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Ryse is all that's looked good so far. Sunset overdrive looks like they wanted to make a zombie shooter just for the hipsters.

Some shitty racing game now. I dunno what it is, but it's a racing game, so meh.

Edit: It's Forza 5. Still meh, but there you go.

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Definite purchase in a few years, when Fable IV is finally out and the One has hit around $199.

Fuck, I hope they announce Fable IV today. Fable: The Journey isn't even a real Fable game.

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I'm shocked anyone expected it to be less than 500

It's not so bad for you guys in Murica, but here in Australia, Microsoft are going to fuck us with no lube, especially now that they are getting rid of microsoft points.. The PS3 cost $1000 when it first came out here, and if I recall correctly, it was US $499 at release over there.

If the PS4 is going to have the same price, I'm not entering the next gen for a long time.

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I'm shocked anyone expected it to be less than 500

It's not so bad for you guys in Murica, but here in Australia, Microsoft are going to fuck us with no lube, especially now that they are getting rid of microsoft points.. The PS3 cost $1000 when it first came out here, and if I recall correctly, it was US $499 at release over there.

If the PS4 is going to have the same price, I'm not entering the next gen for a long time.

If the Xbox One costs $500 in the US, you can double that number here in Oz.

$1000.00 is a bit steep for just Halo, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5 and TitanFall...

Can't wait for Sony's press conference, it's the last one of the day. Guess I'll be watching EA's conference first in 12 mins...

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I'm shocked anyone expected it to be less than 500

It's not so bad for you guys in Murica, but here in Australia, Microsoft are going to fuck us with no lube, especially now that they are getting rid of microsoft points.. The PS3 cost $1000 when it first came out here, and if I recall correctly, it was US $499 at release over there.

If the PS4 is going to have the same price, I'm not entering the next gen for a long time.


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that "glass" concept is kind of interesting, does it only apply to glass enabled tablets? i am sure that if sony is doing something similar, you'd do it thru the vita, which i still don't want to buy...

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I agree with Massacre, the only game I'd like to play there is Ryse: Son of Rome. Looks fucking great. Another cool concept is the 'Project Spark', where you make your own map and stuff, I usually find creating terrain like that to be quite fun.

Can't wait for the Sony conference, I really hope it's good and the price is $500 or under.

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I agree with Massacre, the only game I'd like to play there is Ryse: Son of Rome. Looks fucking great. Another cool concept is the 'Project Spark', where you make your own map and stuff, I usually find creating terrain like that to be quite fun.

Can't wait for the Sony conference, I really hope it's good and the price is $500 or under.

After watching the Demo for Ryse: Son Of Rome again, it looks pretty average to me now. Very linear, with a lot of boring hack-n-slash and a bunch of QTE's thrown in too dumb down the combat. I think I'll take Rome 2: Total War on PC over this, not only do you control the entire army in that game but also the entire Roman Empire...

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that "glass" concept is kind of interesting, does it only apply to glass enabled tablets? i am sure that if sony is doing something similar, you'd do it thru the vita, which i still don't want to buy...

Nope anything that is supported with the Glass app, iPhones & Androids are supported. I can control certain features of my 360 from my phone.

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I can see this topic becoming a ghost town

The only positives I can remember are Titanfall, and Gold subscription covering everyone in your household. Microsoft are going to have to make some serious changes. If they don't backtrack on DRM and the price, they are screwed.

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I saw it on facebook, perhaps the grammar and spelling in my post was slightly exaggerated, but I bet it's accurate in most occasions.

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Here's my break up letter - anyone got an address I can send it to??

Dear Ms. Xbox

Thanks for the fun and pleasure you have given me over the past few years but I think it is time I moved on. It is obvious that you are changing, and not in a way that is attractive to me in the slightest.

I have to say that circumstances led me into your arms in the first place and away from my true love who I will refer to as PS. PS all of a sudden got old on me. Her looks faded, she made annoying noises and she would freeze up on me at the most inopportune times. She said she was changing but the change was too slow and cost more than I was willing to spend on our relationship.

My family and friends were the first to draw you to my attention, as they were in relationships with your sisters, and you were everything I needed you to be. You were fun, friendly and was happy with the games I played. You allowed me to socialise with my friends, even though there was a price to pay, without any other stress and you were there for me when I just needed to let off steam.

But soon, you won't be the same woman I fell in love with. I am not talking about the superficial changes either. You've put on a bit of weight but I like bigger women. You have changed colour but that actually suits me better. The name change, while a little facetious, is not really an issue.

It is that you are becoming SO needy. There is no way I am going to be able to keep you turned on 24/7, like you expect, and why should I check in with you at least once a day?? What of all the memories and games we used to play that you have decided to discard and not reflect on ever again?? And not allowing me to play my games with your sisters and my friends, unless they pay for it, is also a real turn off. Believe me, there is no way in hell I am going to have a camera on me everytime I sit down to watch television - this ain't no reality show.

I know that you are doing this to ensure that you are prepared for the future but you are trying to be too many things for me, most of which you won't give me anyway with because I won't move overseas. Most of those things I don't want or need anyway, and definitely not from you.

Which is why I am going back to PS - she offers me what I want without being the overbearing, needy cow you are becoming. She is also lower maintenance and is focussed on MY wants and needs, not using me to shape her own future like you are trying to do.

I will still keep the old you around and check in every now and then, reliving some old memories and playing some of our old games but when your change is complete, I am out of your life until you reconsider your ways.

With little regret


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