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I'm not really sure the Xbollocks or the Gaystation gimmicks will get used by as many developers as they think. Look at the Wii now, it's obsolete. The Kinect and PSMove had hardly any games to be proud of, and shit support from most developers. You'll get the odd game designed for the movement functions, and that's it... They'll probably tie into accounts as rumored which is a bunch of shit anyway. Nothing good will come from these camera/movement techs.

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i think more subtle uses of both movement peripherals might be considered more this gen, especially if they're gonna be built into the controller like the PS4... but since it's not their focus, it will only be used sparingly, and prefferable from the couch... i really don't want to have to get up to play games... i should be able to swing my controller sitting down...

i'm all for a little use of motion tech, just not whole games built around it... leave that crap for nintendo to mess around with...

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I don't understand brand loyalty, it's a pointless self-limitation! Sony and Microsoft are businesses trying to take your (mothers) hard earned money. Therefore, I'm going to get the one that I think is the best, based on statistics, evidence and arguments such as specifications, features, exclusive games and social influences.

Thus, I'll wait to see what Microsoft has to offer and avoid making an irrational decision.

I knew someone would say this. Thank you for saving me 422 characters.

Hey there, smartass. I never said I would buy the PS4 out of brand loyalty. If you actually read bOnEs' post you'd know I'm buying it for the same reasons Indy listed... Mostly exclusives.

I don't think the PS4's controller is going to do anything more than what the DualShock 3 did with six-axis. Maybe lifting the controller will actually do something this time.

I have a feel Microsoft will use six-axis with their controller aswell.

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Hey there, smartass. I never said I would buy the PS4 out of brand loyalty. If you actually read bOnEs' post you'd know I'm buying it for the same reasons Indy listed... Mostly exclusives.

I don't think the PS4's controller is going to do anything more than what the DualShock 3 did with six-axis. Maybe lifting the controller will actually do something this time.

I have a feel Microsoft will use six-axis with their controller aswell.

I realize that. :) I was just voicing my agreement with Indy. I respect your basis for your decision because, frankly, it makes sense. PS4 has better exclusives than Xbox, that's a fact.

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The problem with exclusives is that they're just that. Exclusive.

I've not had a chance to properly play God of War or Uncharted, because i've not owned a PS3. So these games don't interest me as much as they should, and I know for a fact that they're both types of game I would play. Similarly, a lot of PS3 owners may not have played Gears of War or Fable, so they probably don't care for them. I suppose that's just how gaming is, unless you own both systems.

Furthermore, brand loyalty may exist in that people have spent time and money in trophies/achievements and building a video game library as well as finding online friends. However, I would throw these all away if one console blitzed the other in specs/features etc.

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I'm not really sure the Xbollocks or the Gaystation gimmicks will get used by as many developers as they think. Look at the Wii now, it's obsolete. The Kinect and PSMove had hardly any games to be proud of, and shit support from most developers. You'll get the odd game designed for the movement functions, and that's it... They'll probably tie into accounts as rumored which is a bunch of shit anyway. Nothing good will come from these camera/movement techs.

I agree with what you say regarding the movement functions but they do have their uses - exercise games and getting my kids moving.

Kinect has a voice recognition sensor as well which I reckon has more possibilities than the movement sensor - I am playing FIFA 13 at the moment and it always makes me laugh when the commentator says something like "Well, the manager was livid with that decision" after I have just called the referee "a stupid, blind, fucken cunt" and then being told by the club management after the game that my behaviour was giving the club a bad name....

There are some games where for me, a casual gamer, it would be easier to tell the game what to do rather than trying to make the selection on the fly, especially in the heat of battle for example. It could also be useful in war games, directing troops and squad members.

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I'm not really sure the Xbollocks or the Gaystation gimmicks will get used by as many developers as they think. Look at the Wii now, it's obsolete. The Kinect and PSMove had hardly any games to be proud of, and shit support from most developers. You'll get the odd game designed for the movement functions, and that's it... They'll probably tie into accounts as rumored which is a bunch of shit anyway. Nothing good will come from these camera/movement techs.

What are you talking about? Kinect Animal Adventures was the best thing to happen to this generation.

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what about that kinect star wars dance off?? that was the best game this gen!!

joking aside, seriously, you guys should hope that kinect isn't a huge focus in their presentation... microsoft has wasted countless minutes in presentations talking about it, E3/GDC, and the more they talk about it, the more concern i have for the core xbox gamer... why do i get this feeling they want the wii market more than the core market??

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Im sure we will find out if it requires internet at the reveal event.

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Tuesday. I definitely hope it doesn't need an always-on internet connection. It wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me since my connection is pretty good but it would suck that odd time the power is out or whatever. And yes I will be getting the X-Box since every game I play is multi-console except for Forza.

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God that was shit. I keep an open mind about consoles, but that was just poor.

-No in-game graphics on display, all just cg cutscenes. And they didn't even look impressive.

-Senor spielbergo involved with a Halo Tv show (wtf that had to do with the console I don't know). Yay...

- EA Sports doing some sort of fantasy league crap. I almost fell asleep during that bit.

- The damned thing looks like an early 90's CD player.

And guys, 5 billion transistors!!! Take that, Sony!

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I think we all know what will be the dominant GAMING console.... This isn't a gaming console, its just a jumbled up mess.

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'OMG new xbox looks so good! best console ever! fuck u sony u cant beat that'

That's the type of shit that's on my newsfeed on Facebook at the moment. I really hope the PS4 full reveal shits on this Xbox to shut them up.

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