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The Xbox One no longer requires a Kinect in order to function.


*runs back to SimCity*

What's funny? They're still bundling it with the Xbox One you idiot...

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Xbox Fanboy are you actually 15?

That would make sense, because you can't remember how good the PS1 or PS2 were. Like a lot of the other dumbass Xbox kids.

But I was watching "The Big Lebowski" the other day, and remember seeing that kid who was flunking Social Studies was also 15 years old ( the one they thought stole the Dude's car ). Now I know this is a stretch but you sound much older than 15, and you have quoted "The Big Lebowski" multiple times. So I'm going to hazard a crazy guess that you're at least over the age of 20?

Please tell me I'm crazy, and I'll never bring this up again...

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I'm not a fanboy. Just someone who made the wrong decision when he decided to choose the Xbox over the PlayStation. I am capable of remembering the fun times I had on the first two iterations of the PlayStation. I played the original PlayStation console and was happy with both the PlayStation 2 and the original Xbox. When the PS3 and 360 rolled out, I went with the 360 for reasons unknown. I've got no brand loyalty when it comes to computer software/hardware, so I can't fairly be called a fanboy. To acknowledge your "crazy guess" and do as you've asked...

You're crazy.

Hope you liked The Big Lebowski. Also hope to join you on PSN in the coming months, after the PS4 rolls out.

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it is good to hear the kinect isn't mandatory anymore for the xbox to work.

you wont have to worry about the NSA and secret information if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!

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it is good to hear the kinect isn't mandatory anymore for the xbox to work.

you wont have to worry about the NSA and secret information if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!


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it is good to hear the kinect isn't mandatory anymore for the xbox to work.

you wont have to worry about the NSA and secret information if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!



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it is good to hear the kinect isn't mandatory anymore for the xbox to work.

you wont have to worry about the NSA and secret information if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!



if you keep it disconnected, now that it isn't needed to use the XboxOne. problem solved!

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This is the most unforgiveable. -

They out-jewed an import website that was small but catered to a lot of people, and flat out lied in the courts.

Lik Sang strongly disagrees with Sony's opinion that their customers need this kind of protection and pointed out that PSP consoles shipped from Lik-Sang contained genuine Sony 100V-240V AC Adapters that carry CE and other safety marks and are compatible world wide. All PSP consoles were in conformity with all EU and UK consumer safety regulations.

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This is the most unforgiveable. -

They out-jewed an import website that was small but catered to a lot of people, and flat out lied in the courts.

Lik Sang strongly disagrees with Sony's opinion that their customers need this kind of protection and pointed out that PSP consoles shipped from Lik-Sang contained genuine Sony 100V-240V AC Adapters that carry CE and other safety marks and are compatible world wide. All PSP consoles were in conformity with all EU and UK consumer safety regulations.

I dont think theres anything evil about that. Sony sells consoles world wide, prices them differently based on different factors, and wants people living in certain countries to pay a certain amount. Its their console to sell, they have a right to protect their interests.

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How dumb Xbox Fanboys are ~

Too bad he disabled the comments. They would have been golden :roll: ...

Fanboys of any sort are dumb. Brand loyalty towards anything other than soft drinks ( :yes: ) is purely idiotic.

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I'm not a fan of the overly fizzy nature of Coca Cola, so when it comes to Cola I like RC or Pepsi, but in general I think Cola kinda sucks and prefer Lemonade.

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I'm getting a Xbox One at launch.

I'm getting "an" Xbox One at launch. ( If the word starts with a vowel sound then you say "an" instead of "a" ) ( Bloody Shitbox Fanboys )

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