmarts electronics isle they aint making it back out.

You've never been to the Riverhead Walmart.

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they will if they drive a lowrider into the store and hit everyone and everything until they rob the store steal everything of value then spraypaint the word cholo everywhere then give me a tv as i blow their asses sky high with an RPG.... then i turn out to win the key to the city.

it might just work....

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ahh ill wait till im drunk and go to lowes, which is beside walmart and hire a few mexicans to do it...... if they get caught theyre fucked and i can drive 250 feet and hire more.

The post that made me wish we had Mexicans in Canada.

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If a group of Mexican day workers roll up on walmarts electronics isle they aint making it back out.

You've never been to the Riverhead Walmart.


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Really showing off that Kentucky-level intellect with that post.

yeah boi. we just some inbred folk. nah we got gangstas cholos asians indians and them honkys here. and a few queers. id say we got it all

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