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Guest Marney-1

Uncharted Series

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Guest Maaaarney1

I'm half way through downloading the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta Trial on PSN. (Takes 1627MB)

Quote: "Join competetive battles and co-op missions for up to 10 players online and customise your playing style with unique weapon mods and combos....."

Beta trial ends 13th July.

Hope it's better than it looks in that video, looks painfully slow and boring.

Anyone else going to give this a try?

Just realised this was already being talked about (kind of) in the PSN thread but whatever. Edited by bOnEs
changed topic title...

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I played it last week. It was ok, but nothing ground breaking. I've always been a fan of the story mode, online hasn't really ever interested me much. I uninstalled it after 5 games. I did however like the change in locations half way through a game. That's something that i think other competitive games could do with...

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I'm late to this topic but I played the beta and I thought it was ok. Nothing that makes me want to buy this game, but it's definitely a nice add-on to just the single player.

I'm kind of in the minority, but I haven't even finished the first game... I just got bored with it.

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Considering I'm not buying Uncharted 3 until next year some time, I'll be getting the Collector's Edition, and I'll be getting it for less than $99. Unless they completely sell out.

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ehh, amazon still carries collector's editions for even fallout 3... it's a safe bet that you could wait a while and still get it... i am actually more interested in the ring, i would probably wear it as a necklace... the belt buckle looks dumb to me though, it looks like the indianapolis colts logo and i fucking hate any team from indiana...

then again, i might just rent uncharted 3 and bypass buying it altogether...

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Guest Marney1

Harrison Ford playing Uncharted 3 (possible spoilers)

Fuck these embedded YouTube videos, am I doing something wrong?

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Just click the 'special BBcode' button, then click 'media' on the drop-down menu, and paste the url. What are you doing?

Oh, wait, it actually is broken now. What the fuck happened?

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Guest Marney1

Just click the 'special BBcode' button, then click 'media' on the drop-down menu, and paste the url. What are you doing?

Oh, wait, it actually is broken now. What the fuck happened?

Well well well, I'm not going to learn much from you.

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I saw it out on the shelves yesterday. But i had to resist. Too many games and not enough time to play therm all right now. I'll wait until after Christmas for most of them.


I spoke to soon. My wife just bought me it out of the blue! lol

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I know it's kind of retarded, but I'm quite surprised by the quality of the Story Mode so far. Yeah, I know it's an Uncharted game, high quality comes with the title. But I thought they would have ran low on steam by now, but no, it's the opposite. Or maybe it's the fact I've been playing mediocre games for a while, this just seems ten times better than them.

I think it's more the fact i gel well with the uncharted series, i like creeping through lost tombs and finding ancient artefacts.

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yup, tried to rent this tuesday afternoon but it wasn't there... i am looking forward to it though, i just don't think it's worth buying... games these days are not worth buying for me unless i know i will put at least 50 hours into it... this game looks to be a 15 hour affair...

i can't wait to play it though!! it looks even more epic than 2 did... and i really want to see how the story unfolds, especially between sully and nate...

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wow, if the drug-induced stages would stop the, "glitching out with the audio and not initiate the next sequence of events because it's waiting for the audio cue", i would say this is the greatest gaming experience of all-time!! but the fact that i have to restart chapters because of this, and hope to god the audio syncs up this time, brings this game to a crashing halt... and i am literally a room or two away from the final chapter... i dread having to play this chapter over again...

uncharted always delivers the best gaming experience of the year, but i have never had this problem with uncharted ever before... could it be that one of the best companies in the industry is getting sloppy too?? are we too used to patches and fixes after release?? i spent 6 tries with numerous approaches to fix the problem in chapter 11... got past it, but i am on my 4th try with chapter 21 :angry:... and in 3 of those tries, the game itself flat-out wouldn't load, i watched that ring spin a million times...

i am about to throw this game into the streets if i can't get it to work, then tell the rental store it fell out of the case on my way in... thumbs down naughty dog, this is unacceptable...

EDIT: WTF?!?! is my system dying?!?! why won't it load anymore!?!? i can't even reach the main menu of the game!!!!

EDIT2: fuck, i turned on some GTA for a bit to cool off.. i don't know what to do ATM...

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wow, if the drug-induced stages would stop the, "glitching out with the audio and not initiate the next sequence of events because it's waiting for the audio cue", i would say this is the greatest gaming experience of all-time!! but the fact that i have to restart chapters because of this, and hope to god the audio syncs up this time, brings this game to a crashing halt... and i am literally a room or two away from the final chapter... i dread having to play this chapter over again...

uncharted always delivers the best gaming experience of the year, but i have never had this problem with uncharted ever before... could it be that one of the best companies in the industry is getting sloppy too?? are we too used to patches and fixes after release?? i spent 6 tries with numerous approaches to fix the problem in chapter 11... got past it, but i am on my 4th try with chapter 21 :angry:... and in 3 of those tries, the game itself flat-out wouldn't load, i watched that ring spin a million times...

i am about to throw this game into the streets if i can't get it to work, then tell the rental store it fell out of the case on my way in... thumbs down naughty dog, this is unacceptable...

EDIT: WTF?!?! is my system dying?!?! why won't it load anymore!?!? i can't even reach the main menu of the game!!!!

EDIT2: fuck, i turned on some GTA for a bit to cool off.. i don't know what to do ATM...

Normally a lot of crashing can be a hint that your PS3 is on its last legs. But that's a maybe. But i should know of most people as i'm on my third, but it's on its second life as it was repaired. I had crashing problems with mine a load of times in the space of a week, and then i got the yellow light.

I've not encountered any problems with Uncharted 3 yet though. I've not had any crashes yet, that's for sure. I haven't had loads of time to play it yet, so i might not be too far into it.

I've just entered

the lost city in the desert, and have had no crashes to this point.

So I'll see if i have any problems when i get to where you are and let you know, put your mind at rest.

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i reached that point too, and i actually got near the end of this game-changing chapter, those fire guys were tough, the hammer helps... but then the hallucinations kicked in again like they did in chapter 11...

...and once that happened, the background music stopped like it did earlier, and drake and tolbert never initiated conversation, leaving me in an endless loop of running around waiting for the game to transition...

i don't think it's the system, i fired up some GTAIV deal breaker right afterwards (to unleash some aggression) with a close friend with no issues... i do think my fat PS3 is putting along, but i can still play other stuff... so it's not dying just yet i don't think... the game just has an issue entering that sequence and not allowing me to leave it...

i will make another attempt tomorrow to try and finish it up, like i am sure you've already done by now... it's been a fun ride, and the levels have never been more dynamic in their approach... and the story has been great too... i really don't want this issue to ruin this amazing gaming experience...

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