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Can you keep your kicks fresh?

Can you keep your kicks fresh?  

25 members have voted

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"I'm not even gonna play the internet tough guy..."

"...Is what women find attractive in clubs that I go to..."


Bro I wish that even made sense just because that gif is hilarious lol. it's just a shame that its missused. How did I contridict myself?

And for the record I'm not sayin shoes make or break you but they're just a big part of your look and unfortunatly say alot about you, at least in my area. I'm just sayin a dude wearin shoes like I posted below will not be gettin positive looks like a dude who wears good condition shoes that are deemed attractive in his area.


I'm just speaking from an american prospective in a city environment, but what you wear is correlated with your social status. What you wear correlated with your wealth. What you wear is correlated with your confidence. Like it or not but thats how most of our evolutionary brains have adapted to this kind of society. So why not cash in occaisonaly and take notice and care of your appearence in regards to your society to help establish yourself. And honestly I don't like how materialistic and superficial people are but adapt or die right?

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This topic title is misleading: You're really asking "Do you keep your kicks fresh". Everyone can keep their kicks fresh, some people just don't bother.

^ :lol: And cuda's got it right, style is about attitude as much as what's on the label, even when there is no label.

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Bro I wish that even made sense just because that gif is hilarious lol. it's just a shame that its missused. How did I contridict myself?

And for the record I'm not sayin shoes make or break you but they're just a big part of your look and unfortunatly say alot about you, at least in my area. I'm just sayin a dude wearin shoes like I posted below will not be gettin positive looks like a dude who wears good condition shoes that are deemed attractive in his area.

I'm just speaking from an american prospective in a city environment, but what you wear is correlated with your social status. What you wear correlated with your wealth. What you wear is correlated with your confidence. Like it or not but thats how most of our evolutionary brains have adapted to this kind of society. So why not cash in occaisonaly and take notice and care of your appearence in regards to your society to help establish yourself. And honestly I don't like how materialistic and superficial people are but adapt or die right?

The pseudo-gangster vernacular juxtaposed with the misspelled pseudo-intellectual words and phrases reminds me of Ali G. And it also makes me LOL.

And no, it's not "adapt or die", it's called being an individual. Being your own person and not conforming to the style of the people (read: fake hipsters) around you.

I Am Free!.jpg

Bottom line: I can keep my kicks fresh, but for the sake of saving face and not being a poseur, I won't.

I respect your views on the importance of footwear, but I can't say that I agree with them. Since you seem like such an intelligent individual with a much more knowledgeable viewpoint, I have a lot more respect for you than for the average clown who idolizes his shoes. Frankly, I was surprised by the wisdom in your comment. Good job. You're not an idiotic street punk. (Y)

Respect. :)

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The pseudo-gangster vernacular juxtaposed with the misspelled pseudo-intellectual words and phrases reminds me of Ali G. And it also makes me LOL.

And no, it's not "adapt or die", it's called being an individual. Being your own person and not conforming to the style of the people (read: fake hipsters) around you.

Bottom line: I can keep my kicks fresh, but for the sake of saving face and not being a poseur, I won't.

I respect your views on the importance of footwear, but I can't say that I agree with them. Since you seem like such an intelligent individual with a much more knowledgeable viewpoint, I have a lot more respect for you than for the average clown who idolizes his shoes. Frankly, I was surprised by the wisdom in your comment. Good job. You're not an idiotic street punk. (Y)

Respect. :)

Haha well thanks I guess. And I agree with you on being your own person, yet I did alot of thinking on it and I don't know if it's possible to be an individual or not conform the moment you put on clothing. Wearing clothes is conformity. And you can try to shop around and buy clothing that isn't promoted by pop culture or worn by the majority, but that in itself is like conforming in an attempt at nonconformity and wouldn't allow you to be an individual since you are still structureing your interests around the interests of others in society. So the way I see it I'd prefer to wear clothes that make me feel confident and make me look good to the type of people I'd like to impress, rather than not careing about my image for the sake of nonconformity. Deep down we're still primal beings in my opinion, and having similar clothing choice with others helps establish a common bond at first glance, sort of like recognizeing another member of your tribe. So that really helps with getting the intial attention and positive regard of a member of the opposite sex, and since reproduction is one of the few true goals of our exsistance, it makes sense to me that conforming a bit when it comes to clothing choice isn't such a bad thing. As long as your mind is free and you realize what you're doing you're good in my opinion.

and just for the record I'm not a mindless swag QD lol, I guess this topic made me sound like one. And I'm really not shallow or unintelligent, I just don't write like I'm writeing an essay when I'm on forums and just use the slang I'm accustomed to. So if people assume I'm dumb for saying somthin like "wuts good brotha" instead of "Hello how are you" so be it lol.

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Haha well thanks I guess. And I agree with you on being your own person, yet I did alot of thinking on it and I don't know if it's possible to be an individual or not conform the moment you put on clothing. Wearing clothes is conformity. And you can try to shop around and buy clothing that isn't promoted by pop culture or worn by the majority, but that in itself is like conforming in an attempt at nonconformity and wouldn't allow you to be an individual since you are still structureing your interests around the interests of others in society. So the way I see it I'd prefer to wear clothes that make me feel confident and make me look good to the type of people I'd like to impress, rather than not careing about my image for the sake of nonconformity. Deep down we're still primal beings in my opinion, and having similar clothing choice with others helps establish a common bond at first glance, sort of like recognizeing another member of your tribe. So that really helps with getting the intial attention and positive regard of a member of the opposite sex, and since reproduction is one of the few true goals of our exsistance, it makes sense to me that conforming a bit when it comes to clothing choice isn't such a bad thing. As long as your mind is free and you realize what you're doing you're good in my opinion.

and just for the record I'm not a mindless swag QD lol, I guess this topic made me sound like one. And I'm really not shallow or unintelligent, I just don't write like I'm writeing an essay when I'm on forums and just use the slang I'm accustomed to. So if people assume I'm dumb for saying somthin like "wuts good brotha" instead of "Hello how are you" so be it lol.

Deep shit. At first glance, I'd think that you were just another swag QD to avoid. But now, getting the chance to talk to you here, I'm glad to see that you're not. Thanks for the chance to look beyond the surface. Being 14, I suppose I don't have the right to go around talkin' shit about how people live. Apologies for coming off as a giant douche. >.< I tend to do that a lot.

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Where I'm from, dirty, beat up shoes are almost a badge of honor, showing that you're a hard worker, or constantly doing things outside, or just a down to earth person. And my super worn blue jeans don't look right with shiny shoes :)

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"I'm not even gonna play the internet tough guy..."

"...Is what women find attractive in clubs that I go to..."


Bro I wish that even made sense just because that gif is hilarious lol. it's just a shame that its missused. How did I contridict myself?

And for the record I'm not sayin shoes make or break you but they're just a big part of your look and unfortunatly say alot about you, at least in my area. I'm just sayin a dude wearin shoes like I posted below will not be gettin positive looks like a dude who wears good condition shoes that are deemed attractive in his area.


I'm just speaking from an american prospective in a city environment, but what you wear is correlated with your social status. What you wear correlated with your wealth. What you wear is correlated with your confidence. Like it or not but thats how most of our evolutionary brains have adapted to this kind of society. So why not cash in occaisonaly and take notice and care of your appearence in regards to your society to help establish yourself. And honestly I don't like how materialistic and superficial people are but adapt or die right?

You proud american. Wearing pink 1980s closet homosexual shoes is no different than basing your sole self worth on keeping 200 dollar designer shoes spotless.

It is, however, completely different from recognizing that you have something more interesting to talk about than the fact that you spent all afternoon separating your shoes from the shit that you wade in.

Shiny things only sell in the short run, dear.

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Wear three pairs of socks so as to deter creases in your air forces, lololol

lmao I guarantee there are actually people who do that

That is awful. 1 pair of socks is enough for me.

I would welcome a society without shoes. Shoes are constricting.

Also, no pants. Pants are horrible. I wish they did more of those 'no pants' days in the subway, it would give me a moment to blow off 'pants steam' and give me an excuse to approach more women.

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Also, no pants. Pants are horrible. I wish they did more of those 'no pants' days in the subway, it would give me a moment to blow off 'pants steam' and give me an excuse to approach more women.

No, no. You've got it wrong. You don't need an excuse to approach women.

Women need an excuse to approach YOU.

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I've definitely spent time caring for the steel-toed leather boots I've had over the years, certainly more than any pair of dressy heels I own.

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I've definitely spent time caring for the steel-toed leather boots I've had over the years, certainly more than any pair of dressy heels I own.

What are you? A skinbyrd?

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Yup. Hardcore white supremacist. I have swastikas tattooed over my nipples.

Actually, it was from working backstage, it's essentially like a construction zone, lots of heavy moving scenery, lighting gear, pipes, booms, curtains, cables etc. Safety first and all that, required gear in certain houses.

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Just curious how people treat their shoes. I used to just wear them out and not mind what happens to them since they're only shoes, but I recently dropped $200 on a pair of butters (timbs) and I'm stressin trying to keep them lookin nice. Second day wearing them and a girl spilled rum on them lol..

So what's your position on your foot wear? Do you not care, do you baby them, or do you just try to clean them occaisonally?

You can spray that stuff on em for water proofing tents and such liquid just beads off.... Before I got arrested I mean married I used to buy so many shoes I never wore one pair long enough to get them too bad constant rotation is the key

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