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I'm not ruling it out just yet but that conference was ass compared to SONY's. Can't wait for more next-gen games to be revealed at E3.

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I guess I'm the only one who thinks xbox had a good reveal. I think Microsoft don't just see the PS4 as their sole competition, but all the other companies like google, apple and samsung, that's why they opened up with skype and tv related stuff.

It's definitely a different direction from the way PS4 was revealed. Only bad thing I though was the name. XBOX ONE sounds like a step backwards

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Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you're sticking with Sony for the next gen, you can look forward to playing with me in a few months. :mellow:

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I wasn't expecting much, considering that this is a product of Microsoft, but I was genuinely surprised by what I read in a summary. Good God.

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I guess I'm the only one who thinks xbox had a good reveal. I think Microsoft don't just see the PS4 as their sole competition, but all the other companies like google, apple and samsung, that's why they opened up with skype and tv related stuff.

It's definitely a different direction from the way PS4 was revealed. Only bad thing I though was the name. XBOX ONE sounds like a step backwards

Yeah, i got you on the competition thing. But, im buying my next gaming console based in how well it plays games, not on if can incorporate bing and windows 8. I got a pc's that i never use, for that...

Im watching it now so we'll see how it goes.

Looks like to me they werent quite ready for a reveal.

Also, so much for getting rid of E3...

They guy speaking dont look like he has ever touched a video game in his life talks like it too

Oooh, an all seeying eye.

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This is what I don't understand, you can't make any decisions yet. We don't know much at all about either one.

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yea, the whole connecting to the web and skype and multitasking and all that sounds good in a presentation, until you realize you have a fully capable laptop sitting on your coffee table that can do all of the same things...

@brian - i was gonna buy a playstation before they even revealed their system... it's the exclusives that i want to play, not all the fancy bells and whistles...

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Gaming, but

When the guy said "xbox on" my xbox paused the video :)

900 was flashing on the price is right.... Wonder if thats the price XD

The voice thing is cool, but i have never gotten a voice activated device to actually work...

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This is what I don't understand, you can't make any decisions yet. We don't know much at all about either one.

Awh look at Brian trying to defend the Xbox any way he can.... adorable.

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I like the look, but so far it feels that the PS4 might be better on the tech side. I think the reveal no matter how big a flop that is was at least they showed the console. I'll probably get the console that the group of friends I play with get and then eventually get the other when price drops.

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Overall, it is interesting. I just think all these features are going to require a lot of subscriptions, and different multiple ones.

I kinda liked the xbox presentation better. Games were not draw dropping though.

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