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What about how buddy-buddy EA is with Microsoft, launching Titanfall as an Xbox console exclusive ( yeah I know it's on PC as well ). A "Timed DLC" agreement for Battlefield 4 to come to the X1 first. Peggle 2 and Plants Vs Monsters: Garden Warfare will also appear first on Xbox One, plus all European Xbox One pre-orders will include a free copy of FIFA 14. While Sony has no deals whatsoever with EA, other than basic multi-plat titles coming to the PS4.

Why does EA ( who are scum/ even if Battlefield is great ) favour Microsoft? Could it be that their policies are in line with EA's?

EA is planning for all of their future games to be like SimCity ( Always Online & with DRM ). Here's an article about the planned future of their titles ~ http://au.gamespot.c...ny-more-6413672

A monthly fee for TES Online, Micro-Transactions for Ryse. This is just the beginning of a very negative future for gaming. Where we are getting bland regurgitated crap for games, and have to pay through the ass for it. And all of it will be helped along by your friend Microsoft...

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First things first,Microsoft aren't my "friend" (I barely even use Windows anymore, I reboot and use Windows 7 to play the few games that I haven't gotten to work on Linux) if I do buy a console it probably would be a PS4. But I really doubt I'm going to bother with this generation of consoles though, so just getting that out of the way.

I don't think it's a matter of "buddy buddy" more a matter of "cough up and we'll put it on your console first" it's an effective business practice and Microsoft made way more than what they invested into paying for DLC from GTA IV so this generation they are probably going to go all out with buying limited exclusivity on games. I think the gamers win there, so long as you bought the console that's getting it of course.

Neither of your links are working either, but in regards to EA, they've thoroughly shat the bed with gamers, they aren't doing as well as they were and I don't expect them to last very long before they either go under or get bought and the focus changed there. I don't think a lot of people are going to bother with any game that uses this lame always online DRM, I bought SimCity because 4000 is probably top 10 on a list of best games ever made and returned it through Amazon as soon as I could. They've put a real shitty taste in every bodies mouth and I along with a lot of people won't be buying it.

And Fee for TES (MMORPG games)? This isn't a new development by a long shot, you pay for expanding content, I play Runescape and pay £6 monthly and get new content pretty much every week. World of Warcraft is the same just with all the major content coming out in expansions and bug fixes being regular and free. This dates back years and it's not a business model I disagree with (neither will a lot of people here, Cuda, Massy, Marcus all play/ed WoW). Ryse is complete and utter garbage and if you couldn't figure that out from the trailer and go ahead and buy it you've got issues.

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EA isn't going anywhere, not with all their Sports titles like Madden and FIFA, or game franchises like The Sims, Battlefield, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Star Wars.

They'll probably become even more powerful as the Gaming Genre grows even bigger ( attracting more people and money ). They're still a very influential Game Publisher, and their motives could have a massive impact on the direction the game industry takes ( probably negative ). So it's telling that they've thrown their weight behind Microsoft.

And the link in my other post should work now.

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So the Xbox 1 is coming with a digital copy of FIFA 14 in Europe, kind of evens it up with the PS4 in Europe.


... If it came with madden 25, id be more excited.

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Nope, I'm serious. I like how the set up is, I like how you can watch a football game while Skyping with friends, I like how it gives real time Roster updates.

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Do you like how the first ever Ad for the system was focused on TV and Sports?

Yeah I agree, TV and Sports are much more important than focusing on games. I mean what do people think this is? A GAMES CONSOLE?!?

Oh, and fuck American Football, it's boring to the point of tears...

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Nope, I'm serious. I like how the set up is, I like how you can watch a football game while Skyping with friends, I like how it gives real time Roster updates.

You're a proud american.

Oh, and fuck American Football, it's boring to the point of tears...

You are an equal proud american if you think soccer isn't just as boring as American football, if not more so. Either way, I can't argue with the fact that American football is boring.

Anyway, yeah, they fumbled by overlooking the purpose of a game console, just like when they first revealed the thing. All these frills make it look like a console for casuals.

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What's going to replace the NFL stuff in Europe?

Seems like the Xbox 1 is a very 'American' console, still though we should wait till it's out.

They'll probably set up a deal with ESPN or Sky for here.

console for casuals.

Oh god, don't have them market towards the biggest customer base.

It's not just a game console anymore, it's an entertainment centre.

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How dumb Xbox Fanboys are ~

Too bad he disabled the comments. They would have been golden :roll: ...

Fanboys of any sort are dumb. Brand loyalty towards anything other than soft drinks ( :yes: ) is purely idiotic.

Coca-cola in a bottle, pepsi in the can.

Dr Pepper in a Keg (Y)

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