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Strip Clubs

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I enjoyed visiting the strip club in Vice City, because I owned it and felt like a boss when I strolled in there in my pinstripe suit, but I haven't had any use for them since.

I've always wondered why they didn't play a bigger role. There are a lot of criminals who operate out of strip clubs, and we've never had so much as a meeting with an employer inside a strip club, with the exception of Luigi in GTA III. I could see Trevor hanging with the kind of people that meet in strip clubs, so maybe they'll be a bit more relevant this time around.

That's the only use I see for them. Scantily-clad digital women just don't do it for me.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 7:41 PM, Massacre said:

.I've always wondered why they didn't play a bigger role. There are a lot of criminals who operate out of strip clubs, and we've never had so much as a meeting with an employer inside a strip club, with the exception of Luigi in GTA III.

Didn't this guy own this strip club? Or was it just a regular club?



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I enjoyed using the friends feature in GTAIV to go to the Triangle Club and have a badass brawl with security for attempting to take a photo of the dancers. That's just the half of it. The real fun starts when the cops get involved.

So if I can replicate ^that in GTAV, Strip Clubs are more then welcome.

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If the strip clubs are in the game, we need to be able to see nude. why not? they for sure will be in the game with all the high rollers. I wanna be Micheal and have a Stripper/pool party while the wife and the kids are gone. Aaaaggghhh it would be epic!

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The concept of dynamic peds might be a factor in V, you might be able to do side missions for the strip club to make money (hopefully something more interesting than stripper chauffer tho), or help out an individual stripper or bouncer as a one-time interaction.

I agree with Massacre about using the clubs for more than just side missions. They're good for a health/weapon pickup or a rampage, might as well keep peeler bars, but develop them more.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 7:41 PM, Massacre said:

I enjoyed visiting the strip club in Vice City, because I owned it and felt like a boss when I strolled in there in my pinstripe suit,

Hell yes. I used to do the same shit.

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you forgot the mission on gta iv where Dwayne asks you to go to the triangle club and kill the owner so he could own it again.

but i don't remember if that was before or after the part where you decide to kill him or not.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 8:20 PM, Ku Zi Mu said:

I enjoyed using the friends feature in GTAIV to go to the Triangle Club and have a badass brawl with security for attempting to take a photo of the dancers. That's just the half of it. The real fun starts when the cops get involved.

So if I can replicate ^that in GTAV, Strip Clubs are more then welcome.

they fight you for trying to take pics? i gotta try it.

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I don't mind them. Should be able to own one though like the Pole Position in VC.

Forgot the health factor, last night in GTA IV got a lap dance and health restored.

Kind of like the old days of GTA lll and VC with hookers.

(Except with full health, GTAlll hooker use would then bring it up to 125% health)

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  On 3/24/2013 at 10:16 PM, gtagrl said:

I agree with Massacre about using the clubs for more than just side missions. They're good for a health/weapon pickup or a rampage, might as well keep peeler bars, but develop them more.

that... if you're gonna add them, give them a purpose... not once have they done anything with it... sure, i met phil bell there and took roman there once... helped out dwayne there and took friends there... but come on, i was a club bouncer as luis... sounds like something franklin could do if he was looking for some extra cash... girlfriend might not approve though...

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The girls Niko could date were pretty horrid, at least the 'friends' were more entertaining...I'd take Niko's girls to the Triangle Club just to piss them off, they were bitches...

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  On 4/3/2013 at 1:15 AM, Massacre said:

Ironically, Michelle was the only one I liked.

I think that may have been what Rockstar wanted to establish, a likable woman who actually seemed decent, then they do some unexpected things.

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  On 4/3/2013 at 12:58 AM, bOnEs said:
  On 3/24/2013 at 10:16 PM, gtagrl said:

I agree with Massacre about using the clubs for more than just side missions. They're good for a health/weapon pickup or a rampage, might as well keep peeler bars, but develop them more.

that... if you're gonna add them, give them a purpose... not once have they done anything with it... sure, i met phil bell there and took roman there once... helped out dwayne there and took friends there... but come on, i was a club bouncer as luis... sounds like something franklin could do if he was looking for some extra cash... girlfriend might not approve though...

The strip clubs were just a diversion, so reason to have them or not, they're ok with me.

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Wouldn't be bothered whether they were in it or not, good for cut scene's but apart from that they're boring, personally i'm just looking for more interior places to be able to go into, there was what 9-10 different place you could go into in IV, your safehouse, clothes shop, computer cafe, hospital, Police station?, restaurant, fast food store, Stand up comic place . . . .. . . . And then the Biker HQ and the Nightclub in the DLC's.

Only thing any of them wear real good for was for shooting the people in side and then waiting for the cops to show up, got boring after a time.

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The way the clouds of cordite catch the neon after a massive gunfight was stunning. That's the only reason I can think of to bring them back.

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I was alright with them in GTA IV. Great activity to take your friends to, but after that, not much else. Although, one thing I did like one of the exclusive tracks played there (big Rick James fan).

If it does make a return (which I'm sure it will), I hope it will be expanded up on. Obviously, ownership would be nice. Since the game will have random events/encounters, it would be nice if there were several random possibilities, specifically designed for said strip club, were on a loop: You go one time and some guy getting a private dance gets a little agressive with the dancer; do you intervene? Next time, maybe some gang runs in and tries to rob the club; will you stop them or let them proceed? Another time, maybe a dancer comes up to you and asks for you to escort her home because a creepy stalker plans to follow her home and strike. In a somewhat more complex fashion, if you go to the club within a certain time/short window (say between 02:40 and 3:10), you can meet a slick guy who has a dirty job for you that branches into a set of missions away from the club.

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