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I like how this ended. Well done, gents.

Quick, close it on a positive note!

We should just have a PS v Xbox thread so people can flame the shit out of each other and save these threads for PS-only and Xbox-only contents.

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I am pretty sure I will go back to Sony - I only went the 360 route because the PS3 was so much more expensive when I went to upgrade from PS2.

Yeah, fuck you Empire, Annakin's coming back to us!

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welp, the PS4 has officially moved to my christmas list... y'all jinxed me with the system failure talk around here lately and my PS3 died tonight :(... i might have some options as far as borrowing one for a bit... or i might try to figure out how to boot mine up for a bit to get some last juice out of it...

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i'm not giving up yet... i am just at a loss tonight... i need to regroup, i might have a loaner PS3 in the works... however, it's the matter of getting a copy of GTA and getting my files restored... i have a saved game, but i wonder how my social club character will handle the transition...

and if that doesn't work, then i will send my system in and wait that couple of weeks to get it back repaired... i'll weigh my options and we'll see what the next move is...

there's one silver lining in the whole orderal tho... if the rumors are true, my body will already be ready for F4... and mad max next gen, and AC4, and watch dogs... but i don't wanna leave GTAV yet :(...

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I posted a video in the MP Event topic that details a way of getting a stuck disc out of a non-functioning console. Give that a go. When you retrieve the disc, I believe you'll be able to play GTAO on other consoles without issue, but your saved Story Mode games will remain on the other console.

How very shitty. Sorry once more, bOnEsy.

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i'm not giving up yet... i am just at a loss tonight... i need to regroup, i might have a loaner PS3 in the works... however, it's the matter of getting a copy of GTA and getting my files restored... i have a saved game, but i wonder how my social club character will handle the transition...

and if that doesn't work, then i will send my system in and wait that couple of weeks to get it back repaired... i'll weigh my options and we'll see what the next move is...

there's one silver lining in the whole orderal tho... if the rumors are true, my body will already be ready for F4... and mad max next gen, and AC4, and watch dogs... but i don't wanna leave GTAV yet :(...

Just swap out the harddrives.

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all are both things i will look into... but for now, not tonight... another day like maybe tomorrow... i couldn't care less about the save file, it's the online character i care about... i really don't want to start over there...

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Using a hairdryer actually works and will keep the system running for 2-3 more months, when my PS3 got the YLOD that's what I did. This would only be a temporary fix, at least until you get a new one (or a PS4).

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Your online character will be fine. Mine was, when my PS3 died a week into GTAO, and that was a more precarious situation, what with the clusterfucked servers. Installed GTA V, downloaded my collectors edition files, and then played the first mission or two offline, before saving and then going online.

The question is, will GTAO work/release on PS4, if that's the case, you and me both could have saved money and jumped on board PS4 early.

Also, Smee, haven't you ever heard of a towel?

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Towel? Yes. But I get shit for not drying my beard properly. I can only assume drying that thing is a full time job.

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Using a hairdryer actually works and will keep the system running for 2-3 more months, when my PS3 got the YLOD that's what I did. This would only be a temporary fix, at least until you get a new one (or a PS4).

I never understood how the hairdryer helped? If anything I‘m fairly convinced the hairdryer was what finished my motherboard off for good.

Personally I‘d just go out and get a $7 tube of thermal paste and just replace the old stuff.

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The problem is that because of ROHS which dictates solder must be lead free [because Chinese workers were dying/ill from lead poisoning]. The solder which is lead free has a significantly lower melting point.

A soldering iron heats upto like 700 degrees fahrenheit, 350 degree c or however much it is. This goes to show how shit lead free solder is because a console that hits like 90/95 is able to melt the lead free solder consoles are using now and cause the connections to flow which causes a less than satisfactory connection between the GPU and the motherboard causing failures.

A hairdryer is able to heat up the lead free solder and fingers crossed make it reflow in a way that reconnects the connections.

the red ring and later the YLOD [fat PS3's do the same thing, it just takes longer] would not be a factor if proper safety precautions were taken in chinese factories, but because they dont wanna the law is just to use shittier solder. They're improving cooling systems [the PS4 uses a surprisingly efficient laptop style vent out the back setup which works pretty well, and the Xbone just gives zero fucks and goes PC CPU fan style] to deal with it.

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Playstation is having unusual activity on the network and Sony is requiring many to reset their passwords.

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Unusual as in hacking?

Well good thing it's not released here until Friday, so they should upgrade their security by then. I also heard that they removed some Twitch TV playroom feature which came packed with the PS4, because people were using it for "other" purposes.

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