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I'm not a big fan of the social media type thing on the PS4, honestly i miss the bear bones just gaming part, i could really care less that so and so watched a video on youtube about abortion...I also think the format of the PS menus should have been similarer to PS3, also i miss my guitar hero Van Halen theme :no:

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I'm actually sick of this console war nonsense.

So apparently Sony signed a big deal with Capcom to get 100% exclusivity on the next streetfighter. In response, Microsoft made some phone calls to square Enix, threw around millions of dollars, and now they have 100% exclusivity on the next Tomb Raider.

This can only get worse in the future, what about the bigger hits like Fallout & Elder Scrolls. There will obviously be exclusive dlc content for each system, but it could escalate before then...

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The tomb raider shit is bothering me. They first said "yes, it is exclusive" then "no it isn't - it has a time limit which isn't being disclosed" they then say "no it's like dead rising 3" which only came out on PC after a long time and never on ps. I'm not sure I want to buy an Xbox just to play one game on it and I think a lot of people will feel the same - is not logical to cut off such a big chunk of gamers. It pisses me off that these companies are selling out to this shit.

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Paying for exclusive rights for one game in a fighting game series that has always been shit (as though a non-shitty fighting game even exists) makes Sony look pretty stupid. Microsoft could've let that one slide.

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Meh. Theyre be plenty of games for both consoles... And tbh I can't remember the last time I played a game that was console exclude and thought it was a game of the year contender that I couldn't live without playing....

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Meh. Theyre be plenty of games for both consoles... And tbh I can't remember the last time I played a game that was console exclude and thought it was a game of the year contender that I couldn't live without playing....

the uncharted series is a must-play... i feel bad for those who haven't had the chance to follow drake's journey... also, surprisingly, coming from the same publisher, the last of us is a must-play as well... infamous is cool, but not a must-play... little big planet is fun, but not a must-play...

the only game i actually wanted to play and try out on the xbox side was alan wake... metro too, but they remastered it for nextgen on both consoles... and i guess i was mildly interested in fable...

i agree tho, dup... this exclusive bullshit is bullshit... in the end, the gamers, who line your pockets, are the ones that suffer...

Paying for exclusive rights for one game in a fighting game series that has always been shit (as though a non-shitty fighting game even exists) makes Sony look pretty stupid. Microsoft could've let that one slide.

i thought street fighter was shit too :lol:... mortal kombat will always be the only fighting game i play...

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Alan wake was decent but over rated.

I havnt played uncharted but I think the pshome room for it made me not care for the game so I never tried it...

I just started playing the last of us before gtavps4 came out, but it wasn't interesting enough for me to finish in leu of playing gta 5... I'll start it up again after I refinish gta 5

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you're actually missing out with uncharted... it's a very strong 3rd person action/platformer, with a decent story, good music, awesome characters, and each game has some sort of creature in the latter levels... the levels are so amazingly detailed that you could of swore it was designed for nextgen already... i think uncharted is one of the best franchises out there...

but that just like, my opinion... plus, you're hard to please anyways so i didn't think you'd care...

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I havnt played uncharted but I think the pshome room for it made me not care for the game so I never tried it...

The Playstation Home room was not a good representation of the game; the demo gave a good sample of gameplay but not a complete picture of what the game is like. I agree with bOnEs that the Uncharted series is worthy of must-play status. In UC3, completing story the first time unlocks the Crushing difficulty level; the characters, gameplay and dialogue are entertaining enough to warrant replay. I also like that certain levels give you a breather from shooting, where you have to solve mechanical puzzles or negotiate climbing through treacherous terrain.

So far Uncharted 4 is one of the only PS4 titles I'm interested in. (Other than the obvious.)

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I kept the Uncharted series and TLoU in my collection after i sold most of my PS3 games. Just because they are awesome games, and ahead of their time. Naughty Dog pushed the PS3 to its limits and beyond, and I have no doubt they will on PS4 too.

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ya im pretty stoked to finally ge tto play last of us on ps4

I never got round to playing it on PS3.

Worked out well that the PS4 will be my first experience. (Minus a couple of hours I did fuck about with it on PS3)

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Yeah. I've been having issues for the last few days. I've just turned the connection off and been playing dragon age

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I might ditch my PS4. After being unable to sign in to PSN for 3 days, I've been experiencing issues with the disc drive. It just suddenly ejects whatever game disc is in my PS4 then refuses to take anything. It even starts up on its own and ejects even when there's nothing in the console.

I googled the problem and it seems this is the PS4s version of the red ring of death the xbox 360 had years ago. There's a quick fix for the problem though in the weeks since it started, the problem keeps coming back. I called Sony and they said they were aware of the issue and I can send it in and they'll send it back within 3 months.

I'd rather just get a new one though I'm not sure I even want it anymore. I've got an Xbone and the PC version of GTA V will be out in less than three weeks. Anyone else have this problem? It feels malicious too because it usually starts up just as I'm about to fall asleep.

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