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Chris Dorner (cop killah)

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LMAO.. This sharpshooting ex cop former army mastermind guy has the LAPD pussies scared as never before. They fucked up by pissing him off. He shot two of them yesterday (one dead) and how do they retaliate? Shooting two innocent asian newspaper delivering women in a truck similar to his (nervous pigs). Good thing they both survived though..

The only wrong thing he did was killed the innocent couple in Irvine (police officers daughter)..


manifesto is interesting

sidenote: he is very smart and was fired in 09, plenty of time to plan for the next 4 years.

lol this all just makes the wait for GTA V harder

Edited by Death

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They're wanting him dead so bad because he exposed the underlying corruption in that's still in the LAPD since the Rodney King incident. He was fired under Bullshit, he wants revenge, I say let him have it.

Natural Selection at work. The strongest survive.

Side note dipshit, if you're going to report news get it correct. He's not an Army mastermind he was never in the US Army, he was in the Navy.

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Some serious shit's been hitting the fan recently. What does it all mean?


(This topic is Asylum-bound)

Dude looks weird. It's like George Foreman, Mike Tyson, and OJ Simpson got freaky and produced that as their unholy lovechild.

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Side note dipshit, if you're going to report news get it correct. He's not an Army mastermind he was never in the US Army, he was in the Navy.

if i posted all this stuff dont you think i already watched it and read it? and if i posted it why does what i say matter when the videos are there?

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Side note dipshit, if you're going to report news get it correct. He's not an Army mastermind he was never in the US Army, he was in the Navy.

if i posted all this stuff dont you think i already watched it and read it? and if i posted it why does what i say matter when the videos are there?

It matters because I'm an asshole with a minor case OCD and prefer things to be done a certain way. It matters because he wasn't in the United States Army, he was in the United States Naval Reservist who served with the Undersea Warfare Unit. If you're just going to half-ass it and not really give a fuck on how you portray it then say he was a member of the armed forces.

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Side note dipshit, if you're going to report news get it correct. He's not an Army mastermind he was never in the US Army, he was in the Navy.

if i posted all this stuff dont you think i already watched it and read it? and if i posted it why does what i say matter when the videos are there?

*plays sad music as his bullshit speech starts*

It matters because I'm an asshole with a minor case OCD and prefer things to be done a certain way. It matters because he wasn't in the United States Army, he was in the United States Naval Reservist who served with the Undersea Warfare Unit. If you're just going to half-ass it and not really give a fuck on how you portray it then say he was a member of the armed forces.

the awkward moment when people take small things too seriously

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Side note dipshit, if you're going to report news get it correct. He's not an Army mastermind he was never in the US Army, he was in the Navy.

if i posted all this stuff dont you think i already watched it and read it? and if i posted it why does what i say matter when the videos are there?

*plays sad music as his bullshit speech starts*

It matters because I'm an asshole with a minor case OCD and prefer things to be done a certain way. It matters because he wasn't in the United States Army, he was in the United States Naval Reservist who served with the Undersea Warfare Unit. If you're just going to half-ass it and not really give a fuck on how you portray it then say he was a member of the armed forces.

the awkward moment when people take small things too seriously

It's called being meticulous.

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whats the word for people who use uncommon words?

back on topic though.. they been all over SoCal hunting for him... the mexican border. big bear, all over LA, and recent footage showed him throwing something in a dumpster in san diego.. they found ammunition in the dumpster and also weapons in his truck in big bear that he blew up.. haha he has them pissing their pants, he obviously wanted them to find all of this stuff on purpose.. telling them he could be anywhere even though his targets are only in LA.. also that he has so much shit not even an airstrike can stop him (literally he has manpads)

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Meticulous isn't an uncommon word unless your trailer trash...

This guy ain't a hero and he don't give a shit about honkys.

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if it were a common word common then this wouldnt be the only thread ive seen that word posted in.. any more bullshit you guys have to say?

he is a hero.. if he aint a hero, then you callin the currupt cops heros.. sure he was wrong for killing Quans daughter but do you have an idea how many innocent sons and daughters the pigs killed? hes doing what any real man would do that tried to do the right thing but was stabbed in the back and stepped on for it..

plus what does "honkys" have to do with any of this? and please dont answer that question cause i got a feelin all u gonna type is more bullshit..

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if it were a common word common then this wouldnt be the only thread ive seen that word posted in.. any more bullshit you guys have to say?

he is a hero.. if he aint a hero, then you callin the currupt cops heros.. sure he was wrong for killing Quans daughter but do you have an idea how many innocent sons and daughters the pigs killed? hes doing what any real man would do that tried to do the right thing but was stabbed in the back and stepped on for it..

plus what does "honkys" have to do with any of this? and please dont answer that question cause i got a feelin all u gonna type is more bullshit..

I see the quality of discourse here is at an all time high.

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Side note dipshit, if you're going to report news get it correct. He's not an Army mastermind he was never in the US Army, he was in the Navy.

if i posted all this stuff dont you think i already watched it and read it? and if i posted it why does what i say matter when the videos are there?

It matters because I'm an asshole with a minor case OCD and prefer things to be done a certain way.

I fucking love you. That made my day.

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Side note dipshit, if you're going to report news get it correct. He's not an Army mastermind he was never in the US Army, he was in the Navy.

if i posted all this stuff dont you think i already watched it and read it? and if i posted it why does what i say matter when the videos are there?

It matters because I'm an asshole with a minor case OCD and prefer things to be done a certain way.

I fucking love you. That made my day.

I fucking love you too. :wub::shlick::fap:

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We dont need no water let the mother fuck burn, burn.

Nothing destroys evidence quite like a fire.. Just in time for the State Of The Union.


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If anyone as watching it live, when the cabin first caught fire all news hoppers filmed sides of mountains to see the smoke come over them, but not the cabin itself, and that is when he supposedly "got away". This whole thing is crafted.

Sandy Hook, Aurora, this, etc. all being used for whatever the government wants. I'm moving to Canada gtagrl, make some room for me.

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Body found believed to be Dorner. I feel sorry for the man to be honest, he just wanted to clear his name with the LAPD and they wanted to Rodney King him. Then they just shoot fucking civilians. The gov't needs to step in and clear the corruption in law enforcement but first we'd need to clear corruption in the gov't. I honestly believed the fire was set be San Berndino Sheriffs for the simple fact they had the FAA clear a 13,000 ft restriction around the area. Why else would they need that? They said so he couldn't see what law enforcement was doing, he was a fucking LAPD he knew the tactics.

This ship is sinking and she's sinking fast, it's about time to abandon ship.

Update pulled from Reddit.

Posted this lower but in case you're interested: Live Video Feed from the local news station[1]

I posted this in a less active thread. I am watching live and updating as things go:

I'm watching it live. Hope you don't mind all the updates.

Lots of active gunfire right now.

Reporter, Carter Evans, is caught in the crossfire.

Update: He hasn't heard a report of any officers down but due to the way the officers are behaving, he believes there are injuries. He's hiding in a civillian car. Officers are asking him to leave.

Update 2: Authorities are honing in on a cabin close by, lots more active gunfire and screaming heard.

Update 3: Absolutely fascinating. Authorities are yelling at the reporter, telling to get out amid sounds of massive gunfire. Heard one officer say, "Get the Fuck outta here, pal!" Live, unedited.

Update 4: No reporting, just sounds of a massive gun battle.

Update 5: Just heard someone yell, "Did you get him?" and "Get the FUCK down!"

Update 6: Confirmation that he is cornered. Carter Evans is being moved to a safer area. Police scanners reveal suspect is confirmed and shooting.

Update 7: Lots of screaming and yelling, gunfire has slowed down.

Update 8: Confirmed. Two officers are down.

Update 9: Christopher Dorner is not in custody (at least they're reporting he isn't). They must have removed the reporter because the gunfire has completely died down.

Update 10: Reporters are sequestered at the road block. They are not sure how badly the two deputies are injured.

Update 11: There is still gunfire being reported, they are trying to get the two injured deputies out.

Update 12: Speculation that the deputies injured are possibly from the San Bernadino Sheriff's Department.

Update 13: Injured deputies are not receiving medical care, yet.

Update 14: Sirens are heard, vehicles racing by the sequestered reporters, could be a sign that the area is safe enough to bring the injured deputies medical care.

Update 15: Small plume of smoke is rising from a cabin driveway.

Update 16: Looks like authorities are throwing canisters towards the cabin.

Update 17: Rescue units have been moved in. Situation has quieted.

Update 18: Authorities have guns drawn, have not relaxed or eased up. Christopher Dorner is possibly still alive.

Update 19: Carter Evans said they pulled up at the same time as the authorities, and, unknowingly, were caught in the gunfire. They are trying to medivac the injured officers but helicopters can't find a safe place to land. Christopher Dorner is holed up in the cabin.

Update 20: Some guy just prank called the news station, calling the female reporter a "dumbass..." and following with, "you still don't know this is a prank?" Prankster also mentioned "Ronnie, the Limo Driver shot Chris Dorner."

Update 21: Gunshots reported fired five minutes ago (2:18pm, local time).

Update 22: Obvious reporter is obvious: Local schools are on lockdown. Parents cannot pick their children up.

Update 23: It's possible Christopher Dorner is alone in the cabin. No hostages or other suspects reported.

Update 24: It's a waiting game, now. The cabin is completely surrounded. Christopher Dorner is not firing, at the moment.

Update 25: Canisters authorities threw towards the cabin are confirmed to be tear gas.

Update 26: News conference scheduled for 3:00pm, local time (about ten minutes from now).

Update 27: The live news station is now replaying the reporter's time in the gunfire. Things have completely slowed down. I'll check back in if anything new develops.

Update 28: News conference is about to begin at LAPD headquarters.

LAPD News Conference Highlights:

Andrew Smith, LAPD media relations manager, reveals small, preliminary information: Fish and Game warden saw someone fleeing into the woods who looked like Christopher Dorner who then barricaded himself in a cabin. Gunfire was heard. Injured police officers have been removed and flown to hospitals. LAPD only in Big Bear to provide support if asked. 1,045 clues/leads are being followed up on. No hostage confirmation. LAPD is pleading with Christopher Dorner to surrender.

Update 29: Heavy reinforcements have arrived on scene. Heavily armored S.W.A.T vehicles are pulling in. Every civilian vehicle is being searched. Onlookers are holding up signs reading, "Take Chris Dorner Alive!" and "Don't Kill Chris Dorner!" They are evacuating the mountain and searching every car. Military vehicles seen going up the hill.

Update 30: Confirmation that Christopher Dorner had hijacked a man's white pickup truck, wearing combat fatigues and telling the driver that he didn't want to hurt him.

Update 31: Mayor of Big Bear speaking with KCAL 9, says that schools are absolutely still on lockdown. Mentions that the community is resilient. He has heard that, possibly, one of the injured officers has passed away.

CONFIRMED: One of the officers who was injured has died. His body is at Loma Linda awaiting his wife to identify. Will release his name, shortly. It's being reported that the couple recently had their first baby.

Update 32: Authorities are using a megaphone to speak with Christopher Dorner. A large truck with a battering ram on the front has passed the sequestered reporters. Officers with reporters have confirmed that they are filling the cabin with tear gas.

Update 33: Huge cloud of white smoke is pouring from the cabin. Authorities may be poised to make their move.

Update 34: Entire cabin is engulfed in flames.

Tons of helicopter activity now around my house. (4:16pm)

Update 35: Dorner may have escaped burning cabin (4:28pm)

Update 36: Cabin is burning out of control, appears firefighters are not trying to extinguish it.

Update 37: No confirmation that anyone is in the cabin.

Update 38: Speculation that recent gunfire was Chris Dorner and could be self-inflicted. (4:38pm)

Update 39: SWAT has told firefighters to stay back.

Update 40: Tracks have been found leading towards a horse corral. Speculations that they are Chris Dorner's. (4:46)

Update 41: Fire has reached deeply into the cabin. Munitions are exploding.

Update 42: Tension is easing (4:49) SWAT has lowered their weapons.

Another helicopter is flying over my house.

Update 43: It's very quiet (4:53). Reporters are speculating that authorities will allow the cabin to burn out. It's collapsing.

Update 44: Guns are lowered and authorities are walking a little away from the scene. (4:56)

Update 45: Officers are relaxing, some even smoking cigarettes.

Press Conference with San Bernadino Police Department:

At 12:25 vehicle was reported stolen, suspect matched Christopher Dorner, units surrounded the area. Vehicle was located and had been abandoned. Suspect barricaded himself in a nearby cabin and started a massive gunfight. Second deputy shot is expected to survive. Authorities say there was no one else in the cabin. There has been no other gunfire since the cabin fire began. Dorner could possibly be on the loose.

Update 46: Fire continues to burn but is contained, it's unlikely it will spread to the surrounding forest.

Update 47: Media is only allowed to the last checkpoint. Have not received the "all-clear" signal. Authorities at the checkpoint are still very much at the ready. More fire trucks are allowed near the area.

Update 48: Confirmed gunshot from the cabin moments before it caught on fire. Speculating that it could have been Chris Dorner committing suicide.

Update 49: Portable lights and air support have been brought in. (5:18)

I assume that was the helicopters I heard earlier.

Update 50: Redditor Avista[2] has given this tip from the twitter feed of an East Texas news site: Chris Dorner Has Been Shot By Sniper[3] Local news is not reporting it, however.

Update 51: Absolutely no confirmation that Chris Dorner was killed by sniper.

It is 5:30 local time and getting dark. Fire is still burning. There is very little wind; low threat of the fire spreading.

Update 52: Mayor of Big Bear says one elementary school near the site may still be on lockdown but most schools have been evacuated.

Update 53: CONFIRMED Christopher Dorner never left the cabin.

Update 54: Cabin was a rental. Two cleaning ladies were tied up earlier in the day and released by Christopher Dorner, before he hijacked the truck.

News Conference with Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa is starting now:

No comments on the events that have unfolded. He has spoken to those who were targeted over the week.

Update 55: Several closed routes in the area have been reopened. Closest route to the site is still closed.

Sorry everyone but I have to take a little break and make dinner for my kids. I will keep the news on, however, and continue to update as the night progresses. Thanks again for all the compliments, the freakin' awesome and unexpected reddit gold and for the tips.

Wait! Update 56: Protection detail by LAPD will remain in effect until confirmation that Christopher Dorner has been killed.

LAPD has scheduled a news conference for 9pm, local time. LAPD Riverside Chief of Police has arrived on site and they are setting up a media command post.

Live Video Feed of the news station I'm watching right now:[4]

Update 57: Highly likely that Christopher Dorner was in the cabin when it was set ablaze. Also reporting that officers are saying this is HIGHLY LIKELY to be over.

Update 58: The news has little to talk about. Just reporting that the second injured deputy is still in surgery but expected to survive.

Update 59: BREAKING CONFIRMED: A body has been removed from the cabin. CBS correspondent John Miller has reported.

UNOFFICIAL CONFIRMATION: The body is Christopher Dorner.

LAPD has released a statement to the media (not to the public): Christopher Dorner body has been recovered from the cabin.

Ninja edit: That was really bad timing PIZZA GUY!

Update 60: There may not be a news conference at 9pm from the LAPD. They haven't officially CONFIRMED that it was Christopher Dorner in the cabin but again, it is HIGHLY LIKELY (thanks, reporter, for making me write that again).

Update 61: Confirmation will come from San Bernadino authorities, NOT the LAPD.

Update 62: They are identifying the body by tattoos Christopher Dorner had.

Update 63: Still no confirmation as to what started the fire. Interestingly enough, they're not even speculating on it.

Ninja Edit #2: Have to mom it up and help my son with his homework. I'll keep watching, though. Thanks!!


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Police shouting Burn down the cabin

Partial Transcription to the second video

7 burners deployed we've got a fire

Ammunition exploding inside of the cabin

Do we have fire back there yet

2 and 4 got fire moving on

Unit(?) any propane tanks visible?

Sniper on the back side

Do you want fire squad to put water on it when the roof starts giving in?

Negative, still have 2 sides vulnerable

2 [cars?] not engulfed yet

How's that fire doing on the west side?

Taking a long time this thing's well constructed

61 Lincoln, you ready for fire?

Don't have adequate penetration on 2-3 yet

Hold the perimeter until 61 Lincoln makes the call, then mop up with fire

(corner)3-4 fully engulfed


Do these cabins have [buildup?] areas?

Confirmed this cabin has a basement

I'm gonna let this fire self-contain and burn down to the basement

Rosa, clear the adjacent buildings

Make sure the garages are clear too, use force if necessary


Rosa's clearing adjacent buildings, Unit #? moving in as we speak

I can't wait to see what anonymous does once this is all over with seeing as the LAPD shot 3 civilians and none were in the same make or model, let alone color as the vehicle he was last seen in


People saying the SBSO used incendiary grenades and claiming to be teargas, which could be possible as they have been used previously.

[sCANNER AUDIO] San Bernardino County Sheriff Standoff with C. Dorner

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