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Destiny is set seven hundred years into the future in a post-apocalyptic setting. In a universe where humans had spread out and colonised planets in the Solar System, an event known as "the Collapse" saw the mysterious dissolution of these colonies and left mankind teetering on the brink of extinction. The only known survivors of the Collapse are those living on Earth, who were saved by "the Traveler", a white, spherical celestial body whose appearance centuries before had enabled humans to reach the stars.The Traveler now hovers above the last remaining human city, and its presence allows the "Guardians of the City"—the last defenders of the human race—the ability to wield an unknown power.

Upon mankind's first attempt to repopulate and reconstruct after the Collapse, it is discovered that hostile alien races have occupied mankind's former colonies and civilizations. The player takes on the role of a Guardian of the City, and is tasked with investigating and destroying these threats before humanity is completely wiped out by them. Via the Wikipedia.

Bungie is possibly my favorite developer and I'm pretty sure this game is going to be awesome. There's also a PS4 trailer if you guys are into that sort of thing. It's been confirmed for 2013 release and will be on PS3 and 4 and the 360, not yet confirmed for the 720 which is a really stupid name by the way. Also Paul McCartney is helping compose some of the music.

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Well, hell. If they've got the thing in the sky to protect them, why are they trying to reclaim the abandoned colonies? Why are they afraid of the alien threat?

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You should read the gameplay bit on the wiki or maybe it's just not for you.

Well, hell. If they've got the thing in the sky to protect them, why are they trying to reclaim the abandoned colonies? Why are they afraid of the alien threat?

The thing in the sky is dead just picture it as a floating carcass above the city. Almost all the humans were killed during the collapse as the only survivors were on Earth and have come together in the last City on Earth. I'm guessing they just want the colonies back and there's probably a lot more aliens than humans. Just picture Earth right now as Africa during the time period when all of Europe just started grabbing all the land they could. Watch the video if you haven't.

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Didnt watch the video... But im not into cell shaded graphics... Wasnt able to get into borderlands as a result...

Edit: having watched it, it looks like next gen games will have epic scale.

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Didnt watch the video... But im not into cell shaded graphics... Wasnt able to get into borderlands as a result...

Edit: having watched it, it looks like next gen games will have epic scale.

Had to google cell shaded graphics to know what you were talking about, it actually just Cel shaded graphics. Definitely not what Bungie is about and I wouldn't compare it with Borderlands. Honestly they really haven't said shit about the game but I would be very surprised if it ending up being anything like borderlands or a typical MMO. By the way it's not an MMO either but does supposedly share some aspects. Which aspects? Again they've said almost nothing about the game.

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Didnt watch the video... But im not into cell shaded graphics... Wasnt able to get into borderlands as a result...

Edit: having watched it, it looks like next gen games will have epic scale.

Had to google cell shaded graphics to know what you were talking about, it actually just Cel shaded graphics. Definitely not what Bungie is about and I wouldn't compare it with Borderlands. Honestly they really haven't said shit about the game but I would be very surprised if it ending up being anything like borderlands or a typical MMO. By the way it's not an MMO either but does supposedly share some aspects. Which aspects? Again they've said almost nothing about the game.


The concept art looks borderlandsish to me.

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The concept art looks borderlandsish to me.

Well it's just concept art not in game footage. The GTA concept art would make you think the same thing. Watch the PS4 video it shows more gameplay, it's not cel.

pretty vague details on what it is. MMO fps?

Looks pretty sick tho

This is just me guessing on what I've read but it seems like in "Campaign" single player and coop are the same thing. I'm guessing that when you start up your game and enter the world it will be like a server because it will always be running but it will be your personal server which your friends can be apart of, I don't know what player size limitations might be. I see it kind of like a Madden Online Franchise as in you create it and invite who you want to be apart of it. When your enter some sort of market thing it lets you see other players and you can also come across the while doing missions but its your choice if you want to play with them or ignore them, maybe in the options you could turn of seeing other players in your game.

They said it isn't an MMO, plus there is no sub fee. I'm not sure whether there will be leveling or not, I hope not, but armor customization is a big thing and it sounds like they might be going for a borderlands type thing with the guns. Again just speculation, their teaser was more like a teaser of a teaser.

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Yeah, and it makes me wonder if I've never had to knock on wood. And I'm glad I haven't yet because I'm sure it isn't good, That's the impression that I get.

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@QD... must be the soft edges and lighting effects... next gen consoles are gonna show their knowledge of covering up the jagged edges... i thought halo was boring, but i am not holding that against bungie right now... their strength is multiplayer but if they can weave in a compelling single player campaign then i might be interested... i like a good dystopian story...

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I was expecting this to be a topic about a lower class prostitute nicknamed "Destiny".

Leaving topic disappointed.

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I'm glad some of you assholes finally took notice of this game.

I'm hoping the sheer scale of the game will attract me. Also, is it open-world or linear story-line?

The game is open-world set across the sol system. Confirmed Planets are Earth, Venus, Mars, earth's moon also has been confirmed. They've been pretty vague about the story. Apparently it will be told in chapters like in a book, or sort of like the Live-action trailer above, but whether the story will go along a set a quest lines for each class like TOR or something cooler we don't know. I guessing something different because they've said that the most important element of this game is the coop play.

but the game looks really shiny

It's too shiny? Really?

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I'm glad some of you assholes finally took notice of this game.

I'm hoping the sheer scale of the game will attract me. Also, is it open-world or linear story-line?

The game is open-world set across the sol system. Confirmed Planets are Earth, Venus, Mars, earth's moon also has been confirmed. They've been pretty vague about the story. Apparently it will be told in chapters like in a book, or sort of like the Live-action trailer above, but whether the story will go along a set a quest lines for each class like TOR or something cooler we don't know. I guessing something different because they've said that the most important element of this game is the coop play.

but the game looks really shiny

It's too shiny? Really?

Okay, the E3 gameplay demo swung me. The CG trailer i posted, was very artificial, and shiny looking. Like early CG film. But, the gameplay is the important thing here, and i like what i saw. It looked like an open world mix of Halo and Borderlands.

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As a person who spends far too much time fiddling with character creation, this pleases me. Options are kind of limited, but the race options are cool. It's a real shame the game is first person and I'll rarely see my character.

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I posted that before I had reached the part with the Exo. They're pretty awesome. A lot more variation with them than the other two races.

Character customization, big open world, free roam fuckery with friends... I'm in.

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