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Maybe people are finally sick of Mario?

I think Nintendo should try and make some new and original IP's.

Instead of re-releasing the same tired old Franchises over and over again. I used to love playing the old Super Mario games on the NES and Donkey Kong on the 64'/ Gameboy, but I've moved on from these and I now want a more expansive experience. This doesn't mean that Nintendo shouldn't keep making kids games, but maybe they should think about incorporating a more mature and original experience into some of their games as well.

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PS4 Global Sales Update

In what is shaping up to be a historic year for gamers, I’m delighted to share an important new milestone with you. PS4’s North American debut on November 15th was PlayStation’s largest ever, with more than one million gamers picking up a PS4 in just 24 hours. Now, with PS4’s global launch expanding to a total of 32 countries worldwide, including Europe and Latin America, I’m proud to announce that more than 2.1 million PS4s have been sold.

It’s an impressive and record-setting accomplishment for our company and for our industry, and we couldn’t have done it without you. I want to personally thank PlayStation fans, both old and new, for your vote of confidence. The best part: the PS4 journey has just begun. In addition to an incredible lineup of PS4 games from the best developers in the world, we will continue to introduce valuable new features and services to PS4 in the months and years ahead.

While PS4’s capabilities will continue to evolve, our commitment to gamers and breakthrough entertainment remains steadfast. We believe that videogames represent the pinnacle of artistry and entertainment, and we will work tirelessly to make sure that PlayStation remains the best place to play.

Thank you for your passion and your support — we couldn’t have done this without you.

+ Posted by Andrew House // President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment

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good stuff :D...

i am gonna leave this here since i know a lot of you haven't jumped ship yet... but i just got my GTAV disc out of my dead PS3 and all i did was watch this video... so here's a heads up if it happens to you... not sure about the newer systems, but it definitely helped me and my phat one...

it worked on the very first try too :D... now i'll yank out that 250 GB HDD and tell sony to deactive my old PS3's PSN account so i can trash it for good because it's still got personal information on it...

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This seem's like a goodish place to put this. So i have this old 80gb PS3 it got really fucky, i couldn't even get to the initial menus it looked like it was on Acid or something, but i'm just wondering i know i can get money out of the HDD not much, but is there any other stuff worth paring out in there?

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This seem's like a goodish place to put this. So i have this old 80gb PS3 it got really fucky, i couldn't even get to the initial menus it looked like it was on Acid or something, but i'm just wondering i know i can get money out of the HDD not much, but is there any other stuff worth paring out in there?

Maybe the bd drive....

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Related to PS4:

Sony has announced PlayStation Now, a streaming game service that will allow people to play PS3 games on PS4, Vita, and Bravia TVs via cloud-based technology.

Due to premiere this summer in the US, the service will first be available on PS3 and PS4, which should alleviate some criticisms of Sony's latest console not being backwards compatible.

Streaming games between Sony devices is only the beginning, however, as the company is aiming to expand into third-party hardware. "Eventually the service will expand beyond PlayStation platforms and Sony devices, allowing users to stream PlayStation games on numerous other Internet-connected devices," the console manufacturer explained in its announcement. "SCE's vision for PS Now is to enable users to instantly enjoy a wide range of full games on the Internet-connected consumer electronics devices they use every day."

The idea is that people will be able to play the same game on all their online devices and it will seamlessly transfer trophies, messages and save data.

GTA V on PS4 anyone? :drool: (maybe)

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New content for classics! YAAS! http://www.gamespot....s/1100-6416906/

A freshly unearthed Sony patent has shown that the company is working on what appears to be a way to add new content to classic PlayStation games being emulated through the cloud.

The patent, filed in 2012 but released publicly yesterday through the United States Patent and Trademark Office, says that it will function as a framework that allows developers to introduce additional and modified content in a classic game--such as an iconic boss fight where players have less health--by creating snapshots of titles in an emulator.

Modified content could be introduced through this snapshot system, the patent explains.

"Finding new ways to play preexisting video games can increase the longevity of older games," reads the patent filing, describing its pitch for modified elements as mini-games. "In order to create mini-games without reverse engineering and recoding a game designer may rely on the use of triggers and snapshots to provide information needed for the mini-games without having to dig into the code of the legacy game.


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As good as an idea as this is my expectations would be that we would have less games that are better and longer than what we have (even if we pay more) than to flood the market with annual titles. I'm a little skeptical about this patent.

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How does this "snapshot system" modify existing games? I don't understand that patent fig. I sort of understand how the emulator could adjust data automatically in 2D era classics, but not fully 3d game worlds...

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Got my first hands on with the PS4 today. this is what I thought.

I got to play Tomb Raider, AC4 and Battlefield 4.

all three of these are available on PS3 but I have only played Tomb Raider on the previous generation.

Battlefield was by far the most impressive visually. textures and lighting in particular were amazing. draw distance didn't really play a part as the two maps I played on were pretty small, but over all I was impressed graphically.

Tomb Raider was leaps and bounds above the PS3 version visually. I stood for a full minute in a puddle just watching the effects on the surface of the water. truly astounding. I didn't get much of a chance to go beyond the graphical changes as I only played it for a few minutes.

AC4 was an interesting mix. Graphically, it felt over textured, which is pretty common for ubisoft games even on PS3. but I don't expect to be able to see the grain on a timber board 100 feet away. It just felt like they were trying too hard to make it "Next Gen". having said that, It is a beautiful game visually, with some amazing views. game play wise (which I doubt differs from the PS3 version much, If at all) I was impressed. The locations I got to visit were much more fun that AC3 to free run through and the naval battles felt much more complete and a great deal better thought out.

The thing that stood out the most though, was the controller. The change between controllers from PS2 to PS3 was nonexistent IMO. this control is a huge step forward. I would even say it is more comfortable that the Xbox 360 control. As someone with degenerative arthritis in my hands, I played for about 4 hours and I could still type all of this. Happy days.

Once there are some games I am really excited about, I will be getting one.

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sounds good Rob. that was the first thing i checked out with the new consoles. the controller. i really liked the xbox controller. mostly tho for the triggers, and analog sticks being concave. compared to ps3. Was really happy with the ps4 controller, and i like em better than xbox one controller.

just wish gta would come out for next gen........

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I got my PS4 last month. And so far, the only game that truly looks "next gen" that's out to buy now, is Killzone.

Here's a couple of screenshots i took in-game with the share button:




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I've never played an FPS in a console, in fact, the last console I owned was the first playstation.

How can you play FPS games with a controller? The mouse just feels essential for the genre.

It does look pretty though.

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