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So know that the PS4 has the party party, are you switching Brian?

Edit: Just noticed ch-at is changed to party. I know I'm late since I haven't been active.

Nah, I prefer the Xbox community, and the UI. Plus I've put more time into Xbox live over PSN. Had a PS3, 360 was steps above in performance and community (mostly thanks to the party feature). Just used to Xbox now.

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The Xbox community?????

Remember folks, this is the same Brian who bragged about trolling a 5 year old on Xbox live, and was so proud of his accomplishment he made a video on the YouTube...

The ps ui does suck compared to xbl tho

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He was so proud all those 2 years ago.

If there are good deals on PS4 for Black Friday I might jump over sooner than planned. Even if there's a PS4+Vita bundle worth the discount I may partake.

It was immature, but I was also a kid. Once you get out of that part PS3 or Xbox, you've got a solid community on both consoles, but I merely preferred Xbox because it was easier to talk to people since you didn't have to be in the same game.

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the back of the box says gtav supports remote play... I couldn't resist, a refurbished ps vita is on its way. I'll tell y'all how it goes... If the experience isn't charming I'll just return the vita

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the back of the box says gtav supports remote play... I couldn't resist, a refurbished ps vita is on its way. I'll tell y'all how it goes... If the experience isn't charming I'll just return the vita

It's going back. It works. But i couldn't play for longer than 5 minutes with out my neck aching, and the screen is small so you can't see a whole lot. Plus, although you can use a ps4 controller with the vita, the controller has to be in range of the ps4, and not officially supported by Sony, so it's a bit clunky.

If the controller actually worked and there was video out on the vita, it would be great for trips... But it just doesn't do those things.... I was considering the playstation tv, but apparently it's remote play isn't as reliable...

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That's unfortunate. I'm still yet to even try remote play with GTA. I have the option to use my vita or my phone, I'm not too bothered by the lack of controller, kinda got used to playing 3, VC, SA on my phone. But as you said, V is clunky. I hope it's playable, as i will be using it at work whenever i can.

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it is playable, but not more than 10-15 minutes at a time. If you use the vita for something other than remote play it might be worth it, but I wasn't planning on getting psvita games... and my iPhone does everything else

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A good opinion on the matter. I was considering getting a Vita to remote play while the TV is being used for TV. Although I don't think I'd be doing any real playing from the Vita. Just use it to screw around or take snapmatics.

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I just spent an hour on it, and although i don't really use it for anything else, i see no problem using it when i can't for some reason use the tv or when i'm out.

It looks amazing to see it on a portable screen.

The only gripe i have is the back touchpad is kinda in the way with this game, as it's used for extra shoulder buttons and you end up having to hold the vita in a strange way.

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I played it the other day and found it rather interesting - the touch pad controls are a little confusing but I think you would get it pretty fast.

Generally I think it's a good transfer. My only grip is if I move too far for whatever reason it loses connection but I have a headset for my vita coming today so I might be using it more. I certainly would if I could use it upstairs - that way letting everyone else do what they want. My sister could even play on ps3 on that TV while I play ps4.

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It seems ridiculous to spend more for cosmetic differences alone. I'm a huge Sony fan and I wouldn't buy that even if I had the money to burn.

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Because only technology from the twentieth century comes in the least interesting colour on the spectrum!

I think the extra $100 is for the ps4 camera & stand. So really it's not that much more expensive...

No news on whether it's available outside of the US/Canada.

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I think it was Kotaku where they had prices in Euros too.


"This limited edition console is priced at 49,800 yen (US$418) in Japan and available through the Sony Store starting tonight.

According to Sony, the console is priced at US$499 and will be available for pre-order via starting December 6. In Europe, the 20th Anniversary PS4 will go for €499. "

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