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So just under an hour to go. https://us.playstati...3_nobranding:ss

I'll laugh hard if they don't announce the PS4 but something else instead.

That thought has gone through my head a number of times...

Will someone explain to me what a hardcore gamer is exactly?

Dedicated gamers that play the core games that make the console its most money, and don't care about surplus peripherals. Players that bought the system for the games, not the extras.

So if that's the case. It shouldn't matter how you play the game as long as you're playing it, right? Would you look at a steering wheel and call it a gimmick while you play GT5? No? Then why would you look at a move controller (with the special little gun shaped case :D) as a gimmick while playing KZ3?

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So if that's the case. It shouldn't matter how you play the game as long as you're playing it, right? Would you look at a steering wheel and call it a gimmick while you play GT5? No? Then why would you look at a move controller (with the special little gun shaped case :D) as a gimmick while playing KZ3?

The steering wheel isn't a gimmick, because real cars use the same setup :P . Also the gay little controller for the Wii handles nothing like a real gun or sword.

And these movement controllers take away from proper control a normal controller or mouse/keyboard setup would give you.

Also I haven't seen a game where it's been implemented into a game well, so instead of inhancing the experience, it detracts from it.

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