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I'm much more excited for this coming generation than I was with the last considering Sony is following a business model similar to the one they had during the PS2 era with a focus on games and making the system developer friendly. Microsoft seems to being going in the opposite direction and it will be interesting to see how the new Xbox does in comparison considering the massive backlash.

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Even though the PS4 may be more powerful, the games will run the same on both consoles. That's how the developers work. They make sure that all gamers will have the same experience. The only thing that the PS4 will really be able to do with the extra power is make more in depth exclusives. That, and make their console more expensive. One thing I don't like is how both systems have 8 threads. Gaming has barely scratched the surface of multi-threading, and as of right now, it isn't that spectacular of an advantage anyways. Does anyone else see this as a waste of time and money?

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The amount of failures I had with my xbox360 put me off them for life, first gen pre owned ps3 still going strong. Fuck a Xbox!

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Yay thing are calm again here! is still a gong show.

But you know what? I think I've changed my mind after my last post. Thanks to this post on by Outlier, I no longer think the PS4 is better. I still think it's a great system but now I think the X1 is my definite choice regardless of Forza.

I can't understand why people are upset about groundbreaking features that are being introduced.

if we look at the current generation consoles, both MS and Sony went different directions. Sony took a safe path and offered very little innovation but a more powerful console. Microsoft's 360 was less powerful but included innovative software allowing gamers to more easily connect to each other. Microsofts goal w the 360 was to provide a better gaming experience. More than that, MS wanted the xbox to become the central entertainment hub for the living room and appeal to a larger audience.

personally I sold my PS3 for a 360 for these reasons. Sony just didn't get it.

The 360 launched with an integrated system for connecting to friends providing an easy and consistent process to meet and join your friends online. The PS3 relies on each game developer to provide their own way of connecting online which often caused confusion and frustration.

The 360 launched w persistent chat allowing friends to connect and talk from one game to the next while the PS3 required gamers to first try to find each other in a game before being able to communicate. And when you wanted to switch games, you had to drop the chat. It was a very frustrating system!

MS added party chat later improving the way groups of friend meet up and allow these groups to move from one game to another as well as easily switch from game chat to party chat. The PS3 still does not provide a one to one persistent chat.

Sony did start to add some apps for streaming video and MLB but Microsoft offers more apps for streaming content including ESPN so we can watch ALMS races on our large screens.

At the end of the day Sonys current gen console is a good game platform but they have fallen behind in innovation. I expect the PS4 will be much better and will finally incorporate some of the things that the 360 has had for many years. The Sony announcement once again made it clear that the company is focusing on hard core gamers. Not surprising, the hard core games that visit the gaming message boards are eating this up. However, the Microsoft reveal shows they are once again trying to provide innovative features to expand their market beyond just hard core gamers. Rest assured both next gen platforms will provide vastly improved gaming experiences but it seems only Microsoft is interested in doing more.

The world is changing everyone. If you haven't noticed we are in a social revolution. Most of us do watch TV. Most of us watch movies. Most of us listen to music, and most of the world has embraced social media. There are much less hardcore gamers out there but the numbers are growing. Yes we have different devices that can do all of this but finally we will have a central entertainment device that looks to seamlessly integrate all of this - and do it well! I'm ready to embrace the changes in the world - I will be buying the Xbox One.

That is why I will be buying the Xbox One.

Edited by Googlefluff

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I can't understand why people are upset about groundbreaking features that are being introduced.

if we look at the current generation consoles, both MS and Sony went different directions. Sony took a safe path and offered very little innovation but a more powerful console. Microsoft's 360 was less powerful but included innovative software allowing gamers to more easily connect to each other. Microsofts goal w the 360 was to provide a better gaming experience. More than that, MS wanted the xbox to become the central entertainment hub for the living room and appeal to a larger audience.

personally I sold my PS3 for a 360 for these reasons. Sony just didn't get it.

The 360 launched with an integrated system for connecting to friends providing an easy and consistent process to meet and join your friends online. The PS3 relies on each game developer to provide their own way of connecting online which often caused confusion and frustration.

The 360 launched w persistent chat allowing friends to connect and talk from one game to the next while the PS3 required gamers to first try to find each other in a game before being able to communicate. And when you wanted to switch games, you had to drop the chat. It was a very frustrating system!

MS added party chat later improving the way groups of friend meet up and allow these groups to move from one game to another as well as easily switch from game chat to party chat. The PS3 still does not provide a one to one persistent chat.

Sony did start to add some apps for streaming video and MLB but Microsoft offers more apps for streaming content including ESPN so we can watch ALMS races on our large screens.

At the end of the day Sonys current gen console is a good game platform but they have fallen behind in innovation. I expect the PS4 will be much better and will finally incorporate some of the things that the 360 has had for many years. The Sony announcement once again made it clear that the company is focusing on hard core gamers. Not surprising, the hard core games that visit the gaming message boards are eating this up. However, the Microsoft reveal shows they are once again trying to provide innovative features to expand their market beyond just hard core gamers. Rest assured both next gen platforms will provide vastly improved gaming experiences but it seems only Microsoft is interested in doing more.

The world is changing everyone. If you haven't noticed we are in a social revolution. Most of us do watch TV. Most of us watch movies. Most of us listen to music, and most of the world has embraced social media. There are much less hardcore gamers out there but the numbers are growing. Yes we have different devices that can do all of this but finally we will have a central entertainment device that looks to seamlessly integrate all of this - and do it well! I'm ready to embrace the changes in the world - I will be buying the Xbox One.

Meh. To each their own, but my PS3 controller and my keyboard and mouse are within 6 inches of each other, so I don't have any use for all the distracting shit the Xbox One has. I'll stick to using my console for games.

I'd rather have a machete than a Swiss army knife. That's pretty much what the PS4 vs. Xbox One argument boils down to at this point. If you have use for all the extras, go for it.

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I'd rather have a machete than a Swiss army knife. That's pretty much what the PS4 vs. Xbox One argument boils down to at this point. If you have use for all the extras, go for it.

Don't compare something made of the highest quality ( a Swiss Army Knife ) with a Casual gamer Shitbox. The PS4 is more comparable to something made by the Swiss.

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That wasn't the point, but if you'd like to substitute "multi-tool purchased at a gas station," you're welcome to.

I don't have anything against Xbox, myself. I got a 360 in 2006, and loved it. I got my PS3 in 2010, and hardly used it once I'd finished Infamous, but I eventually started buying more games for it, and it became my preferred console. I don't want an Xbox One because I don't like the direction they're going with it, and they no longer have any exclusives that interest me. Doesn't mean I have anything against Xbox, I simply have no further use for them.

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Yay thing are calm again here! is still a gong show.

But you know what? I think I've changed my mind after my last post. Thanks to this post on by Outlier, I no longer think the PS4 is better. I still think it's a great system but now I think the X1 is my definite choice regardless of Forza.

I can't understand why people are upset about groundbreaking features that are being introduced.

if we look at the current generation consoles, both MS and Sony went different directions. Sony took a safe path and offered very little innovation but a more powerful console. Microsoft's 360 was less powerful but included innovative software allowing gamers to more easily connect to each other. Microsofts goal w the 360 was to provide a better gaming experience. More than that, MS wanted the xbox to become the central entertainment hub for the living room and appeal to a larger audience.

personally I sold my PS3 for a 360 for these reasons. Sony just didn't get it.

The 360 launched with an integrated system for connecting to friends providing an easy and consistent process to meet and join your friends online. The PS3 relies on each game developer to provide their own way of connecting online which often caused confusion and frustration.

The 360 launched w persistent chat allowing friends to connect and talk from one game to the next while the PS3 required gamers to first try to find each other in a game before being able to communicate. And when you wanted to switch games, you had to drop the chat. It was a very frustrating system!

MS added party chat later improving the way groups of friend meet up and allow these groups to move from one game to another as well as easily switch from game chat to party chat. The PS3 still does not provide a one to one persistent chat.

Sony did start to add some apps for streaming video and MLB but Microsoft offers more apps for streaming content including ESPN so we can watch ALMS races on our large screens.

At the end of the day Sonys current gen console is a good game platform but they have fallen behind in innovation. I expect the PS4 will be much better and will finally incorporate some of the things that the 360 has had for many years. The Sony announcement once again made it clear that the company is focusing on hard core gamers. Not surprising, the hard core games that visit the gaming message boards are eating this up. However, the Microsoft reveal shows they are once again trying to provide innovative features to expand their market beyond just hard core gamers. Rest assured both next gen platforms will provide vastly improved gaming experiences but it seems only Microsoft is interested in doing more.

The world is changing everyone. If you haven't noticed we are in a social revolution. Most of us do watch TV. Most of us watch movies. Most of us listen to music, and most of the world has embraced social media. There are much less hardcore gamers out there but the numbers are growing. Yes we have different devices that can do all of this but finally we will have a central entertainment device that looks to seamlessly integrate all of this - and do it well! I'm ready to embrace the changes in the world - I will be buying the Xbox One.

That is why I will be buying the Xbox One.

Where do I start with this ignorant bullshit.

O.K. there is nothing ground-breaking about the Xbox One. Everything that it can do, some other entertainment device can do the exact same thing.

You said that the PS3 took the Safe Path and offered very little innovation, while the Xbox had innovative software. This is not true at all, in fact it's the exact opposite of how it is in reality. Here I will show you the differences in Innovation between the Xbox 360 and PS3 ~

~ The Xbox 360 was the less Powerful of the two Systems ( and therefore held the PS3 back from achieving it's full potential with 3rd party games ).

~ Microsoft decided that HD DVD was the future and installed that into the Xbox 360 ( with multiple disks for bigger games and having to switch between them mid-game). Whereas Sony decided to install a new technology ( a Blu-Ray Drive ) into it's PS3, this made sure that no matter how big the game was, it would always fit onto the one disk. It's also funny that Microsoft have decided to install a Blu Ray Drive into their new system, the Xbox One. Wonder why? Could it be perhaps that Blu Ray was the ultimate form of media to transfer games onto. Either way this so called innovative Company is a bit late too the party. A least it made the Xbox much cheaper, so that all the casuals could pretend that they had the best system ( and the only one that they could afford ). The PS3 meanwhile was one of the cheapest Blu Ray Players on the Market, yet still had a hard first couple of years with sales. People are pretty backwards.

~ The Xbox 360 has a controller that needs batteries from an external source in order to operate ( and which need to be taken out in order to recharge/ or new batteries need to be bought ), whereas the PS3 has a built in battery pack which is rechargeable via a USB Cable. How very innovative of Microsoft?

~ The PS3 has about 5 times more exclusive games than the Xbox 360, For Instance ~

Xbox ~ Halo Series

~ Forza Series

~ Gears Of War Series

~ Alan Wake

~ Banjo Kazooie

~ Crackdown

~ Dead Or Alive

~ Dead Rising 1

~ Fable Series

~ All the Kinect Crap

PlayStation 3 ~ Uncharted Series

~ Demon Souls

~ Infamous Series

~ Killzone Series

~ Heavy Rain

~ God Of War Series

~ Gran Turismo Series

~ Resistance Series

~ Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD ( Great Games )

~ Journey

~ Little Big Planet


~ Metal Gear Solid Series

~ MotorStorm Series

~ Ratchet & Clank Series

~ Starhawk & Warhawk

~ Twisted Metal

~ PixelJunk Shooter Series

~ The Last Of Us ( Which is about to come out )

~ Beyond Two Souls ( which is also coming out soon )

~ Dust 514 ( also coming soon )

~ and many more/ but these are some of the best...

~ Another innovation by Microsoft was the Ability to pay to play online ( and even more with Xbox Live Gold! ). Whereas Sony introduced PlayStation Plus, where you get around 20 free games a year, plus early betas and demos, along with big discounts on already heavily discounted PSN Prices for other products. For instance on the European PS Plus ( Which is the Australian one as well )

I have gotten for free ~ Dead Nation

~ Red Dead Redemption

~ Vanquish

~ Sleeping Dogs

~ Uncharted Golden Abyss ( PSP )

~ Little Big Planet 2

~ Bioshock 2

~ Demon Souls

~ Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition

~ Infamous 2

~ Just Cause 2

~ Darksiders

~ Saints Row 2

~ Spec Ops: The Line

~ Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One

~ Warhammer: 40000 Space Marine

~ The Walking Dead Episodes 1 & 2

~ Virtua Fighter 5

~ Mega Man 9 & 10

~ Starhawk

~ Gravity Rush

~ Wipeout 2048

~ Disegea 3

~ etc etc...

I don't understand why anyone can still support Microsoft over Sony. Sony has given us a better system, with better games, and with better deals. But I guess you can't teach an old Fanboy new tricks...

That wasn't the point, but if you'd like to substitute "multi-tool purchased at a gas station," you're welcome to.

I don't have anything against Xbox, myself. I got a 360 in 2006, and loved it. I got my PS3 in 2010, and hardly used it once I'd finished Infamous, but I eventually started buying more games for it, and it became my preferred console. I don't want an Xbox One because I don't like the direction they're going with it, and they no longer have any exclusives that interest me. Doesn't mean I have anything against Xbox, I simply have no further use for them.

Fair enough.

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Seriously, if you're going to fanboy consoles and try to start a console war constantly saying the PS4 is better when the console hasn't even been launched go back to the Playstation thread.

You can't have an argument over which is better by looking at it on paper, if you really want to talk specs and what gaming console is better my PC is going to outrun both the Xbox and Playstation. They're both going to have the majority of the same game that's going to play exactly the same with the exclusivity of console exclusive games. You can say the PS3 is better than Xbox but the 360 has had more sales figures than the PS3 until just the other month and that's at the end of it's lifecycle.

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The PS4 is focuses on gaming, so it's target audience are gamers. Xbox seems to be focusing not only on previous 360 fans, but also families (kinect) and young kids. They're just going in different directions, whilst before they were both pretty much in the exact same market.

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People forget the fact that Microsoft isn't only in competition with SONY they're also trying to one up Apple with their own type of TV software.

Didn't forget, didnt care. Ill be buying my next gaming console based on which console does gaming the best.

*for the price

Alan wake heh

Heavy rain?

I'm not sure one off titles count as exclusive IPs

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Yay thing are calm again here! is still a gong show.

But you know what? I think I've changed my mind after my last post. Thanks to this post on by Outlier, I no longer think the PS4 is better. I still think it's a great system but now I think the X1 is my definite choice regardless of Forza.

I can't understand why people are upset about groundbreaking features that are being introduced.

if we look at the current generation consoles, both MS and Sony went different directions. Sony took a safe path and offered very little innovation but a more powerful console. Microsoft's 360 was less powerful but included innovative software allowing gamers to more easily connect to each other. Microsofts goal w the 360 was to provide a better gaming experience. More than that, MS wanted the xbox to become the central entertainment hub for the living room and appeal to a larger audience.

personally I sold my PS3 for a 360 for these reasons. Sony just didn't get it.

The 360 launched with an integrated system for connecting to friends providing an easy and consistent process to meet and join your friends online. The PS3 relies on each game developer to provide their own way of connecting online which often caused confusion and frustration.

The 360 launched w persistent chat allowing friends to connect and talk from one game to the next while the PS3 required gamers to first try to find each other in a game before being able to communicate. And when you wanted to switch games, you had to drop the chat. It was a very frustrating system!

MS added party chat later improving the way groups of friend meet up and allow these groups to move from one game to another as well as easily switch from game chat to party chat. The PS3 still does not provide a one to one persistent chat.

Sony did start to add some apps for streaming video and MLB but Microsoft offers more apps for streaming content including ESPN so we can watch ALMS races on our large screens.

At the end of the day Sonys current gen console is a good game platform but they have fallen behind in innovation. I expect the PS4 will be much better and will finally incorporate some of the things that the 360 has had for many years. The Sony announcement once again made it clear that the company is focusing on hard core gamers. Not surprising, the hard core games that visit the gaming message boards are eating this up. However, the Microsoft reveal shows they are once again trying to provide innovative features to expand their market beyond just hard core gamers. Rest assured both next gen platforms will provide vastly improved gaming experiences but it seems only Microsoft is interested in doing more.

The world is changing everyone. If you haven't noticed we are in a social revolution. Most of us do watch TV. Most of us watch movies. Most of us listen to music, and most of the world has embraced social media. There are much less hardcore gamers out there but the numbers are growing. Yes we have different devices that can do all of this but finally we will have a central entertainment device that looks to seamlessly integrate all of this - and do it well! I'm ready to embrace the changes in the world - I will be buying the Xbox One.

That is why I will be buying the Xbox One.

Where do I start with this ignorant bullshit.

O.K. there is nothing ground-breaking about the Xbox One. Everything that it can do, some other entertainment device can do the exact same thing.

You said that the PS3 took the Safe Path and offered very little innovation, while the Xbox had innovative software. This is not true at all, in fact it's the exact opposite of how it is in reality. Here I will show you the differences in Innovation between the Xbox 360 and PS3 ~

~ The Xbox 360 was the less Powerful of the two Systems ( and therefore held the PS3 back from achieving it's full potential with 3rd party games ).

~ Microsoft decided that HD DVD was the future and installed that into the Xbox 360 ( with multiple disks for bigger games and having to switch between them mid-game). Whereas Sony decided to install a new technology ( a Blu-Ray Drive ) into it's PS3, this made sure that no matter how big the game was, it would always fit onto the one disk. It's also funny that Microsoft have decided to install a Blu Ray Drive into their new system, the Xbox One. Wonder why? Could it be perhaps that Blu Ray was the ultimate form of media to transfer games onto. Either way this so called innovative Company is a bit late too the party. A least it made the Xbox much cheaper, so that all the casuals could pretend that they had the best system ( and the only one that they could afford ). The PS3 meanwhile was one of the cheapest Blu Ray Players on the Market, yet still had a hard first couple of years with sales. People are pretty backwards.

~ The Xbox 360 has a controller that needs batteries from an external source in order to operate ( and which need to be taken out in order to recharge/ or new batteries need to be bought ), whereas the PS3 has a built in battery pack which is rechargeable via a USB Cable. How very innovative of Microsoft?

~ The PS3 has about 5 times more exclusive games than the Xbox 360, For Instance ~

Xbox ~ Halo Series

~ Forza Series

~ Gears Of War Series

~ Alan Wake

~ Banjo Kazooie

~ Crackdown

~ Dead Or Alive

~ Dead Rising 1

~ Fable Series

~ All the Kinect Crap

PlayStation 3 ~ Uncharted Series

~ Demon Souls

~ Infamous Series

~ Killzone Series

~ Heavy Rain

~ God Of War Series

~ Gran Turismo Series

~ Resistance Series

~ Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD ( Great Games )

~ Journey

~ Little Big Planet


~ Metal Gear Solid Series

~ MotorStorm Series

~ Ratchet & Clank Series

~ Starhawk & Warhawk

~ Twisted Metal

~ PixelJunk Shooter Series

~ The Last Of Us ( Which is about to come out )

~ Beyond Two Souls ( which is also coming out soon )

~ Dust 514 ( also coming soon )

~ and many more/ but these are some of the best...

~ Another innovation by Microsoft was the Ability to pay to play online ( and even more with Xbox Live Gold! ). Whereas Sony introduced PlayStation Plus, where you get around 20 free games a year, plus early betas and demos, along with big discounts on already heavily discounted PSN Prices for other products. For instance on the European PS Plus ( Which is the Australian one as well )

I have gotten for free ~ Dead Nation

~ Red Dead Redemption

~ Vanquish

~ Sleeping Dogs

~ Uncharted Golden Abyss ( PSP )

~ Little Big Planet 2

~ Bioshock 2

~ Demon Souls

~ Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition

~ Infamous 2

~ Just Cause 2

~ Darksiders

~ Saints Row 2

~ Spec Ops: The Line

~ Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One

~ Warhammer: 40000 Space Marine

~ The Walking Dead Episodes 1 & 2

~ Virtua Fighter 5

~ Mega Man 9 & 10

~ Starhawk

~ Gravity Rush

~ Wipeout 2048

~ Disegea 3

~ etc etc...

I don't understand why anyone can still support Microsoft over Sony. Sony has given us a better system, with better games, and with better deals. But I guess you can't teach an old Fanboy new tricks...

That wasn't the point, but if you'd like to substitute "multi-tool purchased at a gas station," you're welcome to.

I don't have anything against Xbox, myself. I got a 360 in 2006, and loved it. I got my PS3 in 2010, and hardly used it once I'd finished Infamous, but I eventually started buying more games for it, and it became my preferred console. I don't want an Xbox One because I don't like the direction they're going with it, and they no longer have any exclusives that interest me. Doesn't mean I have anything against Xbox, I simply have no further use for them.

Fair enough.

He admitted he was wrong and a hypocrite three posts before this. That was just pointless.

You make a good point but no, I probably won't use a lot of the new features. God I'm such a fucking hypocrite.

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@Sox DOA & MGS aren't exclusives anymore ;)

@Mr. Swoonerson The 360 had a years head start on the PS3 and on top of that, it was cheaper. Those sales figures don't mean shit... unless of course you believe the Wii is the best console of this generation. The Wii shited all over the 360 in sales, and the 360 had a years headstart.

And that's the end of that.

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@Sox DOA & MGS aren't exclusives anymore ;)

@Mr. Swoonerson The 360 had a years head start on the PS3 and on top of that, it was cheaper. Those sales figures don't mean shit... unless of course you believe the Wii is the best console of this generation. The Wii shited all over the 360 in sales, and the 360 had a years headstart.

And that's the end of that.

MGS 4 still is for the PS3.

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Well you said Metal Gear Solid "Series", not Metal Gear Solid 4.

MGS1, 2, 3 and 5 aren't exclusives. That's all I'm saying.

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Well you said Metal Gear Solid "Series", not Metal Gear Solid 4.

MGS1, 2, 3 and 5 aren't exclusives. That's all I'm saying.

I didn't know you could get MGS 1 on Xbox. You can only get it on PC, not on Xbox. And MGS 3 was an exclusive for years up until fairly recently.

Also there are 2 new games coming out for both the Xbox and PlayStation, and neither of them are called MGS 5. The first one is called Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, and the second is called Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain.

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You forgot Project Gotham Racing 3(and later 4) and Lost Odyssey, those games made me buy the 360 at launch. :P

Xbox One conference was the biggest disappointement in my gaming history. lol

Screw M$, unless they show the best game lineup at E3, but I'm not expecting it. Hoping for Sony to win my heart.

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I refuse to be part of a console war so this will be my last contribution to this conversation. 1: I'm not a fanboy by any means for any console. In fact I've never owned console made by the same company twice and I've said numerous times that the PlayStation (all of them including the 4) is a great system. 2. The X-Box came out a full year before BluRay was invented so that part of your (BlackSox9's) argument was irrelevent. And 3. If anyone's spouting ignorant fanboy bullshit, it's you. I actually really like the PS3. My dad has one and I like it's "vibe" better than the 360, if that makes sense.

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I refuse to be part of a console war so this will be my last contribution to this conversation. 1: I'm not a fanboy by any means for any console. In fact I've never owned console made by the same company twice and I've said numerous times that the PlayStation (all of them including the 4) is a great system. 2. The X-Box came out a full year before BluRay was invented so that part of your (BlackSox9's) argument was irrelevent. And 3. If anyone's spouting ignorant fanboy bullshit, it's you. I actually really like the PS3. My dad has one and I like it's "vibe" better than the 360, if that makes sense.

Your not a Fanboy even though you only have a XBL Gamertag, O.K.....

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So because I couldn't afford both systems, I'm automatically a fanboy? Seems legit. I also can't help but notice you only have a PSN Name...

Yeah I admitted I only bought a PS3, I have never stated otherwise. I'm obviously a fan of Sony.

Other than my PS3 I use my Gaming PC for Strategy Games like Total War/ Company of Heroes, and for some RPG's ( for the Mods ).

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