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@Cyanist, EA isn't going anywhere, not with all their Sports titles like Madden and FIFA, or game franchises like The Sims, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Star Wars.

They'll probably become even more powerful as the Gaming Genre grows even bigger ( attracting more people and money ). They're still a very influential Game Publisher, and their motives could have a massive impact on the direction the game industry takes ( probably negative ). So it's telling that they've thrown their weight behind Microsoft.

And the link in my other post should work now.

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I wonder how people I can piss of with this post. Let's see.

I first would like to say that while I do currently own a PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and the Original PlayStation that this post is not made out of pure fanboyism. I also own a mid-high end gaming PC and a Xbox 360 and Original Xbox along with other older consoles. Now onto business, I would just like to say the PlayStation moniker itself here lately has became the retarded cousin of the gaming world. Whilst the Xbox one has gone the innovative route it's not technically unsurprising and out of nowhere when Xbox added the Netflix app in fall of 2008 it has became popular. Now a days with my friends list on both of my Xbox accounts full it sees that at any given time that a good percentage of those online are watching Netflix, but Netflix is more popular on the PlayStation servers because it doesn't require a membership outside of Netflix and an internet connection its self to use. Take these quotes by Steve Jobs one of the most innovative and successful men of his generation "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", "You can’t ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.", and "But innovation comes from people meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at 10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they realized something that shoots holes in how we’ve been thinking about a problem".

While I see to be rambling I actually have a point, and it's not an uneducated opinion or thought out opinion, and it's not Xbox One is going to be better than the PlayStation 4 or vice versa, hardware doesn't equal sells, software doesn't equal sales, it's what the product has to offer. The Wii was the console designed for the most casual gamer or the family gamer and it sold more than both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 it was also the most innovative also while the hardware inside of it was sub par for the seventh gen, it featured what neither of the two consoles had at the time and that's actually what the Xbox One is doing for it's generation.

Now back to point. It is my opinion that the PlayStation/Sony as a whole has became the retarded cousin of this gaming generation. They have sub par network coding, the core amount of members lack some form of communication which is key in tactical game modes which there are high amount of. When the players do have vocal communication it can be a bit poor because the audio quality on Bluetooth isn't the greatest (which isn't bad, I actually like that Sony implemented Bluetooth technology into the console). Now off of the software downfalls which isn't really a big deal. The important part of why I personally believe this is because Sony has bad security as a whole, multiple times the servers have been taken down, and recently GTA V pre-load was cracked and information was leaked well before the release. Sony also tends to leak information before developers are ready for said information to be said (but all consoles do this). I just hope that with the release of the PlayStation 4 that Sony really fixes these issues so that when pre-loading becomes more popular on the PlayStation 4 the contents aren't downloaded and cracked and information is released constantly.

TL;DR PS/Sony has made the Playstation 3 the retarded cousin of it's generation and hopefully it gets fixed with the release of the PS4.

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I stopped reading at " has became popular ". And yeah while the PS3 was a major downfall, Sony has learned from their mistakes and are trying to fix everything with their PS4. I wasn't angered at your post because it speaks truth on the PS3, not opinions and irrelevant facts.

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I wonder how people I can piss of with this post. Let's see.

I first would like to say that while I do currently own a PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and the Original PlayStation that this post is not made out of pure fanboyism. I also own a mid-high end gaming PC and a Xbox 360 and Original Xbox along with other older consoles. Now onto business, I would just like to say the PlayStation moniker itself here lately has became the retarded cousin of the gaming world. Whilst the Xbox one has gone the innovative route it's not technically unsurprising and out of nowhere when Xbox added the Netflix app in fall of 2008 it has became popular. Now a days with my friends list on both of my Xbox accounts full it sees that at any given time that a good percentage of those online are watching Netflix, but Netflix is more popular on the PlayStation servers because it doesn't require a membership outside of Netflix and an internet connection its self to use. Take these quotes by Steve Jobs one of the most innovative and successful men of his generation "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", "You can’t ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.", and "But innovation comes from people meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at 10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they realized something that shoots holes in how we’ve been thinking about a problem". While I see to be rambling I actually have a point, and it's not an uneducated opinion or thought out opinion, and it's not Xbox One is going to be better than the PlayStation 4 or vice versa, hardware doesn't equal sells, software doesn't equal sales, it's what the product has to offer. The Wii was the console designed for the most casual gamer or the family gamer and it sold more than both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 it was also the most innovative also while the hardware inside of it was sub par for the seventh gen, it featured what neither of the two consoles had at the time and that's actually what the Xbox One is doing for it's generation.

Now back to point. It is my opinion that the PlayStation/Sony as a whole has became the retarded cousin of this gaming generation. They have sub par network coding, the core amount of members lack some form of communication which is key in tactical game modes which there are high amount of. When the players do have vocal communication it can be a bit poor because the audio quality on Bluetooth isn't the greatest (which isn't bad, I actually like that Sony implemented Bluetooth technology into the console). Now off of the software downfalls which isn't really a big deal. The important part of why I personally believe this is because Sony has bad security as a whole, multiple times the servers have been taken down, and recently GTA V pre-load was cracked and information was leaked well before the release. Sony also tends to leak information before developers are ready for said information to be said (but all consoles do this). I just hope that with the release of the PlayStation 4 that Sony really fixes these issues so that when pre-loading becomes more popular on the PlayStation 4 the contents aren't downloaded and cracked and information is released constantly.

TL;DR PS/Sony has made the Playstation 3 the retarded cousin of it's generation and hopefully it gets fixed with the release of the PS4.


Use Them. :mellow:

*Also, you pay for two Xbox Live Accounts? ^_^

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I wonder how people I can piss of with this post. Let's see.

I first would like to say that while I do currently own a PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, and the Original PlayStation that this post is not made out of pure fanboyism. I also own a mid-high end gaming PC and a Xbox 360 and Original Xbox along with other older consoles. Now onto business, I would just like to say the PlayStation moniker itself here lately has became the retarded cousin of the gaming world. Whilst the Xbox one has gone the innovative route it's not technically unsurprising and out of nowhere when Xbox added the Netflix app in fall of 2008 it has became popular. Now a days with my friends list on both of my Xbox accounts full it sees that at any given time that a good percentage of those online are watching Netflix, but Netflix is more popular on the PlayStation servers because it doesn't require a membership outside of Netflix and an internet connection its self to use. Take these quotes by Steve Jobs one of the most innovative and successful men of his generation "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", "You can’t ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.", and "But innovation comes from people meeting up in the hallways or calling each other at 10:30 at night with a new idea, or because they realized something that shoots holes in how we’ve been thinking about a problem". While I see to be rambling I actually have a point, and it's not an uneducated opinion or thought out opinion, and it's not Xbox One is going to be better than the PlayStation 4 or vice versa, hardware doesn't equal sells, software doesn't equal sales, it's what the product has to offer. The Wii was the console designed for the most casual gamer or the family gamer and it sold more than both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 it was also the most innovative also while the hardware inside of it was sub par for the seventh gen, it featured what neither of the two consoles had at the time and that's actually what the Xbox One is doing for it's generation.

Now back to point. It is my opinion that the PlayStation/Sony as a whole has became the retarded cousin of this gaming generation. They have sub par network coding, the core amount of members lack some form of communication which is key in tactical game modes which there are high amount of. When the players do have vocal communication it can be a bit poor because the audio quality on Bluetooth isn't the greatest (which isn't bad, I actually like that Sony implemented Bluetooth technology into the console). Now off of the software downfalls which isn't really a big deal. The important part of why I personally believe this is because Sony has bad security as a whole, multiple times the servers have been taken down, and recently GTA V pre-load was cracked and information was leaked well before the release. Sony also tends to leak information before developers are ready for said information to be said (but all consoles do this). I just hope that with the release of the PlayStation 4 that Sony really fixes these issues so that when pre-loading becomes more popular on the PlayStation 4 the contents aren't downloaded and cracked and information is released constantly.

TL;DR PS/Sony has made the Playstation 3 the retarded cousin of it's generation and hopefully it gets fixed with the release of the PS4.


Use Them...

I actually had used them but the forum coding removed them, re-added them.

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@ConQueSteD, No offence man.............. but you are somewhat dumber than I previously thought you were...

I could try and write an articulate couple of paragraphs outlining how you are wrong, but I would be wasting my time. This belief is only reinforced after reading the ignorant post you just wrote.

So good luck with your Xbone. :bird:

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@ConQueSteD, No offence man.............. but you are somewhat dumber than I previously thought you were...

I could try and write an articulate couple of paragraphs outlining how you are wrong, but I would be wasting my time. This belief is only reinforced after reading the ignorant post you just wrote.

So good luck with your Xbone. :bird:

honky dun said it. :shiftyninja:

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@ConQueSteD, No offence man.............. but you are somewhat dumber than I previously thought you were...

I could try and write an articulate couple of paragraphs outlining how you are wrong, but I would be wasting my time. This belief is only reinforced after reading the ignorant post you just wrote.

So good luck with your Xbone. :bird:

I'm the ignorant one? You came back with the most childish retort ever, instead of trying to have an actual intelligent conversation you result to flaming, belittling and come under the assumption from what I mentioned in my post that I would be getting the Xbox One. I never said which console I was going to purchase but obviously you wasn't intelligent enough to read the whole post. I also would love to see you prove everything I said wrong? Obviously you don't have the intelligence to have an actual conversation and thus resort to belittling, flaming, poor attempts to troll, and fanboying. If you actually read the post you would know it wasn't fanboyism because I own almost every console as said, it was the truth and I also said it was my Opinion. Also if you read my first sentence in my post you can see that what I wanted actually worked.

I wonder how people I can piss of with this post. Let's see.

Bait & hook.

When you actually want to contribute to the forums or threads and "articulate" a conversation, please add knowledge and facts not poor attempts at trolling, flaming, or fanboyism. Until then stay blocked.

P.S I actually pay for four different Xbox Live accounts, see I can afford what I have unlike some who prefer handouts.

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@ConQueSteD, No offence man.............. but you are somewhat dumber than I previously thought you were...

I could try and write an articulate couple of paragraphs outlining how you are wrong, but I would be wasting my time. This belief is only reinforced after reading the ignorant post you just wrote.

So good luck with your Xbone. :bird:

I'm the ignorant one? You came back with the most childish retort ever, instead of trying to have an actual intelligent conversation you result to flaming, belittling and come under the assumption from what I mentioned in my post that I would be getting the Xbox One. I never said which console I was going to purchase but obviously you wasn't intelligent enough to read the whole post. I also would love to see you prove everything I said wrong? Obviously you don't have the intelligence to have an actual conversation and thus resort to belittling, flaming, poor attempts to troll, and fanboying. If you actually read the post you would know it wasn't fanboyism because I own almost every console as said, it was the truth and I also said it was my Opinion. Also if you read my first sentence in my post you can see that what I wanted actually worked.

I wonder how people I can piss of with this post. Let's see.

Bait & hook.

When you actually want to contribute to the forums or threads and "articulate" a conversation, please add knowledge and facts not poor attempts at trolling, flaming, or fanboyism. Until then stay blocked.

P.S I actually pay for four different Xbox Live accounts, see I can afford what I have unlike some who prefer handouts.

Ok, but why do you need 4 accounts for. Youre wasting money, thats nothing to be proud of, sir.

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P.S I actually pay for four different Xbox Live accounts, see I can afford what I have unlike some who prefer handouts.

Ok, but why do you need 4 accounts for. Youre wasting money, thats nothing to be proud of, sir.

Two accounts are mine because my friends list is full on one and the the second account has other friends. The third account is my fathers and the forth account is a free account because the family plan is cheap.

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Jesus Christ. Your profile may say you're 23, but you're acting more childish than the members who are actually children. And it's all without reason, since your attacks are unprovoked and you're far too stupid to say anything that would anger me. You simply look very sad and pathetic.

I'm going to be a nice guy and only suspend you for one day. That way, you can come back tomorrow and make a series of poorly punctuated posts reacting to the new trailer that will be out by that time. I do hope you've managed to develop some maturity by then.

Edit: Really? You deleted a page and a half of the noob being a bitch and left this post? It looks like I suspended Con for having 4 Live accounts.

*evil laugh*


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Con, has the removal of the policies that we didn't like influenced your decision on the console you're getting? It certainly has on myself, I'm just curious as to how you had definitely decided.

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Jesus Christ. Your profile may say you're 23, but you're acting more childish than the members who are actually children. And it's all without reason, since your attacks are unprovoked and you're far too stupid to say anything that would anger me. You simply look very sad and pathetic.

I'm going to be a nice guy and only suspend you for one day. That way, you can come back tomorrow and make a series of poorly punctuated posts reacting to the new trailer that will be out by that time. I do hope you've managed to develop some maturity by then.

Edit: Really? You deleted a page and a half of the noob being a bitch and left this post? It looks like I suspended Con for having 4 Live accounts.

I agree, anyone with four user accounts is childish.

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Edit: .... It looks like I suspended Con for having 4 Live accounts.


Con, has the removal of the policies that we didn't like influenced your decision on the console you're getting? It certainly has on myself, I'm just curious as to how you had definitely decided.

Yes & No. Whilst I'm still not 100% sure what console I will be getting first, I will not be getting neither on launch for the simple fact that the first batch normally are riddled with problems. I will use that as a grace period to decide which console I will be getting first, see what everyone thinks about each console how will the features I liked on each console actually are. I am leaning towards an Xbox One first, mostly because I preferred the Xbox 360 this generation. I don't want to lose the progress I made on my main account nor would I want to lose a majority of my friends which is the largest reason I still play on consoles. I don't really think the removal of the policies effected my decision I thought the same before hand. Granted I'm glad Microsoft did what they had because I thought a few of those policies was complete bullshit. I didn't really care about the always online portion because it would enable cloud computing. I thought the 21 country restriction was complete total bullshit but that was the President of Xbox decision.

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Edit: Really? You deleted a page and a half of the noob being a bitch and left this post? It looks like I suspended Con for having 4 Live accounts.

Really made this topic a lot less entertaining.

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I've always thought the PS3 tanked for Sony. Don't get me wrong, it's a good console but from Sony's standpoint evidently it's a failure, they made a loss on every PS3 sold for years, I wonder if when you consider R&D and all the costs stemming from that and manufacture if they made a profit on it.

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I've always thought the PS3 tanked for Sony. Don't get me wrong, it's a good console but from Sony's standpoint evidently it's a failure, they made a loss on every PS3 sold for years, I wonder if when you consider R&D and all the costs stemming from that and manufacture if they made a profit on it.

What does this have to do with the PS4?

I hope PS4 doesn't do bad because then X Box will become the defacto leaders in the future generational consoles. I have a feeling PS4 will do much better than PS3 though, they seemed to have learned their lessons and their launch is early in line with xbox.

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Don't worry, it won't "Fail". Neither will your precious Xbox One...

I've already told you, I haven't pre-ordered either and won't be buying either.

Don't throw a hissy fit because Sony themselves said the PS3 was a failure.

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